B Silent Mode Installations and Deinstallations

This appendix describes how to perform a silent mode installation or deinstallation of Oracle Fail Safe.

The following topics are discussed in this appendix:

Introducing Silent Mode Installations and Deinstallations of Oracle Fail Safe

A silent mode installation lets you install software by supplying input to Oracle Universal Installer in a file, rather than through Oracle Universal Installer graphical user interface (GUI).

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), the deinstallation tool is integrated with Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). Perform a deinstallation by running the setup.exe command with the -deinstall and -home options from the base directory of the Oracle Database. The deinstallation tool uses the information you provide and the information gathered from the software home to create a response file. Alternatively, you can supply a response file generated previously by the deinstall command using the –checkonly option, or by editing the response file template.

If you are performing multiple installations of Oracle Fail Safe that are identical or similar to each other, you may want to run Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode to automate the process. You do this by editing a file, called a response file, that is supplied with Oracle Fail Safe. Use the -silent flag to run the deinstallation tool in noninteractive mode. This option requires a working system that it can access to determine the installation and configuration information and a response file that contains the configuration values for the Oracle home that is being deinstalled or deconfigured.

Selecting a Response File

Three different response file templates are available in the Oracle Fail Safe installation kit. These response files help you to set up Oracle Fail Safe installations in silent mode. Although each template file performs a different type of installation, you can use any one of them to perform a deinstallation.

To perform a silent installation, choose a response file template that corresponds to the desired installation type. The template files are located on the installation kit in the \stage\Response directory. Sample response files have also been provided.

The template files, samples, and their corresponding installation types are listed in the following table:

Template Name Sample Name Installation Type



Typical installationFoot 1



Client Only installation



Custom installation

Footnote 1

The Typical installation type installs all of the Oracle Fail Safe components.

See Also:

"Customizing and Creating Response Files" in Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX for information about response files

Performing Steps for a Silent Mode Installation or Deinstallation

The following steps describe how to customize the variables in a response file and enable Oracle Universal Installer to use the file for a silent mode installation or deinstallation:

Copy the response file template from the installation kit

Make a copy of the original response file templates (located on the installation kit in the \stage\Response directory) to use as the basis for your response file. Retain the original files for use as templates.

You might want to make several copies of a response file, each with a different purpose, and specify a different name for each one. For example, you might have a response file named failsafemanager.rsp that performs only Oracle Fail Safe Manager installations.

Edit the response file

Edit the response file to specify options for your Oracle Fail Safe installation.


Before editing the response file, read Contents of a Response File, which contains important information about editing the variables in the response file.

The response file templates contain all of the Oracle Fail Safe installation variables for the corresponding installation type. There are variables that specify the name of the Oracle home where you want to install Oracle Fail Safe, the installation type (Typical, Custom, or Client Only), and the account user name and password for the Oracle Fail Safe service. You can use any one of the response file templates for a deinstallation.

In the response files, each variable is documented using comment lines that begin with a number sign (#). The comments contain information about the type of the variable, whether the variable is displayed in a dialog box, and the function of the variable.

The following sections describe how to perform the different types of installations or a deinstallation. Except where noted, the variables respond in the same way, in each of the response file templates.

See Also:

"Setting Response File Variables From the Command Line" in Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX for information about specifying the value of a Session or Component variable

For all types of installations, edit the following variables to specify the name of the Oracle home where you want to install Oracle Fail Safe:




Typical Installation

To install all Oracle Fail Safe components:

  1. Use the oracle.failsafe.complete.typical.rsp response file template.

  2. Locate the INSTALL_TYPE variable in the [oracle.failsafe.complete_4.] Component section and make sure the value is INSTALL_TYPE="Typical". (This is the default setting.)

  3. Locate the DomainUserName and Pwd variables in the file. Edit these variables with the account domain, user name, and password needed by Oracle Fail Safe.

Client Only Installation

To install Oracle Fail Safe Manager only:

  1. Use the oracle.failsafe.complete.client.rsp response file template.

  2. Locate the INSTALL_TYPE variable in the [oracle.failsafe.complete_4.] Component section and ensure that the value is INSTALL_TYPE="install_type_1". (This is the default value.)

Custom Installation

To perform a customized installation of Oracle Fail Safe:

  1. Use the oracle.failsafe.complete.custom.rsp response file template.
  2. Locate the INSTALL_TYPE variable in the [oracle.failsafe.complete_4.] Component section and make sure the value is INSTALL_TYPE="Custom" (this is the default value).
  3. If you need to install Oracle Fail Safe server, then locate the DomainUserName and Pwd variables in the file. Edit these variables with the account domain, user name, and password needed by Oracle Fail Safe.
  4. Specify the components to be installed in the DEPENDENCY_LIST variable.

Example B-1 Deinstallation

You can deinstall by running the deinstallation tool from the database installation kit by using the setup.exe command with the -deinstall option.

Run Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode

The Oracle Fail Safe silent installation and deinstallation are case-sensitive. You must enter all command-line syntax exactly as shown in this chapter (for example, the -responseFile parameter must be entered using all lowercase characters, except for the F). You must enter the file specification by using the case shown in Microsoft Windows Explorer (for example, C:\Ofs\Silent_Install\OfsProducts.rsp).

The following command performs an Oracle Fail Safe installation in silent mode by reading all required installation information from the failsafe.rsp file:

E:\stage\Disk1\install\setup.exe -responseFile C:\failsafe.rsp -silent 

The following command performs an Oracle Fail Safe deinstallation in silent mode by reading the deinst_failsafe.rsp file:

E:\stage\Disk1\install\setup.exe -deinstall -home complete path of Oracle home [-silent] [-checkonly]
[-paramfile complete path of input parameter property file] [-params name1=value
name2=value . . .] [-o complete path of directory for saving files] [-help]

See Also:

Saving a Response File after Installation

You can use Oracle Universal Installer in interactive mode to record a response file, which you can edit and then use to complete silent mode or response file mode installations. This method is useful for custom or software-only installations.

See Also:

"Saving a Response File" in Oracle Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Contents of a Response File

Edit the variables in your copy of the file to contain the responses you would need to provide during the Oracle Fail Safe installation session. Use the following format when you specify values for variables in the response file:

variable name = recommendation : value

With Oracle Universal Installer 2.1 and higher, you can specify the value of certain variables when you start Oracle Universal Installer from the command line. Specifically, you can specify session and component variables.

See Also:


Use a response file only to perform silent installations for Oracle Fail Safe. Do not use the response files that are provided with Oracle Fail Safe to install any other products.