Parameter Settings EAN Code (Weight Items)
A scale item with the following EAN
would be set up as follows:
- Identification: 21
- Descriptor: EAN Code 21 (text optional)
- Input Length: 13
- Simulates key: FWn (if an item is booked), fDEPTn
(if, a department is booked – not to be confused with "Book to
PLU/Dept.", cp. next parameter).
- Book to PLU/Dept. (remains free with item by item
- Offset Field 1: 2 (count begins at 0)
- Length Field 1: 4
- Append zero to field 1: 0
- Offset Field 2: 7 (count begins at 0)
- Length Field 2: 5
- Type Field 2: Weight
You must enter 3 in the field Weight (= decimal digits)
in the window Quantity Unit.
- Append zero to field 2: 0
For further help go to:
MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin