Embedding EXCEL

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program also allows reports to be drawn up for hand-over and for the Excel program. The prerequisite for this type of report is that an FNL file is created for the relevant report data.

Proceed as follows to create FGL files for EXCEL forms:

  1. Change to program Application -> System -> Database tables.

  2. Select a database table for which an FGL file is to be created for the EXCEL form. Then press button "Excel".

  3. Define the reports and store the file. The subsequently created FGL files are stored in directory "..\fgluser".

  4. 4GL files which have already been created and stored for reports and the export of statistics data to Excel can also be called up via menu Application -> Misc. -> Excel/Print (see Excel/Print).

  5. Please note that the standard path (..\fgluser) for the function "Excel/Print" " can be changed with the environment variables in file "oscar.ini".
    EXCEL_FILE_NAME_PATH=..\fgluser (or any other path name)
    EXCEL_TARGET_FILE_NAME_PATH=..\fgluser\Datei.fgl (or any other path name and file name)

  6. When these reports are called up with function "LstExcel" (Excel/Print) within a report chain a path and/or path and file name up to a length of 254 pos. can be entered.

Selecting the Database Table

The following example describes how to select the statistical data of the item turnover for operators for transfer to the application EXCEL or process it for printing of an individual report.

You can also activate additional options to design the report as you like.

The following options are available:

Year in date                 -1 = prev.year

Quarter in date             -1 = last quarter

Month in date              -1 = prev.month

Week in date               -1 = prev.week

Day in date                  -1 = yesterday

Weekday in date          -1 = weekday before today


The following buttons are available on the menu bar:

In the following, three designs of a report will be displayed:

Table Display in Excel directly after program start:

Display of a table edited in Excel:

Display of a report on the screen:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin