Starting Batch Files (System Commands)

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows the start of MICROS Retail OSCAR POS update programs and external system commands (batch programs) automatically at particular points in time.

You can e.g. define the day week day, a day of the month and the time. The processes to be carried out and the start are to be entered in the update program Scheduler Position.

Proceed as follows to configure the automatic start of a batch file:

  1. Report Chain Configuration
    -> System -> User Interface -> Applications (Type = Chaining report)
    Store the name of the required report chain with a free number
  2. Scheduler Configuration
    -> System -> User Interface -> Applications (Type = Scheduler)
    Store the name of the required scheduler with a free number
  3. Chain Report Parameters
    Parameters -> Misc.Params -> Chaining Report
    Select the name of the report chain created in (1), enter the position name and assign the Appl.Name LstRunCmd (System Commando) to this position.
    Enter the name of the batch file that is to be started automatically after the start of the scheduler in Parameter.
    The batch file must exist in the directory work of the active MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application and meet the MS DOS conventions.
  4. Scheduler Positions
    Parameter -> Misc.Params -> Scheduler Position
    Select the scheduler created in (2), enter a position number and assign the name of the report chain to this position. Enter the mode, time and day of the month in the appropriate fields.
  5. Configuration of a Process Unit for the Scheduler
    System -> Configuration -> Process Unit
    Enter a process unit of the type Client with a free number and enter the name of the scheduler created in (2) in the field Program Name.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin