Receipt Log - > CD

By use of this function, which you can start from the window Receipt Archiving, the files containing the booking data are backed up on CD. Therefore, a CD recorder has to be connected for executing this function. Please note that the files have to be created via the function "Create Receipt Log" before being stored on CD. The content of the backed up files can be viewed any time via the function "Receipt Log Display" – even if the files have been deleted from the hard disk after the backup procedure. A description can be found in the chapter Receipt Archiving, Status Deleted.


After you have clicked on the button, a selection window is opened in which you can select the data to be backed up by company, branch, profit center, terminals and dates. If you make entries, only the booking data within the selected number range will be considered. Please note that possible selections of "selection criteria" do not have any effect on the files to be backed up.

Two buttons (options) have to be described in detail:

  1. "Total Size of Files"
    By a click on this button, the required memory is calculated. Please note that only those files will be considered
    a) that have been selected in the selection window and
    b) for which the state "Transferred" has been activated.
    Please note that the information will not be updated automatically.
  2. "Delete automatic"
    When this option is activated, the files will be deleted automatically after a successful data backup. If errors are found after the recording procedure, a faulty file will not receive the state "Transferred" and will not be deleted.

As soon as you have started the transfer, the program checks if the CD memory is sufficient.

  1. If there is not enough space on the CD, the following message appears:
    "Too much data for the CD – select less"
    The window will then be closed.
  2. If the application finds out that the CD has enough space, you will be asked for a CD description. Then you can enter a name. If you do not enter a name, the date will be used for the description.

Afterwards, the program "WinOnCD", which does the transfer, will be executed.

Notes on WinOnCD:

After the writing procedure, the program "WinOnCD" is closed. The application returns to MICROS Retail OSCAR POS automatically.

In the next step, the transfer is checked for correctness. For this purpose, the application tries to read the backed up data from the CD by use of a checksum and the examination of the file length. If errors are found, the file name will be displayed in a list on the screen and recorded in a file called "RecLogError" in the directory "work". For these file(s), the function has to be carried out again. Transferred files with errors will not be deleted, no matter if the option "Delete automatic" has been activated.


For files which have been transferred correctly, the state "Transferred" is activated. At the same time, these files receive the checksum, the file length and the CD description in the List Window.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin