1.3 Get Online Help for Oracle R Enterprise Classes, Functions, and Methods

The Oracle R Enterprise client packages contain the R components that you use to interact with data in an Oracle database. For a list and brief descriptions of the client packages, and for information on installing them, see Oracle R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide.

To get help on Oracle R Enterprise classes, functions, and methods, use R functions such as help and showMethods. If the name of a class or function has an ore prefix, you can supply the name to the help function. To get help on an overloaded method of an open-source R function, supply the name of the method and the name of the ore class.

Example 1-1 Getting Help on Oracle R Enterprise Classes, Functions, and Methods

This example shows several ways of getting information on Oracle R Enterprise classes, functions, and methods. In the listing following the example some code has been modified to display only a portion of the results and the output of some of the functions is not shown.

# List the contents of the OREbase package.

# Get help for the OREbase package.

# Get help for the ore virtual class.

# Show the subclasses of the ore virtual class.

# Get help on the ore.frame class.

# Get help on the ore.vector class.

# Show the arguments for the aggregate method.

# Get help on the aggregate method for an ore.vector object.

# Show the signatures for the merge method.

# Get help on the merge method for an ore.frame object.


# Get help on the scale method for an ore.number object.

# Get help on the ore.connect function.
Listing for Example 1-1
R> options(width = 80)
# List the contents of the OREbase package.
R> head(ls("package:OREbase"), 12)
 [1] "%in%"          "Arith"         "Compare"       "I"            
 [5] "Logic"         "Math"          "NCOL"          "NROW"         
 [9] "Summary"       "as.data.frame" "as.env"        "as.factor"
R># Get help for the OREbase package.
R> help("OREbase")      # Output not shown.
R> # Get help for the ore virtual class.
R> help("ore-class")    # Output not shown.
R># Show the subclasses of the ore virtual class.
R> showClass("ore")
Virtual Class "ore" [package "OREbase"]
No Slots, prototype of class "ore.vector"
Known Subclasses: 
Class "ore.vector", directly
Class "ore.frame", directly
Class "ore.matrix", directly
Class "ore.number", by class "ore.vector", distance 2
Class "ore.character", by class "ore.vector", distance 2
Class "ore.factor", by class "ore.vector", distance 2
Class "ore.date", by class "ore.vector", distance 2
Class "ore.datetime", by class "ore.vector", distance 2
Class "ore.difftime", by class "ore.vector", distance 2
Class "ore.logical", by class "ore.vector", distance 3
Class "ore.integer", by class "ore.vector", distance 3
Class "ore.numeric", by class "ore.vector", distance 3
Class "ore.tblmatrix", by class "ore.matrix", distance 2
Class "ore.vecmatrix", by class "ore.matrix", distance 2
# Get help on the ore.frame class.
R> help("ore.frame")       # Output not shown.

R># Get help on the ore.vector class.
R> help("ore.vector")    # Output not shown.
R># Show the arguments for the aggregate method.
R> showMethods("aggregate")
Function: aggregate (package stats)

# Get help on the aggregate method for an ore.vector object.
R> help("aggregate,ore.vector-method")      # Output not shown.

# Show the signatures for the merge method.
R> showMethods("merge")
Function: merge (package base)
x="ANY", y="ANY"
x="data.frame", y="ore.frame"
x="ore.frame", y="data.frame"
x="ore.frame", y="ore.frame

# Get help on the merge method for an ore.frame object.
R> help("merge,ore.frame,ore.frame-method")  # Output not shown.

R> showMethods("scale")
Function: scale (package base)

# Get help on the scale method for an ore.number object.
R> help("scale,ore.number-method")    # Output not shown.

# Get help on the ore.connect function.
R> help("ore.connect")                # Output not shown.