Data Backup on a Streamer Tape (UNIX)

In the following, you will be informed about how to back-up data on a streamer tape on the operating system level UNIX. Information on the data restoration can be found in the chapter Data Restoration.


Back up your data on a regular basis as follows:

  1. Enter the directory /usr/oscar/osc<Date>/work.srv
  2. Create a new folder with the name daten by use of the command mkdir daten.
  3. Copy the data to be moved into the new folder daten by use of the command copy *.DAT /usr/oscar/oscDate/work.srv/daten.
  4. Copy the indices in the new folder daten by use of the command copy *.IDX /usr/oscar/oscDate/work.srv/daten
  5. Enter the directory daten by use of the command cd daten
  6. Enter the graphical  user interface and open the backup manager via the system administration.
  7. xxx
  8. xxx
  9. xxx
  10. Now you can delete the folder daten. In order to avoid queries, you should sign on as superuser (su <RETURN> + Password). The deletion process is to be carried out as follows:
    cd ..
    rm -r daten


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