
The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the basic data of the cash registers profiles in the system, i.e. insert new records, edit and delete the existing ones. You can also display the data on the screen for enquiry only.

This program can be called up via the following update programs:

Die MICROS Retail OSCAR POS-Application enables you to define individual profiles for the cash registers in the system. With the profile, activities of the cash registers can be defined, e.g. functions can be restricted requiring authorization, passwords, and data entry.


Note also that it is possible to define a Group Profile in the system. Similar to the operator/terminal profile, the access to the application area (item, stock, suppliers, etc.) can also be restricted, where inserting and/or deleting data, for example, can be prohibited. Therefore, the dependencies and related interference should be considered. Individual buttons or menu entries can be faded out via the Application profile in entry window (masks) of the appropriate update program. This blocks access to functions for the operator. Please note the interaction of functions and the possible contradictions.

The overview graphic Profile Organization shows the different dependencies and possibilities relating to profiles and access restrictions.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:

Profile No.

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 999

The profile number is automatically displayed. It is defined in the program Profile Text.

FSM Function

Field with fixed preset selection options

Enter the FSM function or, if this is not known open the selection window with a mouse click. This window shows the functions programmed in the system together with their names (FSM stands for Finite State Machine). Select the required item via the rolling bar and confirm the selection.

Example: Function Collective receipt is required. Open the selection field and search for Collective receipt. After clicking on function Collective receipt collRec appear in field FSM function.

A list of the FSM functions can be found under Keys and booking functions.

Event data

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 40 pos.

Enter the event data for the selected FSM function in this field.

If the item preset key for item 501 is only to be permitted under lock position 2 the FSM function "Item preset key = fixedKey" should be selected and 510 should be entered in Event data.

FSM function " hintSelect" should be selected for FSM functions without event data, e.g. item search with key <SEARCHART> and no data should be entered in field "Event data".
When existing field "Event data" without entering a value the character chain [NULL] is entered automatically to mark this field as empty.

Lock Pos.

Field with fixed preset selection options

By clicking this field, a drop-down list box will appear displaying all the preset lock positions in the system for selection. The desired position can be selected by clicking on the entry. To carry out the function on the cash register, this key position is required.


Max. Input Length

Permitted input range: numeric

If the data entry within a function is to be restricted to a specific number of digits, the number is to be entered here. If an input of length longer than specified is entered when working at the cash register using this function, a respective error message will appear.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 characters

In addition to lock position and input length, the function can also be protected from abuse by using a password.

With a function protected by a password any other active authorisation will be ignored if a valid entry is made here (>0). The password is entered at the terminal with key event <AUTHO>. As opposed to an authorised function the password can be repeatedly entered even if the function is called up again as the password is not stored in table "Authorisation code Position".


Button active: When this function is called up at the terminal, the operator must enter an authorisation code.
Button deactivated: When this function is called up at the terminal, the operator does not have to enter an authorisation code.

A prompt for an authorisation code is only possible for functions concerning receipt transactions.

The definition of length and entry format for the authorisation code is handled in program Branch -> in field "Aut. code mask" and "Min. Aut code length".

The operator is informed of the code to be entered to allow him/her to call up specific functions at the terminal. The authorisation code entered is stored in the database and cannot be used a second time.

Authorisation codes are stored in the database and can be viewed in program Branch -> using button Authorisation code and using button "Authorisation code position" in program Application -> Sales -> Receipt transaction.

The authorisation code is entered at the terminal with event <AUTHO> by the operator.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin