Application profile

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data of an application profile can be updated, i.e. programmed, changed or cleared, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed for information.

This program is reached via Terminal - Terminal type - Profile.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows the user to create profiles for individual application programs in addition to the profile for ECR functions on operator and POS type level and the profile for appl. group. The access rights of operators in individual update programs are defined in this profile.


The graphics Profile Organisation show the various restrictions and options which are available for profiles and access limitations.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:

Profile no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 999

Enter a free no. in the key fields if a new profile is to be created.

If changes are to be made or if the profile is to be cleared, call up the data record from entry of the appropriate no. in the key fields or use Search to find the appropriate data record.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Enter the name of the update program to which the new profile is to be linked or use Search if the name is not known.

An application profile preventing access by the operator to article prices and sales data in the program Articles is required.

Run application

Switch active: This program can be started or the operator linked to this application profile can start up the program.
Switch deactivated: Start of program is not permitted.


Update data

Switch active: Data from this program can be changed or the operator linked in this application profile can change data.
Switch deactivated: Changes to data are not permitted.


Insert data

Switch active: Data can be inserted with this program or the operator linked to this application profile can insert data.
Switch deactivated: Insertion of data is not permitted.


Delete data

Switch active: The data of this program can be deleted or the operator linked to this application profile can delete data.
Switch deactivated: Deletion of data is not permitted.


Confirm data

Switch active: Data of this program can be confirmed or the operator linked to this application profile can confirm data.
Switch deactivated: Confirmation of data is not permitted.


Display in dispatcher menu

Button active: The name of the selected application is displayed in the menu structure of the dispatcher.
Button deactivated: The name of the selected application is not displayed in the menu structure of the dispatcher.

With this option certain programs can be faded out of the menu structure of the dispatcher for operators.

Please note that when this option is deactivated for a specific application program only the display of the program name is suppressed. Access to this program via the button in other programs is still possible for an operator with this profile as long as option "Program start" is active.


The documentation for the program Dispatcher profile describes how to adjust the buttons individually for the program dispatcher on the operator levels.


PLU page only

Button active: The screen pages for program "Touch page" without PLU keys cannot be updated.
Button deactivated: All pages for program "Touch page" can be updated.

All touch pages or only the touch pages with PLU preset keys can be updated for operators with a linked application profile for program Touch page independent of this option. The option "PLU page“ must be activated for touch pages with PLU preset keys in program  "Touch page" to ensure that only these pages can be updated by an operator with the appropriate profile.



MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin