FSM Payment Types

The following program description deals with:

  • Remarks on the Function Keys and their key codes
  • Use the Index to find the required FSM functions.

Remarks on the Function Keys

In the following description, the available function keys and the related keyboard events for Payment Type Functions (Payment.fsm) will be explained. In addition to the keyboard events, the corresponding FSM functions necessary for viewing the FSM diagrams and creating a Profile for the operator can be found here.

The following events  are permitted

The keyboard events have to be understood as follows:

  • XXX
    Press the XXX (<EVENT>) key, without fixed data, no further entry
  • 00000000XXXn
    The necessary data will be entered via the corresponding key.
    Entry in event: ART
    Entry in data: none.
    Booking sequence: Entry of item no.1 with subsequently pressing the item key.
  • fXXX
    Only this key is to be pressed. The still necessary data comes from the keyboard configuration (entry in the field Data in the window Keys).
    Example: Payment type 1
    Entry in event: fPM
    Entry in data: 1.
  • fXXXn
    The fXXX key is to be pressed, fixed data come from the keyboard layout (window Keys).
    Example: 30.00 EUR are to be booked via the payment type 1
    Entry in event: fPM
    Entry in data: 1.
    Booking sequence: Enter 30, Press key <fPM> => 30.00 EUR will be booked.

Please note that in addition to the keyboard function, every key can be assigned an ASCII sign for the usage of the ASCII entry. The ASCII entry will be stopped when a key for which no ASCII sign has been entered is pressed. Function keys of which the key codes begin with an “f” are preset keys.

C (Abort EFT)

  • Keyboard Event = <C>
  • FSM Function = abortEFTCard

C (Close Hotel Credit)

  • Keyboard Event = <C>
  • FSM Function = closeHC

Foreign Currency

  • Keyboard Event = <FEXCHn>
  • FSM Function = selectedFEXCH

Foreign Currency Preset Key with Amount Entry

  • Keyboard Event = <fFEXCHn>
  • FSM Function = fixedFEXCHAmount

Cash Note Input

  • Keyboard Event = <PMFIXn>
  • FSM Function = multCashNote

Via the <PMFIX> key, the amount can be entered. The cash note amount will be entered in the update program Keys as a value, e.g. 50.00 or 100.00 etc.).

Preset Cash Note

  • Keyboard Event = <PMFIX>
  • FSM Function = cashNote

The <PMFIX> key serves as a cash note preset key for closing with the payment type „Cash“. The Cash note amount will be entered in the update program Keys as a value, e.g. 50.00 or 100.00 etc.).

For all other payment types, appropriate cash note preset keys have to be configured in the update program Kay Values. In addition, appropriate keys with the keyboard event fPNOTE or PNOTE must be configured on the keyboard.


  • Keyboard Event = <VOUSALE>
  • FSM Function = balanceVoucher

Credit Sale

  • Keyboard Event = <CREDSALE>
  • FSM Function = creditSale

Multi Coupon

  • Keyboard Event = <fMULTICOUPONn>
  • FSM Function = multiCoupon

Number Input

  • Keyboard Event = <NRn>
  • FSM Function = numberInput

ST (Bank Code)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = getBankCode

ST (Expiry date credit card)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = expDate

ST (Account No.)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = inpCN

ST (Credit card No.)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = cardNumber

ST (Legitimation No.)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = getManAut

ST (Number Input)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = numberInput

ST (Payment Money Verification)

  • Keyboard Event = <ST>
  • FSM Function = payModeExact

ST (Payment Money Amount)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = payModeAmount

ST (Room No.)

  • Keyboard Event = <STn>
  • FSM Function = getRoomNumber

Payment Money Amount

  • Keyboard Event = <PMn>
  • FSM Function = payModeAmount

Preset Cash Note

  • Keyboard Event = <fPNOTE>
  • FSM Function = payNote

Preset Cash Note with Amount Input

  • Keyboard Event = <fPNOTEn>
  • FSM Function = payNoteAmount

Payment Type

  • Keyboard Event = <PMn>
  • FSM Function = selectedPM

Preset Payment Type

  • Keyboard Event = <fPM>
  • FSM Function = fixedPM

Preset Payment Type with Amount Input

  • Keyboard Event = <fPMn>
  • FSM Function = fixedPMAmount


  • C ->C (Abort EFT)
  • C ->C (Close Hotel credit)
  • CREDSALE ->Credit Sale
  • FEXCHn ->Foreign Currency
  • fFEXCHn ->Foreign Currency Preset Key with Amount Entry
  • fMULTICOUPONn ->Multi Coupon
  • fPM ->Payment Type Preset
  • fPMn ->Payment Type Preset with Amount Input
  • fPNOTE ->Payment Note
  • fPNOTEn ->Payment Note Amount
  • NRn ->Number Input
  • PMFIX->Preset Cash Note
  • PMFIXn->Cash Note Input
  • PMn ->Payment Money Amount
  • PMn ->Payment Type
  • ST ->ST (Payment Money Verification)
  • STn ->ST (Bank Code)
  • STn->ST (Expiry Date Credit Card)
  • STn ->ST (Account No.)
  • STn ->ST (Credit Card No.)
  • STn ->ST (Legitimation No.)
  • STn ->ST (Number Input)
  • STn ->ST (Payment Money Amount)
  • STn ->ST (Room No.)
  • VOUSALE ->Voucher

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin