PC Terminal Keyboard Map

If you want to use the standard computer keyboard with functions for the operation of the sales program, you have to configure a Keyboard with the update program Keyboard and a Keyboard Table with the update program Keys.

In the keyboard table, the positions of the keys (rows, columns) have to be recorded.

Please make definitely sure that no keys that are already in use will be overwritten with new functions. Keys such as the <Enter> key or the <Cursor> keys should be occupied with functions via the <Shift> or <Ctrl> keys only.

The following image shows the rows and columns for the relevant key positions:

The coloured keys correspond to the numbering of the rows and columns, as they have to be recorded in the update program Keys.

Rows 7 to 12:
Via the <SHIFT> key (+6), you can define 6 additional rows with the same number of keys, i.e. row 1 becomes row 7 etc.

Rows 13 to 18:
Via the <CTRL> key (+12), you can define 6 additional rows with the same number of keys, i.e. row 1 becomes row 13 etc.

On a standard keyboard, a maximum of 18 rows with key positions can be configured.

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Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin