Touch Page

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

This program can be entered via System -> User Interface -> Touch Page or via the button Touch Page in the program Touch Layout.

The default values for the layout of the function keys of the sales screen are defined in program Touch Layout but the linked pages can also be updated with this program.

In addition you can also create new pages on the basis of existing pages with button "Create pages" and clear the keys of a page with "Delete keys" before the whole page can be deleted.

With button Layout-Program in this update program you can call up a program which updates the positioning and functioning of each individual key via a graphic user interface. The keyboard events for the functions can be selected from a list and can then be linked to the key concerned.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these basic data

Just like in almost any other program:

Touch Layout

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99

Number of the touch layout to which the page to be described has been assigned.

When creating a new record, enter a free unique number. For deletions or modification, enter the number of the layout to be changed. When this program is started from the window Touch Layout, the number will be displayed.

Touch Page

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Every touch page has to be created with a unique number.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

In general, the name can be chosen at will. It should be eloquent. Besides, there are pages which are accessed by the system by default. The names of these pages are already predefined:

  1. Presets
  2. Payments/Payment types
  3. Specials
  4. Specials1

Attached page

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

Enter an accepted name for the touch page which is to be loaded together with the main page.




Please note that the option "Second Position" must have been set for this touch page.

Def. Columns

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 99

Here you define how many key columns (vertical key alignment) are to be displayed on the screen. The maximum number is dependent on the layout of the terminal in use and on the size of the keys.

Please note that the values for defaults of the touch layout are defined mainly by the entry in field "POS 30". The values for width, height, lines and columns only applies to touch layouts for which the entry "Non POS 30" has been selected in field "POS 30".

The general layout for the touch pages of the following touch screens is defined with the default in field "Layout Type". This setting has priority over the values in fields height, width, columns and rows.


Layout type


Non POS 30

All touch layouts without coding "_30", "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30

All touch layouts with coding "_30" and "_30H" and _30FH". (30L = 35 keys, 30F = 54 keys)

POS 30 large

All touch layouts with coding "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30 Pocket

All touch layouts with coding "PocketPC".

POS 40 large

All touch layouts with coding " Layout_40". (= Resolution 1024 und 1152).
The layout for this touch screen POS can be configured via button "" with additional parameters.

Def. Rows

Permitted input range: numeric

Analogous to the number of the key columns, you can also define the number of the key rows (horizontal key alignment) to be displayed on the screen. The maximum number is dependent on the terminal in use and the size of the keys.

Please note that the values for defaults of the touch layout are defined mainly by the entry in field "POS 30". The values for width, height, lines and columns only applies to touch layouts for which the entry "Non POS 30" has been selected in field "POS 30".

The general layout for the touch pages of the following touch screens is defined with the default in field "Layout Type". This setting has priority over the values in fields height, width, columns and rows.


Layout type


Non POS 30

All touch layouts without coding "_30", "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30

All touch layouts with coding "_30" and "_30H" and _30FH". (30L = 35 keys, 30F = 54 keys)

POS 30 large

All touch layouts with coding "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30 Pocket

All touch layouts with coding "PocketPC".

POS 40 large

All touch layouts with coding " Layout_40". (= Resolution 1024 und 1152).
The layout for this touch screen POS can be configured via button "" with additional parameters.

Def. Width

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 999

Here you define the width of a screen key. The unit is Pixel (image points).

The standard width of a key is dependent on the layout of the terminal in use and on the size of the graphics for the keys.

Please note that the values for defaults of the touch layout are defined mainly by the entry in field "POS 30". The values for width, height, lines and columns only applies to touch layouts for which the entry "Non POS 30" has been selected in field "POS 30".

The general layout for the touch pages of the following touch screens is defined with the default in field "Layout Type". This setting has priority over the values in fields height, width, columns and rows.


Layout type


Non POS 30

All touch layouts without coding "_30", "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30

All touch layouts with coding "_30" and "_30H" and _30FH". (30L = 35 keys, 30F = 54 keys)

POS 30 large

All touch layouts with coding "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30 Pocket

All touch layouts with coding "PocketPC".

POS 40 large

All touch layouts with coding " Layout_40". (= Resolution 1024 und 1152).
The layout for this touch screen POS can be configured via button "" with additional parameters.

Def. Height

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 999

Here you define the height of a screen key. The unit is Pixel (image points).

The standard height of a key is dependent on the layout of the terminal in use an don the size of the graphics for the keys.

Please note that the values for defaults of the touch layout are defined mainly by the entry in field "POS 30". The values for width, height, lines and columns only applies to touch layouts for which the entry "Non POS 30" has been selected in field "POS 30".

The general layout for the touch pages of the following touch screens is defined with the default in field "Layout Type". This setting has priority over the values in fields height, width, columns and rows.


Layout type


Non POS 30

All touch layouts without coding "_30", "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30

All touch layouts with coding "_30" and "_30H" and _30FH". (30L = 35 keys, 30F = 54 keys)

POS 30 large

All touch layouts with coding "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30 Pocket

All touch layouts with coding "PocketPC".

POS 40 large

All touch layouts with coding " Layout_40". (= Resolution 1024 und 1152).
The layout for this touch screen POS can be configured via button "" with additional parameters.

Second Position

Button active: This page is a key position which is automatically loaded together with the main page.
Button deactivated: This page has no second key position.

This option can only be activated for the touch pages which are to be loaded as "Attached Page" to the main page.

PLU page

Button activated:  This touch page contains item preset keys.
Button deactivated: This touch page does not  contrain item preset keys.

Only touch pages for which this option has been activated can be changed by an operator with the appropriate Application profile.  The prerequisite for this function is that an application profile with the option "Only PLU pages" is linked to the operator so that this person can update touch pages. Button "Layout Prg." in program "Touch page", is blocked in such a case for touch pages without item preset keys.

Init. page (button)

The keys of a touch page (default keys) are created for a new page with this key. The page layout matches the data defined via program System -> User Interface -> Touch layout.

Please note that the values for defaults of the touch layout are defined mainly by the entry in field "POS 30". The values for width, height, lines and columns only apply to touch layouts for which the entry "Non POS 30" has been selected in field "POS 30".

The general layout for the touch pages of the following touch screens is defined with the default in field "Layout Type". This setting has priority over the values in fields height, width, columns and rows.


Layout type


Non POS 30

All touch layouts without coding "_30", "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30

All touch layouts with coding "_30" and "_30H" and _30FH". (30L = 35 keys, 30F = 54 keys)

POS 30 large

All touch layouts with coding "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30 Pocket

All touch layouts with coding "PocketPC".

POS 40 large

All touch layouts with coding " Layout_40". (= Resolution 1024 und 1152).
The layout for this touch screen POS can be configured via button "" with additional parameters.

Layout Prg. (button)

Click on this button to change to the update program for the Layout for screen-based terminals.



MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin