FSM Guest Check Functions

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Function Keys

In the following description, the available function keys and the related keyboard events for guest check functions (GC.fsm) will be explained. In addition to the keyboard events, the corresponding FSM functions necessary for viewing the FSM diagrams and creating a Profile for the operator can be found here.

The following events are permitted.

The keyboard events have to be understood as follows:

Please note that in addition to the keyboard function, every key can be supplied with an ASCII sign for the usage of the ASCII entry. The ASCII entry will be stopped when a key for which no ASCII sign has been entered is pressed. Function keys of which the key codes begin with an “f” are preset keys.

On Call

Via the <ONCALL> key, receipts or single positions can be marked and de-marked. For positions characterized in this way, there will be no print on the remote printer. On the connected POS terminal printer, these positions will be characterized with the note “On call”.

During the GC or receipt manipulation, the position marked as ON CALL can be demarked via the <ONCALL> key. Afterwards, the printout will be carried out on a remote printer.

Operator (Sign-off)

When the <WAITER>key is pressed, the currently signed-on operator will be signed off. The currently opened guest check will be closed. With a sign-off within the guest check completion, an intermediate bill will be printed out automatically.


By entry of a valid operator number and the subsequent confirmation with the <WAITER> key, the currently signed-on operator will be signed off and a new operator will be signed on. This function is only permitted if the option Head Waiter has been activated for this operator.

Loyalty Customer

Keyboard Event = <LOYALTYCUST>

FSM Function = LoyaltyGcCust

By pressing the  <LOYALTYCUST> key


With the  <COURSE> key, a GC position marked as course will be called up.

GC (Preset Key)

By pressing the <GC> preset key, a table with a particular number will be opened.

GC Selection

By pressing the <GCSELECT> key, a guest check that had been closed with the payment type CASH can be called up again.

GC Selection (Cancel)

By pressing the <C> key within the GC selection, the transaction will be cancelled.

GC Receipt Print

By pressing the <BDR> key, the guest check completion will be initiated within the GC process. The guest check will be printed on a receipt of the connected terminal printer.

GC End

By pressing the <GC> key, the processing of the currently selected guest check will be stopped. If a guest check completion has already been initiated, an intermediate bill will be printed automatically.

GC End Splitting

By pressing the <GC> key within the GC-Splitting Function, the transaction will be cancelled..

GC Form Print

By pressing the <GCDR> key, the guest check completion will be initiated within the GC process. After pressing the payment type key, the guest check will be printed on a form of the connected terminal printer.

GC Guest Number

By pressing the <ST> preset key, the number of guests will be entered according to the data in the update program Keys.

The entry of the number of guests will only be required if the option Guestcount input has been activated for the terminal type assigned to this terminal.

GC Guest Number

Via the <GC> key, the number of guests per table will be entered. The entry of the guest number will only be required if the option Guestcount input has been activated for this terminal type in the update program Terminal type.

Alternatively, the number of guests can also be entered via the <ST> key.

GC Money Transfer

GC Internal Invoice

By pressing the <GCCOPY> key, a new table can be opened to create an invoice receipt. The procedure is the same as with a normal guest check booking transaction but neither item nor money booking transactions will be carried out in the system.

GC Compressed

By predepressing the <GCCOMP> key, there will be a sorted print on the guest check, i.e. same items will be grouped to one position.

GC Manipulation (cancel)

By pressing the <C> key, the GC manipulation will be cancelled.

GC Manipulation (on the house)

By pressing the <OTH> preset key, the selected GC position will be booked on the house with in the GC manipulation. The On House type will be determined according to the data in the update program Keys.

GC Manipulation (Price level)

By pressing the <LEV> preset key, the selected GC position will be transferred within the GC manipulation to another price level. The price level is preset according to the data in the update program Keys.

GC-Position splitting

By pressing the <GCSPLR> key, the selected position will be transferred to the target table within the GC splitting function.

GC Splitting

Keyboard Event  = <GCSPn>

FSM Function = gcSplitting

Within the GC processing, the GC splitting mode can be started by entering a valid table number and pressing the <GCSP> key. Afterwards, you can transfer positions to the target table.

The following options are available within the GC splitting function:

GC Splitting (Item Transfer)

Keyboard Event  = <ARTn>

FSM Function = transferArt

By entering the item number and pressing the <ART> key, an existing item will be transferred from the source table to the target table.

GC Splitting (Dept./Art.Transfer)

Keyboard Event  = <DEPTn>

FSM Function = transferDept

By entering the item group number and pressing the <DEPT> key, all items that have been assigned to this item group will be transferred from the source table to the target table.

GC Table Number

Keyboard Event  = <GCn>

FSM Function = tableNumber

By entering a valid table number and pressing the <GC> key, the corresponding table will be selected.

GC Uncompressed

Keyboard Event  = <GCUNCOMP>

FSM Function = switchReprChrono

By pressing the <GCUNCOMP> key, a sorted GC will be restored, i.e. there will be no sorted print on the guest check. A sorted guest check print means that same items will be grouped.

GC Security Payment

Keyboard Event  = <SECPAYn>

FSM Function = securityPayment

GC Change

Keyboard Event  = <GCn>

FSM Function = closeOpenGC

GC Intermediate Bill

Keyboard Event  = <GC>

FSM Function = intermediateBill

By pressing the <GC> key with a selected guest check, the GC will be de-selected and an intermediate bill will be printed on the terminal printer.

Credit Customer

Keyboard Event  = <CREDn>

FSM Function = creditCustomer

Menu Completion

Keyboard Event  = <COMPLMENU>

FSM Function = prepMenuCompletion

Via the <COMPLMENU> key, you can call up a menu that has not been completely booked once again during the GC manipulation in order to book (complete) course positions which have not been booked yet.

When booking menus that consist of several courses, single course positions can be left out during the booking transaction by pressing the <TL> key. By selecting the menu again (GC manipulation) and pressing the <COMPLMENU> key, you can book the left-out course positions later.

Multiplication (Quantity Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <Xn>

FSM Function = changeQuantity

Multiplication (Partial Transfer)

Keyboard Event  = <Xn>

FSM Function = transferPartAmount

VAT Print

Keyboard Event  = <VAT>

FSM Function = vatPrint

New Price

Keyboard Event  = <NEWPRICEn>

FSM Function = changePrice


Keyboard Event  = <NUMEROn>

FSM Function = prepIdNo

Position Transfer (Take away)

Keyboard Event  = <TA>

FSM Function = transferToTakeAway

Position Transfer (on the house)

Keyboard Event  = <OTH>

FSM Function = transferToOTH

Position Transfer (fixed on the house)

Keyboard Event  = <OTHn>

FSM Function = transferToSpecOTH

Price Level (Position Transfer)

Keyboard Event  = <LEVn

FSM Function = transferToPriceLevel


Keyboard Event  = <fDISC

FSM Function = RecFsm.cashInRecSum

ST (Cancel GC Splitting)

Keyboard Event  = <ST

FSM Function = endSplitting

ST (Date Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <ST

FSM Function = dateToday

ST (Date Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <STn

FSM Function = dateInput

ST (Guest No. Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <STn

FSM Function = guestNumber

ST (Table No. Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <ST

FSM Function = TableNoInput

ST (Table No. Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <STn

FSM Function = tableNumber

ST (Time Entry)

Keyboard Event  = <STn

FSM Function = timeInput

ST (GC Selection)

Keyboard Event  = <ST

FSM Function = selectMarkedGC

ST (Subtotal)

Keyboard Event  = <ST

FSM Function = subTotalGc


Keyboard Event  = <VOID

FSM Function = gcPosCancelMarked


Keyboard Event  = <VOID

FSM Function = RecFsm.cancel


Keyboard Event  = <VOID

FSM Function = RecFsm.recAbort


Keyboard Event  = <VOIDn

FSM Function = gcPosCancelInput

TIP Amount

Keyboard Event  = <TIPn

FSM Function = tipBalancing

TL (Transfer complete)

Keyboard Event  = <TL

FSM Function = transferAllPos

Within the GC Splitting mode, all positions will be transferred from the source table to the target table via the  <TL> key.

Scroll Down

Keyboard Event  = <NEXT

FSM Function = scrollDown

Scroll Up

Keyboard Event  = <PREV

FSM Function = scrollUp


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin