Global Options Related to Ordering

Oracle R Enterprise has options that relate to the ordering of an ore.frame object. The ore.warn.order global option specifies whether you want Oracle R Enterprise to display a warning message if you use an unordered ore.frame object in a function that requires ordering. If you know what to expect in an operation, then you might want to turn the warnings off so they do not appear in the output. For examples of the warning messages, see Example 2-13 and Example 2-14.

You can see what the current setting is, or turn the option on or off, as in the following example.

R> options("ore.warn.order")
[1] TRUE
R> options("ore.warn.order" = FALSE)
R> options("ore.warn.order" = TRUE)

With the ore.sep option, you can specify the separator between the row name values that you use for multi-column keys, as in the following example.

R> options("ore.sep")
[1] "|"

R> options("ore.sep" = "/")
R> options("ore.sep" = "|")