Day End with Opening Times that exceed the Date Change

Especially in the hospitality area there are often book periods that exceed the date change. A typical example: The branch opens at 6 pm and closes at 3 am. But the booking is to refer to only one day, i.e. the time from 00:00 to 3 am is to be included in the booking of the previous day. The booking day thus differs from the calendar day.

The book period can also change within a day. For example: The business opens at 6.30 am and closes the daily business at 10 pm. The discotheque opens from 11 pm to 3 am. From 11 pm on, the booking is to be included in the next day.

In both cases, the switch "Act. Date is Book Date" (window Profit Center) should not be activated.


The daily report (procedure)

There are generally two steps to be carried out:

  1. The new book date is to be activated via the button New Day (in the windows Branch or Profit Center).
  2. Via the waiter / cashier account [single] (Operator -> Report -> Booking Money Statistics), the booking period counter of the selected waiter(s) is increased. The date will be determined with the first booking.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin