General Notes on Account Periods

Apart from the booking statistics on the branch and profit center level, there are also statistics that contain operators’ turnovers. These are the turnovers of a particular account interval, the so-called account periods.

Account periods are

Account periods are no booking times. There is no automatic procedure for closing and opening account periods. The start and the end are not firmly defined. The operator decides when an old account period is to be closed (end date / time) and the new one is to be opened (start date / time). Closing an account period means that the period receives the state “booked“; opening means that a new period is being created with a new account number to which “1” has been added. The values of the accounting period are therefore “0”. From then on, everything will be booked in the new period. A newly created cashier always receives the account period “0”. The start and end, or the end and start, of account periods are carried out via reports and / or the POS declared entry.

Now you can return to the general Help on Account or view the description of the desired procedure:

Cashier Account

  1. At the POS Terminal
  2. At the Administration Terminal

Waiter Account

  1. At the POS Terminal
  2. At the Administration Terminal

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin