FSM Functions with their Keyboard Events

In the following description, all available function keys and their keyboard events will be explained. In addition to the keyboard events, you will find the corresponding FSM functions (FSM = Finite State Machines) you need for viewing the FSM diagrams and for creating a Profile for the operator, for an operator group and for a POS terminal.

The following list contains all FSM functions with their keyboard events.

The list of the individual FSM functions is sorted by the following function groups:

Use the Index to find the desired FSM Functions.

The following keyboard events are permitted.

The keyboard events have to be understood as follows:

  • XXX
    Press the XXX (<EVENT>) key, without fixed data, no further entry
  • 00000000XXXn
    The necessary data will be entered via the corresponding key.
    Entry in Event: ART
    Entry in Data: none.
    Booking sequence: Entry of item no.1 with subsequently pressing the item key.
  • fXXX
    Only this key is to be pressed. The still necessary data come from the keyboard configuration (entry in the field Data in the window Keys).
    Example: Payment type 1
    Entry in Event: fPM
    Entry in Data: 1.
  • fXXXn
    The fXXX key is to be pressed, fixed data come from the keyboard layout (window Keys).
    Example: 30.00 EUR are to b e booked via the payment type 1
    Entry in Event: fPM
    Entry in Data: 1.
    Booking sequence: Enter 30, Press key <fPM> => 30.00 EUR will be booked.


  1. The following list is sorted by event names.
  2. FSM Group
  3. FSM Function = Explanation
  4. Keyboard Event


The following list is sorted by event names.

  1. FSM Group
  2. FSM Function = Explanation
  3. Keyboard Event


The following list is sorted by event names.

  1. FSM Group
  2. FSM-Function = Explanation
  3. Keyboard Event


The following list is sorted by event names.

  1. FSM Group
  2. FSM Function = Explanation
  3. Keyboard Event


The following list is sorted by event names.

  1. FSM Group
  2. FSM Function = Explanation
  3. Keyboard Event


The following list is sorted by event names.

  1. FSM Group
  2. FSM Function = Explanation
  3. Keyboard Event


| Gc.fsm | Payment.fsm | Position.fsm | Receipt.fsm | Register.fsm | SpecFunc.fsm |







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Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin