Shift Status Profit Center

This report program informs the user about the status of one or more profit centers or about which shift is active. The program is called up either via the menu (Application -> Organisation -> Profit center -> Report -> Statistic Turnover) or via the button Prof.c.status in window Profit center.

Use Index to find the data fields shown in the report.

If the call-up is done via the menu, a selection window appears. The entries made here restrict output to the profit center required. The appropriate nos. should be entered in the "From/To fields". Confirmation of the defaults leads to a list of all profit centers and all shifts. The report (via printer or via screen) shows which shift began on which day at which time. Moreover, the number of the recording period is also shown.

Branch to the report via the button and the data of the active profit center is displayed. The information is always shown on the screen. If no profit center has been selected in window Profit center the values correspond to 0.


This is the number of the company to which the selected branch and profit centers are assigned.


Number of the branch to which the profit centers are assigned.

Profit Center

Here the number of the active profit center is displayed.

Start Date

This is the starting date of the active shift.

Start Time

This is the starting time of the active shift.


This is the shift number.

Book Period

This is the number of the posting period.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin