Cashier Account at the POS Terminal

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows you to carry out a cashier account at the POS terminal via

Account via the POS Declared Entry

The cashier account via only the POS declared entry requires the parameter  Dec. entry with next acc. no. in the window "POS type" to be activated. By this button the old account period for this cashier is closed and a new one will be opened. The turnover values in the then current (new) account will accordingly be set to “0”. At the same time, the operator will be signed off for a time if the parameter “Decl.entry with final off” has not been set. If it has been set there will be a final sign off of the cashier.

The description of how to carry out a POS declared entry is included in the user manual.

POS Report 4

Via this report you receive the values of

An account period will neither be closed nor opened. The report is therefore only for information within the operator account.

The report can be called via the appropriate key (keyboard code REPORT;4) and printed via the connected POS printer.

The report informs you about

You will find further help in a description of all Account Reports. A description of the POS reports can also be found under POS reports or. Parameters [POS reports].

Account via POS Report 6

This report displays the values of the current account period of the operator signed on at the POS terminal. The period will then be closed and a new one will be opened (with values set to “0”). From then on, everything will be booked in the new account period.

Please note that the activation of several functions and the setting of parameters can have effects on the POS reports 4 and 6.

The report can be started by pressing the corresponding key. It will be printed by the connected POS printer.

You receive the following information:

You will find further help in a description of all Account Reports. A description of the POS reports may also be found under POS reports or. Parameters [POS reports].

POS Declared Entry and POS Report 6

Account periods can be closed via both the POS declared entry and the POS report 6 which means that the booking data will be set to zero in the new period. This is particularly kept in mind when you would like to account cashiers via the POS declared entry and the POS report 6.

Further on, please note that a budget / turnover comparison is no longer possible because the values have been set to zero in the course of report 6.

Thus, an operator account via both the POS declared entry as well as the POS report 6 requires following a certain order.

POS Declared Entry

Carry out the POS declared entry. The description can be found in the user manual. Make sure that the correct parameters are set in the POS type window. The following three parameters are of particular importance:

For further help go to Help on Declare Entry Parameters.

POS Report 6

This report can be called via the appropriate key and printed via the connected POS printer. A detailed description can be found under POS Report 6.

Please note that the Report 6 should not be carried out before the POS declared entry since a budget / turnover comparison is impossible afterwards due to the data set to zero.

For further help go to the description of all Account reports.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin