Rounding Netherlands (new)

Although 1 and 2 cent coins are accepted as current tender, most shops round the total of an itemisation up or down to the next 5 Euro cent. This can be parametered for amount tendered and for change.

The rounding mode "Rounding Netherlands (new)" must be linked in the base currency. As a result of this setting the total (in brackets) and the rounded amount to be tendered are displayed after depression of key ST. These amounts are printed on the receipt.

In addition to this type of rounding other parameters can also be enabled, e.g. "Conflict rounding", “Current rounding" and "Real amounts" in the entry mask: System -> User interface -> Forms, then select form "Paymenttype" and with button “Form fields” select the field "dRndTglBox". Then change the setting in "Update bias" from "No visible" to "Visible".
When program “Paymenttype“ is called up again buttons "Conflict rounding", "Current rounding" and "Real amounts" appear in the entry mask. Changes for these options are only possible in conjunction with rounding type "
Netherlands (new)”.

Please note:
If the additional parameters are not activated parameter "Current rounding" is the default. If parameter "Conflict rounding" is enabled or disenabled parameter "Current rounding" is automatically activated. If the parameter “Real amounts“ is active, parameter “Conflict rounding" and "Current rounding" is automatically deactivated.


The following parameters affect amount tendered entry and change:

·    Conflict rounding

·    Current rounding
Real amounts

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8