Graphical Receipt Print on a Line Printer

If the POS terminal works in the itemizing mode, you can divert a graphical receipt print to a line printer. This function is only available if the option Graphic has been activated in the process unit for the POS terminal.

The print will exclusively be carried out on the Windows default printer.

The standard layouts can be changed in the FGL file "Kasse.fgl" in Block "#####parameter". The X and Y coordinates for the graphic print of a receipt are fixed to 1968 x 2838 Pixel. Within these coordinates you can position all printable text or graphic blocks (e.g. logos).

For additional head and bottom lines, you can assign a Text Block (max. 5 lines, 100 or160 chars. per line) in the update program Printer parameter in the fields Rec.head text linep. and Rec.foot text linep.

For the various receipt print options at the POS terminal, the following parameters in the update program Printer parameter have to be set for the graphical print on a line printer:

Automatic graphical receipt print on a line printer after closing a receipt.

Graphical receipt print on line printer (last receipt copy=<RECPRINT>).

Graphical receipt print on line printer (receipt copy with selection =<REPRINTRECEIPT>).

Graphical receipt print on line printer (last receipt copy =<RECPRINT> after receipt fetch-back =<PREVTRANS>).

Graphical receipt print on line printer (receipt copy compressed print =<RECPRINT>).

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin