Electronic vouchers

During the sale of items which generate E-Vouchers a connection to the server will be done. As the result  a voucher number will be printed on the receipt to identify the number of the generated voucher.

The procedure during the sale of  E-vouchers:

  1. During the sale of an item which generates the E-Vouchers, a connection to the server will be done.
  2. The communication with the server will start during the finalization of the receipt with a payment. A request will be send to the server.
  3. The server will send to MICROS Retail OSCAR POS an electonic voucher with its number and the text which will be print at the end of th ereceipt.

The following preconditions are necessary to sell E-vouchers

  1. A network connection to the vouxher server must exist.
  2. A device from type "Alphyra" with an interface type of "IP adress" must be linked to the procunit of the till.
  3. In program Item -> Linkage an E-Voucher type has to be assigned to the corresponding item.
    Appropriate text for the different E-Voucher types has to be stored in the system.
  4. For each item which should generate  an E-Voucher, the protocol type "Alphyra" has to be assigned in field "E-Voucher protocol"of the program Item -> Sales.

Example E-Voucher protocol


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin