Create Database

When this button is depressed a complete server database is created for the selected sub-installation, e.g. (= work.srv.2 for sub-installation 2).

The prerequisite for creating a database for a sub-installation is that the appropriate basic data (i.e. Installation, System unit, Process unit, Branch, etc.) has been configured for a multi-installation.

This database is created on the system unit of the main installation and must be copied to the appropriate directory (work.srv) of the system unit in a sub-installation after creation.
A database for a sub-installation is only required when the installation is first put into operation.
The databases required are stored in directory "oscar.d/work.srv.nnn " gespeichert (= work.srv.2 for sub-installation 2).

The copying of the data can be performed via the network by file transfer or with diskettes or streamer.

 Click on the image for more information on setting up Multi-Installations.

index.gif Click on the image to return to the Table of Contents.

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