Print form text section

The formatting options for the text section of a print format are shown below.


A print format "printFoot" with the linked sectors "Foot" und "Head" from the sector type "Text sector" is available for print of head and end lines of a receipt. Text positions for the print lines of head and foot lines belong to the text sector concerned.


Example: Print format "printFoot" with print section "Head":



The alignment in a form (receipt or form) for the whole text section is defined in program Text section.

The alignment and orientation within the text section can be defined separately for each text position of a text section, i.e. the text section is, for example, centred on the form and within this text section the individual positions are aligned left, right or centred.

Additional alignment for text positions is possible by defining the link to a parent field within a print line.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin