Printer parameters

The following program description deals with:

Further information on changes of print layout for forms and receipts can be found in the description of file Kasse.fgl. This description only applies as from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Version 2.0

As from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Version 3.5 print form groups can be used for print layout of forms and receipts. Information on these print form groups can be found under Print form group.

Remarks on the Program Function

Below is a description of how you can use this program to create the printer parameter tables and define the different types of receipts, forms, etc. for printing. Furthermore, it is also explained how the general parameters for printing (e.g. receipt printer is switched off, VAT has to be printed, etc.) are to be defined.



Definition of Terms

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Select the number of the company for which the printer parameters are to be defined.

If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

Companies are maintained using the program Company.


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99999

Enter the number of the branch for which this program is executed.

If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

Branches are maintained using the program Branch.

Print Para. Table

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99

All types of receipt and/or form printings have to be assigned to tables. Each table has a unique number. This number is also used to assign the table to the terminals and their connected printers.

For creating new record, enter an unused table number. For changes or deletions, the record can be retrieved by entering the corresponding table number.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 characters

This is the name of the table. The description should be meaningful.

Receipt Head Text

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 65535

Texts are stored in the system with unique numbers. The maintenance of the texts is performed using the Text Group program.

In order to print a specific text on the receipt, the number of that particular text has to be entered here. If the number is not known, you can branch to the Text Group maintenance program by clicking on the button next to the field and selecting the number of the desired text or create a new text if the appropriate text does not exist.

A receipt head text is only programmed for a POS printer not for a remote printer.

If a logo is to print on the receipt instead of a text for the receipt heading a text group should be programmed with one text position with a blank. If no text group is linked for receipt heading a standard text will be printed which is not intended with logo print.

Receipt Foot Text

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 65535

Apart from a header, a footer can be printed on a receipt. The procedure is identical to that of the Receipt Head Text (refer also to the program description of Text Groups).

A receipt foot text is only programmed for a POS printer not for a remote printer.

Receipt head list printer

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 65535

If an additional head line is to be printed for the graphic print of a receipt on the list printer, the number of the text must be entered in this field. If you do not know the number, the data record can be selected by clicking on the right-hand button in program Text and selecting or creating the appropriate number if a text does not exist.

Receipt foot list printer

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 65535

If an additional foot line is to be printed for the graphic print of a receipt on the list printer, the number of the text must be entered in this field. If you do not know the number, the data record can be selected by clicking on the right-hand button in program Text and selecting or creating the appropriate number if a text does not exist.

GC Head Text

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 65535

Similar to a receipt, a header can be printed on guest checks. The procedure is identical to that of the Receipt Head Text (refer also to the program description of Text Groups).

A GC head text is only set up for POS printers but not for remote printers.

GC Foot Text

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 65535

Apart from a header, a footer can be printed on a guest check. The procedure is identical to that of the Receipt Head Text (refer also to the program description of Text Groups).

A GC foot text is only set up for POS printers but not for remote printers.

GC receipt foot text

Permitted input range: numeric 1 - 65535

This entry is used to link a foot text of a Guest Check which is to be printed on a receipt. The entry in the Receipt head text is the basis for a head text for a Guest Check printed on a receipt.

A GC receipt foot text is only set up for POS printers but not for remote printers.

Add.receipt foot text

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 65535

This entry links an additional end line text for print of a receipt. This text includes information for a Hospitality coupon.

 Click on the graphic for further help with printing out a Hospitality coupon.

Add.form foot text

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 65535

This entry links an additional end line text for print of a form. This text includes information for a Hospitality coupon.

 Click on the graphic for further help with printing out a Hospitality coupon.

Promotion text

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 65535

Enter in this field the number of the promotion text (Textgroup 9011), which should be printed together with the Promotion logo at the end of the receipt.

Promotion logo

Path and name of the  BMP file for promotion logo

Enter in this field the path of a 2-color bitmap logo to be printed together with the Promotion text at the end of the receipt.

Print form group Receipt

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the print form group which is to be used for the print layout of the receipt. If the number is not known use the right-hand button to change to the  Print form group and select the no. required or program a new one if a "Print form group Receipt" does not yet exist.

Linkage to a print form group for receipt print is optional and is only necessary if a print form group is to be used as an alternative to the standard FGL control for receipt print. Print form groups are updated in System -> User Interface -> Print form group.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up the Print form group.

Print form group Form

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the print form group which is to be used for the form. If the number is not known use the right-hand button to change to the  Print form group and select the no. required or program a new one if a "Print form group Receipt" does not yet exist.

Linkage to a print form group for receipt print is optional and is only necessary if a print form group is to be used as an alternative to the standard FGL control for form print. Print form groups are updated in System -> User Interface -> Print form group.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up the Print form group.

Receipt Printer off

Button activated : Receipts are not printed.
Button deactivated : Receipts are printed.

Activate this and the switch Subsequent receipt if a subsequent receipt is always required.


Journal Printer off

Button activated : Journals are not printed.
Button deactivated : Journals are printed.


·        If a printer is connected and it has no journal printer this button must be active.

Subsequent Receipt

Button activated : The receipt will only be printed automatically after the receipt is closed.
Button deactivated : Each posting will be printed immediately (if receipt print is not switched off).

This button only has an effect in an itemising terminal. If the receipt is to be Compressed, this button has to be activated. If only a subsequent receipt is required, the button Receipt printer off should also be activated.

Subsequent GC print

Button activated : The GC will only be printed after finalizing with a payment.
Button deactivated : The GC will be printed immediately after the key <BDR> or <GCDR> was pressed.

This option should be activated when the cash printer is shared by several pos clients, i.e. PDA-Clients. The subsequent GC print prevents pos clients from blocking during another pos client is printing a GC on a shared cash printer. If only a subsequent GC is required, the button Receipt printer off should also be activated.

Subsequent receipt list printer

Button activated: The receipt is printed automatically on a List printer after receipt finalisation
Button deactivated: No subsequent receipt on a List printer.

Normally, receipt print is only possible on a list printer if the option "Graphic" is set in the Process unit of the terminal and if the terminal works in Itemising mode. The subsequent receipt for Guest Checks cannot be used for a list printer.

Additional parameters such as Receipt printer off and Subsequent receipt must be set in program Printer parameter for receipt printer on a list printer.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up Receipt print on list printer.

Compress Receipt

Button activated : Same items will be grouped together in the receipt and Guest Check.
Button deactivated : Each item is printed separately on receipt and Guest Check

Itemising terminal:
Receipt compression assumes that the button Subsequent receipt is active. See also Print of a compressed receipt.

Waiter/GuestCheck terminal:
Button Subsequent receipt should not be active. Compression of item positions can be switched on or off for Guest Check print with events <GCUNCOMP> and <GCOMP> .

Print Promotion

Button activated : Promotions/Special texts will be printed (e.g. “Saving n.nn in Euro”).
Button deactivated : Promotions/Special texts will not be printed.

Print VAT

Button activated : The VAT (amount and code) will be shown on the receipt.
Button deactivated : The VAT will not be shown.

If this button is active, the VAT code entered in program Company -> VAT in field "with print" is printed on the receipt.

Short Journal

Button activated : Positive postings will not be printed, (for example, voids would be printed).
Button deactivated : All postings will be printed.

GC sorted

Button activated: All item positions on a Guest Check are sorted in ascending order by department.
Button deactivated: All item positions on a Guest Check are printed in ascending order of being recorded. There will be no sorting.

This sorting applies independent of the setting of the parameter "Compress".

Course hint kitchen printer

Button activated:. Menus with course link are sorted and printed on the kitchen printer collective receipt
Button deactivated: No sorting of menus with course link for print on the kitchen printer collective receipt.

The prerequisite for a sorted kitchen printer receipt is that the option "S.stub all" is set in field "Kitchen stub" and "Kitchen stub GC" and the option "Collect receipt" has been set in program Application -> Parameter -> Misc. Parameter -> Print table -> Printer description.

Query add.foot text

Button activated:  When a guest check or an itemised receipt is finalised the terminal prompts printout of a hospitality coupon.
Button deactivated: No prompt for printout of a hospitality coupons.

The hopsitality coupon is printed automatically if this option is deactivated and if a value higher than 0 is entered in field "Limit Hospitality coupon".

·        The number of the text group must be entered in field "Add.receipt foot text" for print of a hospitality coupon on the receipt.

·        The number of the text group must be entered in field "Add.form foot text" for print of a hospitality coupon on the form.

An operator prompt for print of a hospitality coupon appears if this option has been activated. This form will be printed on the guest bill or on the itemised receipt and contains all the necessary tax information for the financial authorities.

In addition, the system can be parametered so that customer data is recorded at the terminal and that this is printed on the hospitality coupon independent of the amount of the bill.

The total of the bill as from which the customer data needs to be recorded is entered in field "Limit Hospitality coupon".

Limit Hospitality coupon

Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 8 digits with max. 2 decimal places

Enter a value in this field to define as from which amount (bill total) the customer data has to be recorded for the hospitality coupon.

Enter "0.01" if the customer data is always to be recorded for a hospitality coupon. If "0.00" is entered no customer data will be recorded for the hospitality coupon.

·        The number of the text group must be entered in field "Add.receipt foot text" for print of a hospitality coupon on the receipt.

·        The number of the text group must be entered in field "Add.form foot text" for print of a hospitality coupon on the form.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up printout of a Hospitality coupon.

Warranty form

Enter no. 10 in this field to ensure that a warranty voucher is printed out at the terminal.

 Click on the graphic for further help with setting up Warranty sales.

Receipt Type

Field with fixed preset selection options


Open the selection window by clicking on this field and select the required option with another click. All the following comments apply to an itemising terminal for print on a POS printer.

Stub Type

Field with fixed preset selection options

Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option.

All the information below applies to an itemising terminal for print via a POS printer.

Receipt Type GC

Field with fixed preset selection options

Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option. All the information below applies to Guest Check recordings on a waiter terminal.

Stub Type GC

Field with fixed preset selection options

Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option. All the information below applies to Guest check recordings on a waiter terminal for print via a POS printer.

Kitchen Rec

Field with fixed preset selection options

Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option. All the information below applies only to Guest Check recordings on an itemising terminal with print via a remote (kitchen) printer.


Field with fixed preset selection options

Note :

Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option. All the information below applies only to Guest Check recordings on an itemsing terminal with print via a remote (kitchen) printer.

Kit. Rec. GC

Field with fixed preset selection options

Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option. All the information below applies only to Guest Check recordings on a waiter terminal with print via a remote (kitchen) printer.

Kit Stub GC

Info box with fixed preset selection options


Click the field to open the drop-down list box. Click again to select the desired option. All the information below applies only to Guest Check recordings on a waiter terminal for print via remote (kitchen) printer.

Print receipt no.

Button activated: Receipt number will be printed on itemizing receipt.
Button deactivated: No receipt number will be printed on itemizing receipt.


Button activated : No extra single position will be printed if price change happens with the event "NEWPRICE".
Button deactivated : No extra single position will be printed if price change happens with the event "NEWPRICE".

Itemising terminal:
Receipt compression assumes that the button Subsequent receipt is active. See also Print of a compressed receipt.

Print Head on new rec.

Button activated : The receipt header will be printed at the beginning of a new receipt.
Button deactivated : The receipt header for a new receipt will be printed at the end of receipt.

This option is only available when the environment variable "OSCAR_OPSTIONS=Balzac" has been set in the file "oscar.ini" (see
Optional additional modules).


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin
