Create Basic Data

By use of this button, all database tables of the category basicdata are created for the selected sub-installation, e.g. (= work.srv.2 for die sub-installation2). (Cp. update program System -> Database -> Database Tables). These can used to adjust all sub-installations to the same database content without overwriting the existing statistic data.

The creation of basic data for a sub-installation requires that the corresponding basic data (installation, system units, process units, branches etc.) have already been configured for a multi-installation.

The database tables to be created are each stored in the directory "oscar.d/work.srv.n" (n = number of sub-installation). The content of this directory, i.e . all basic database tables for the sub-installation have to be copied to the corresponding directories "oscar.d/work.srv" of the sub-installation.

The data can be copied via a network by use of the file transfer or via floppy disk or streamer tape.

 Click on the image to receive further help on the configuration of a Multi-Installation.

index.gif Click on the image to return to the Table of Contents.

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