Positions of loyalty table

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

The customer Loyalty is to be set up in the system via 2 programs:

At the end of this program you will find an Example for table set-up and point calculation.


Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:

Position no.

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

You can assign different loyalty points for different ranges of purchase values (see From Value/To Value). Each range has to be created with a unique number in the system. The number can be assigned arbitrarily, but should be in consecutive order.

Enter into this field the position number of the loyalty record.

From value

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 12 digits including max. 2 decimal places

Enter a minimum purchase total value in this field as from which the points entered under Points is to be assigned in conjunction with the Amount entered under Value.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application checks during the recording whether the purchase total lies in the range of the From value and To value and thus meets the prerequisites for granting of loyalty points. How many loyalty points is defined on the basis of the entries in fields Loyalty points and Amount. The calculation method can be found under Example.

As different purchase total ranges can be defined under various position nos. The user can set up a point count independent of the purchase total.

To value

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 12 digits including max. 2 decimal places

Enter a maximum purchase total value in this field as from which the points entered under Points is to be assigned in conjunction with the Amount entered under Value..

As no loyalty points are granted for purchase total ranges which are covered by the defined "From/To range" it is advisable to chose a very high "To value" to ensure that all purchase totals are included. If this is not borne in mind, customers may receive points for low purchase totals but not for a "big shop". 


Permitted input range: decimal, max. 5 digits

Enter the number of points given to customer when his purchase has reached the defined purchase amount or the Unit entered.

The value of each point is defined in the Point value field of the Loyalty Table program. The Example shows exactly how loyalty points are calculated.



Permitted input range: decimal, max. 12 pos. with max. 2 decimal digits

The amount entered here should be interpreted as a "Part step". The loyalty points defined under Loyalty points will be assigned every time a part step is reached. If more than 1 point is assigned per part step, th points will be assigned accordingly (cp. Example). More examples can be found under Loyalty points: Programming and cashing in.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max 8 characters

Enter a descriptive text for the record relevant to the purchase amount.


Table and positions of the loyalty table are set up as follows:


  1. The system checks whether the purchase total is within the "From value"/"To value" range.
  2. If it is, the entries made under the appropriate position nos. under "Points" and "Amount" will be used as the calcualtion basis, i.e.:
    Purchase total / Amount x Points = loyalty points granted

    If the calculated loyalty point count shows decimal places, these will be ignored and the amount will be rounded.

    1st example:
    The customer buys goods for EUR 20.00. 2 loyalty point are assigned:
    20.00/20.00 x 2 = 2

    2nd example:
    (proportional assignment of loyalty points with rounding)
    The customer buys goods worth EUR 99.99. 4 points are assigned:
    99.99/20.00 x 1 = 4,999
    As a full loyalty point must be achieved, the system rounds down.

    3rd example:
    (proportional assignment of loyalty points)
    The customer buys goods worth EUR 200.00. 20 loyalty points are assigned:
    200.00/100.00 x 10 = 20


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin