4 Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server

This chapter explains how to install and administer Oracle R Enterprise Server. This chapter includes these topics:

4.1 About Oracle R Enterprise Server

Oracle R Enterprise includes several components on the server. Together these components enable an Oracle R Enterprise client to interact with Oracle R Enterprise Server.

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle R Distribution or open source R

  • Oracle R Enterprise Server

    • The rqsys schema, described in About the RQSYS Schema

    • Metadata and executable code in sys

    • Oracle R Enterprise Server libraries in $ORACLE_HOME/lib (Linux and UNIX) or %ORACLE_HOME%\bin (Windows)

    • Oracle R Enterprise R packages in $ORACLE_HOME/R/library (%ORACLE_HOME%\R\library on Windows)

      The Oracle R Enterprise packages and supporting packages on the server support embedded R execution. These same packages must be installed separately on each client computer. (See About the Oracle R Enterprise Packages).

See Also:

Figure 1-2 for an illustration of the server and client components of Oracle R Enterprise.

4.1.1 About the RQSYS Schema

The rqsys schema is the system account for Oracle R Enterprise in Oracle Database. It contains metadata, PL/SQL packages, and other executable code that is used internally by Oracle R Enterprise Server.

The Oracle R Enterprise Server installation process creates rqsys as a locked account with an expired password. The rqsys user does not have the CREATE SESSION privilege.

4.2 About the SERVER Script

A single script called server manages the installation and administration of Oracle R Enterprise Server. You can rerun the server script whenever you need to install, uninstall, upgrade, or configure server-side components of Oracle R Enterprise.

4.2.1 Overview of SERVER Operations

The server script supports the following operations:

  • Installs Oracle R Enterprise Server

  • Uninstalls Oracle R Enterprise Server

  • Upgrades Oracle R Enterprise Server and migrates data from the earlier installation

  • Installs the supporting packages, if they are available

  • Creates or configures a database user, if one does not exist


You can use the server script to install the supporting packages and create users, or you can choose to perform these tasks separately, as described in the following sections:

4.2.2 SERVER Syntax

The server script supports a set of command-line arguments that direct its activities. The script can be run in interactive mode, in batch mode, or in hybrid mode. If you run the script without arguments, it installs or upgrades Oracle R Enterprise Server in interactive mode; it attempts to install the supporting packages; and it creates or configures a database user.

The command-line arguments for the server script are described in the following table. The arguments for the script are the same for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. You can obtain a listing of the arguments with brief descriptions by executing the following on a Linux or UNIX system:

./server.sh -h
./server.sh --help

On a Windows system, you can obtain a listing of the arguments with brief descriptions by executing the following:

server.bat -h
server.bat --help

Table 4-1 SERVER Script Command-Line Arguments

Argument Description


Never prompt.

-i, --install

Install or upgrade Oracle R Enterprise Server.

An installation or upgrade includes the following by default:

  • Installation of the supporting packages, if they are present.

  • Creation or configuration of a database user, if one does not exist.

-u, --uninstall

Uninstall Oracle R Enterprise Server:

  • When used with --keep (the default), the script removes the rqsys metadata and PL/SQL packages from the database but retains the libraries and R packages under Oracle home (partial uninstall).

  • When used with --full, the script removes the libraries and R packages under Oracle home in addition to the rqsys metadata and PL/SQL packages in the database. (full uninstall).

See Uninstalling Oracle R Enterprise.

-s, --setup-user

Create or configure a database user for Oracle R Enterprise (the default).


When uninstalling Oracle R Enterprise Server, keep the R packages and libraries under Oracle home but remove the database objects. Allows Oracle R Enterprise support to be removed from a single database instance or pluggable database (PDB) without affecting other databases in Oracle home.

See Performing a Partial Uninstall.


When uninstalling Oracle R Enterprise Server, remove the R packages and libraries under Oracle home in addition to the database objects.

See Performing a Full Uninstall.


When combined with --install, prevents installation of the supporting packages. By default the supporting packages are installed if they are available.


When combined with --install, prevents the creation of an Oracle R Enterprise user. By default a user is created if one does not already exist.


Grant the rqadmin role to the Oracle R Enterprise user. By default, the rqadmin role is not granted. The --admin option should be used with caution. It is only available in batch mode.

See About the RQADMIN Role.


sys password.

The sys password is not required if the script is running under operating system authentication, as described in About Operating System Authentication.

--pdb NAME

The name of a pluggable database (PDB) in a multitenant container database (CDB).

Multitenant architecture enables an Oracle database to function as a container database that includes zero, one, or many pluggable databases. For information about multitenant architecture, see Oracle Database Concepts.

--perm PERM

Permanent tablespace for rqsys.

--temp TEMP

Temporary tablespace for rqsys.

--rqsys PASSWORD

rqsys password.

See About the RQSYS Schema.

--user-perm PERM

Permanent tablespace for Oracle R Enterprise user.

--user-temp TEMP

Temporary tablespace for Oracle R Enterprise user.


Oracle R Enterprise user password.

--user USER

Oracle R Enterprise database user name.

4.2.3 SERVER Examples

This topic provides these examples:

See Also:

Example A-1 for an example with output. A Default Interactive Installation

If your Linux or UNIX or Windows system meets the requirements specified in System Requirements, then this command performs a default, first-time installation of Oracle R Enterprise Server:

For Linux or UNIX:


For Windows:


As shown in Example A-1, a default, interactive installation performs the following:

  • Prints out information about the environment

  • Prompts for the password and permanent and temporary tablespaces for rqsys

  • Prompts whether to install the supporting packages. (Installs the supporting packages by default if they are available.)

  • Prompts whether to create a user account for Oracle R Enterprise. (Creates a user by default if one does not exist.) When creating a user, prompts for the permanent and temporary tablespaces. A Default Batch Installation

This example shows an installation like the one in A Default Interactive Installation, but specified to run in batch mode.

For Linux or UNIX:

./server.sh  -y  --install  --setup-user  --sys ORASYSPSWD, 
          --perm SYSAUX  --temp TEMP  --rqsys RQSYSPSWD 
          --user-perm USERS  --user-temp TEMP  --pass RQUSERPSWD  --user RQUSER

For Windows:

server.bat  -y  --install  --setup-user  --sys ORASYSPSWD, 
          --perm SYSAUX  --temp TEMP  --rqsys RQSYSPSWD 
          --user-perm USERS  --user-temp TEMP  --pass RQUSERPSWD  --user RQUSER User Configuration in Interactive Mode

The server script automatically creates or configures a user if one does not already exist. If you supply the name of an existing user, the script configures it to support Oracle R Enterprise.

See Example 7-2. User Configuration in Batch Mode

This example shows how the server script could be run to grant the rqadmin role to the user created in A Default Batch Installation. The --admin argument is only available in batch mode.

For Linux or UNIX:

./server.sh  -y  --setup-user  --admin  --sys ORASYSPSWD -
          -pass RQUSERPSWD  --user RQUSER

For Windows:

server.bat  -y  --setup-user  --admin  --sys ORASYSPSWD -
          -pass RQUSERPSWD  --user RQUSER

See About the RQADMIN Role.

4.3 Oracle R Enterprise Server Requirements

Before installing Oracle R Enterprise Server, verify your system environment, and ensure that your user ID has the proper permissions.

4.3.1 System Requirements

4.3.2 Environment Variables

Table 4-2 Environment Variable Requirements for Oracle R Enterprise Server

Platform Environment Variable Requirement


$ORACLE_SID must specify the service identifier (SID) of the database that will support Oracle R Enterprise.

$ORACLE_HOME must specify the home directory of the database identified by ORACLE_SID.

On Windows, you can find the value of Oracle home and the Oracle instance identifier in the Windows Registry. If more than one Oracle home or Oracle instance exist on this computer, then you can specify the required values in environment variables. See Creating and Modifying Environment Variables on Windows.


$LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

$PATH must include $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

Oracle Solaris

$LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

$PATH must include $ORACLE_HOME/bin.


$LIBPATH must include $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

$PATH must include $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

Microsoft Windows

%PATH% must include %R_HOME%\bin\x64. The default value of %R_HOME% is C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.0.

You can find the value of the R home directory in the Windows Registry. If more than one R home exist on this computer, then you can specify the required value in an environment variable. See Creating and Modifying Environment Variables on Windows.

4.3.3 User Requirements

The operating system user that installs Oracle R Enterprise Server must meet the requirements described in this section.

Table 4-3 User Requirements for Oracle R Enterprise Server Installer

Platform User Requirement

Linux and UNIX

  • Member of the dba group

  • Has write access to $ORACLE_HOME/lib

Microsoft Windows

  • Administrator access

  • Member of the ora_dba group

  • Has write access to %ORACLE_HOME%\bin About Operating System Authentication

The Oracle R Enterprise Server installation script uses system authentication to connect to the database identified by ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID. System authentication is based on the operating system credentials of the user instead of the database credentials.

For example, on a Linux system, the Oracle R Enterprise installation script uses this statement to start SQL*Plus without a password:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba

Membership in a special operating system group enables system authentication for Oracle Database. The operating system group is created during installation of the database, and the identity of the installer is automatically assigned to the group. The generic name for the group is OSDBA. On Linux and UNIX, the name for OSDBA is dba. On Windows, the name for OSDBA is ora_dba.

The user that installs Oracle R Enterprise Server must belong to OSDBA.

See Also: Verifying the Group Membership of Your User ID

As described in "About Operating System Authentication", the Linux or UNIX user ID that runs the Oracle R Enterprise Server installation script must belong to the dba group. Membership in the dba group is also required for running other Oracle R Enterprise scripts on the server. On Windows, the dba group is called ora_dba.

To determine the group membership of your Linux or UNIX user ID, type this command:

% groups
dba  othergroup

To determine the group membership of your Windows user ID:

  1. Open Windows Control Panel.
  2. Select Users Accounts.
  3. Select Manage User Accounts.
  4. On the Users tab of the User Accounts dialog, the name, domain, and group of each user account are listed. Verify that your user ID belongs to the group ora_dba.

4.4 Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server


To install Oracle R Enterprise Server without needing to respond to visual prompts, use a batch mode installation such as that described in "A Default Batch Installation" and "User Configuration in Batch Mode".

To install Oracle R Enterprise Server:

  1. Ensure that your system satisfies the requirements specified in Oracle R Enterprise Server Requirements.

  2. Create an installation directory for the Oracle R Enterprise server components. The directory can have any name. For example:

  3. Download the Oracle R Enterprise Server installation files and supporting packages from the Oracle R Enterprise Downloads page on the Oracle Technology Network:


    1. Accept the license agreement and download the Oracle R Enterprise Server files for your platform to your installation directory.

    2. Accept the license agreement and download the Oracle R Enterprise Supporting packages for your platform to your installation directory.

    The installation directory now contains two zip files.


    For AIX 7, the installers have the following names:

  4. Unzip the files.

    unzip ore-server-platform-arch-version.zip
    unzip ore-supporting-platform-arch-version.zip

    The installation directory looks like this after you unzip both files:

    For Linux or UNIX:


    For Windows:

  5. For Linux or UNIX, run server.sh. For Windows, run server.bat. The script performs a default, first-time installation of Oracle R Enterprise Server, as described in A Default Interactive Installation.

    For Linux or UNIX:


    For Windows:


See Also:

Example A-1 for an example with output.

4.5 Verifying the Oracle R Enterprise Server Installation

The Oracle R Enterprise server installation script creates log files in the server subdirectory of the installation directory. Examine the log files to verify the success of the installation process.

The following commands on a Linux or UNIX system list the log files:

cd ./oreserver_install_dir/server
ls *.log
outcdb.log  rqconfig.log  rqdrop.log  rqgrant.log  rqinst.log  rqpdrp.log  rqproc.log  rquser.log

If there are problems with the installation and you are unable to resolve them, you can request help from My Oracle Support or from the Oracle R Enterprise discussion forum.

4.5.1 Validating Basic Oracle R Enterprise Functionality

After connecting as described in Connecting Oracle R Enterprise Client to Oracle R Enterprise Server, you can test some of the basic functionality of Oracle R Enterprise with these commands:

## Is the ORE client connected to the ORE server?
## The output of this command should be TRUE.

## List the available database tables 

## Push an R dataframe to a database table
CARS <- ore.push(cars)

## Run embedded R
ore.doEval(function() { 123 })

4.5.2 Running the Oracle R Enterprise Example Scripts

You can further verify the success of the installation by running the Oracle R Enterprise demo scripts. If a script runs to completion without errors, then the example is successful.

The example scripts are located in $ORACLE_HOME/R/library/ORE/demo.

This R command provides a list of available examples:


These commands run two of the examples. The aggregate script tests the use of an R function on data that is resident in database memory; the row_apply script tests embedded R execution.

demo("aggregate", package="ORE")
demo("row_apply", package="ORE")

This command exits from R.


4.6 Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server in a Multitenant Environment

You can install Oracle R Enterprise Server in one or more pluggable databases (PDBs) within a multitenant environment. Oracle R Enterprise Server must be installed in a pluggable database, not in the root database.

If you have more than one instance of Oracle R Enterprise Server installed in a Multitenant Container Database (CDB) and you want to uninstall one instance but retain the others, you can perform a partial uninstall as described in Performing a Partial Uninstall.

See Also: