Mobile My Oracle Support


Release 15.4


November 2015

This document provides help for Mobile My Oracle Support. It contains the following sections:


You will only see Notifications and Change Requests if your account has the privileges to view these areas and if there are items to display in each area.

See Also:

For more information about how to use Mobile My Oracle Support, see Knowledge Document 1683083.2, "My Oracle Support How-to Series: How to use Mobile My Oracle Support ":

For information about My Oracle Support, see the My Oracle Support help at the following URL:


The Mobile My Oracle Support interface is primarily focused on key tasks which customers need to do when on the go. It is a web site optimized for mobile browsers. Mobile My Oracle Support provides a subset of functions available from the My Oracle Support portal. The Mobile My Oracle Support portal is available from the following URL:


To use Mobile My Oracle Support, you must register in the main My Oracle Support portal:

For information on registering, see the My Oracle Support help "Registration, Sign In, and Accessibility Options" section:

Support Identifiers

Before you can use My Oracle Support, you must have at least one Support Identifier (Support ID) in your user profile. A Support ID is a unique reference number that identifies your organization. Use the My Oracle Support portal to add a Support ID to your profile. For more information, see the "How do I add a Support ID to a Profile?" section of the My Oracle Support help:


The following regions are available from the Mobile My Oracle Support home page:

  • Notifications (visible to Customer User Administrators (CUAs) only)

  • Change Requests (visible to customers who have Managed Cloud Services Request for Changes (RFCs))

  • RFC Searches

  • Knowledge

  • Service Requests

  • Saved SR Searches

  • More (to access Mobile My Oracle Support specific settings and some common links)


The Notifications region appears on the home page. It lists pending user requests that require your approval.


The Notifications region is only visible to CUAs, and only visible if there are pending user requests.

What is a pending user request?

When a user in your organization requires access to My Oracle Support or requires an additional Support ID, they must have the approval of the CUA in that organization. Oracle does not approve these requests. CUAs use the Pending User Requests region to approve or deny user access requests.

How do I approve a pending user request?

CUAs use the Pending User Requests region to approve or deny the following privileges for individual users for each Support ID:

  • SR Access (None|Read Only|Create and Update)

  • Download Patches (View Only|Download)

  • Support ID Admin (No|Yes)

  • Request for Change (No Access|View|Create)

To approve a pending user request:

  1. Select Pending User Requests in the Notifications region. The Pending User Requests page appears, listing all pending user requests assigned to you.

  2. Select Approve Request on the row of the user that you want to approve.

    The row expands to display the privileges that the user has requested.

  3. If desired, change the privileges for this user by selecting from the lists, then select Approve.

    Note: You should only approve users whose actions are sanctioned by your organization. On rare occasions, you might find that you recognize the user's account but the user made an error when entering a Support ID for their organization. In this situation, you should deny the request.

    Some customers require Oracle accounts to be created from a valid business address and not from a personal e-mail account. If this is the policy of your company, you should deny requests for accounts that use a personal e-mail address.If you do not know the person making the request, you should not approve the request. If they are a valid user but used an incorrect e-mail account (for example a personal e-mail account) they must change their e-mail address or reregister using their business e-mail address.

How do I deny a pending user request?

To deny requests:

  1. Select Pending User Requests in the Notifications region. The Pending User Requests page appears, listing all pending user requests assigned to you.

  2. Select the request, select Deny, then select Deny in the window that appears.


    The ability to change the Support Id and manage notifications while approving or denying a request will be implemented in a future release.

    See Also:

    For more information on Support Ids and privileges, refer to My Oracle Support help:

Change Requests


The Change Requests region is only visible if there are any change requests for the Support IDs in your profile, and if you have privileges to view change requests.

The Change Requests region enables Oracle Managed Cloud Services customers to track Managed Cloud Services requests for changes (RFCs). It is visible to customers with at least one Managed Cloud Services Support ID with View or Create & Update change request privileges.

You can request approval for, cancel, or add a note to an RFC if you have the Create and Update privilege for the Support ID associated with the RFC. If you are an Oracle Managed Cloud Services user and an authorized approver for the instance where the change should happen, you can now schedule and approve a change request.

RFCs have several statuses, including:

  • New

  • Ready to Schedule

  • Completed

  • Cancelled

  • Rejected

  • Aborted

  • Abandoned by Customer

The Change Requests region contains the following sections:

  • Ready to Schedule

    To view a list of RFCs that have the status Ready to Schedule, select Ready to Schedule in the Change Requests region.

  • All Open

    To view a list of open RFCs (RFCs with the status New or Ready to Schedule), select All Open in the Change Requests region.

  • Closed

    To view a list of closed RFCs, select Closed in the Change Requests region. A closed request can have the status of Completed, Abandoned by Customer, Aborted, or Rejected.

Scheduling a Change Request

If you are an Oracle Managed Cloud Services user and an authorized approver for the instance where the change should happen, you can now schedule and approve a change request. You can indicate the preferred date and time and check the resource availability.

If you schedule a change on Production instance without testing, you must acknowledge the risk and accept responsibility for scheduling the change.

You can cancel the scheduled change request at any time before the change begins.

Searching for an RFC

To search for an RFC, do one of the following:

  • Click RFC at the top of the screen, enter the RFC summary or ID, then click the search icon (magnifying glass).

  • To search for RFCs using the following options, click Advanced, select or enter your criteria, then click the search icon (magnifying glass).

    • Contact - Select Me, All, or Other. If you select Other, click Select. On the Select Contact page, search for the user that you want to include in your search, select the contact from list, then choose Select.

    • RFC Type - This is case sensitive. You must enter the complete RFC type.

    • Target

    • Scheduled Start

    • Severity

    • Support Identifier - Select or deselect Support IDs.

    • RFC Status

    • Sort By

Saving RFC Searches

Use the available filters to refine search criteria and save the search for easy access to customized results. You can save up to 20 searches. To save a search do one of the following:

  • Perform an advanced search, then click Save in the top right of the screen.

  • In the RFC Searches region, select Create New RFC Search, enter search criteria, click Save, then enter a title for the search under Save RFC Search As.

Requesting Approval

To request approval for an RFC:

  1. In the Change Requests region, select Ready to Schedule or All Open.

    The list of RFCs appears. You can only approve RFCs that have the status Ready to Schedule.

  2. Select Ready to Schedule in the row of the RFC that you want to approve.

    The RFC Details page appears.


    The RFC Details page is visible if you have Create and Update or View privileges for the Support ID associated with the RFC.
  3. Select Request Approval.

  4. Enter a justification for the approval in the Note box, then select Request Approval.


Select Cancel to cancel any changes and return to the RFC Details page.

Cancelling an RFC

To cancel an RFC:

  1. In the Change Requests region, select either Ready to Schedule or All Open.

  2. Select the status in the row of the RFC that you want to cancel.

    The RFC Details page appears.


    The RFC Details page is visible if you have Create and Update or View privileges for the Support ID associated with the RFC.
  3. Select Cancel RFC.

  4. Select a reason for cancelling from the list.

  5. Enter a justification for cancelling the RFC in the Note box, then select Cancel.


Select Exit to cancel any changes and return to the RFC Details page.

Adding a Note to an RFC

You can add a note to an RFC that has the status New, Ready to Schedule, or Cancelled. To add a note to an RFC:

  1. In the Change Requests region, select either Ready to Schedule or All Open.

  2. Select the status (Ready to Schedule, New, or Cancelled) in the row of the RFC to which you want to add a note.

    The RFC Details page appears.


    The RFC Details page is visible if you have Create and Update or View privileges for the Support ID associated with the RFC.
  3. Select Add Note at the top right of the page.

  4. Enter text the Note box, then select Add Note.


Select Cancel to cancel any changes and return to the RFC Details page.


Oracle provides an extensive Knowledge Base to My Oracle Support users.

Searching the Knowledge Base

To search the Knowledge Base:


For information about searching for service requests (SRs), see the "Service Requests" section.
  1. Click Knowledge at the top of the screen.

  2. Enter search criteria in the Search Knowledge box.

  3. If desired, select Advanced to refine your search with the following options:

    • Source - Select All Sources, Knowledge Base, Bug Database, Sun System Handbook (SSH), or Knowledge Base Archive.

    • Product or Product Line - Filter either by product or product line.

    • Task - Select a task from the list. This options applies only to searches in the Knowledge Base and Knowledge Base Archive.


    Your selection in the Source option determines other available options.

    If you select Knowledge Base or Knowledge Base Archive, you may choose:

    • Either one product or one product line. These options are mutually exclusive.

    • One task.

    If you select Bug Database or All Sources, you may choose either one product or one product line (mutually exclusive).

  4. Select the search icon (magnifying glass).

    The Search Results page lists the first ten documents that match your search criteria, in order of relevance.

  5. If you do not see what you are looking for, select Show more... at the bottom of the results list.


    If a document has the label Support Recommended above the ID number and the entry is shaded in blue, your search term matches the document ID, the document is recommended by Oracle Support based on your search terms, or it contains an Oracle error code (for example ORA-12345).
  6. To view a document or bug, select the title link. Note that My Oracle Support now supports MP4 files.

  7. To view the next or previous document or bug, select the arrows on the left or right of the top of the page.

Search Tips

This section lists tips for searching the Knowledge Base.

  • Use the Product filter to dramatically improve your results.

  • All searches are case insensitive. ORACLE and OracLE are treated the same.

  • By default, all terms are joined by AND. Therefore, a search of ora 600 looks for documents containing both ora and 600.

  • Choose search terms (words and numbers) carefully. Too few terms will return results that are not selective enough. Too many terms will be too restrictive and will return results that may exclude documents that would have met your needs.

  • Use search functions and operators listed in the following table to refine your searches:

    Search Function and Operator Example Result
    OR = string1 | string2 blue | green Returns documents with the words blue or green
    Exact match = "string1 string2" "blue eyes" Returns documents with the string blue eyes
    Exclusions = -string_to_exclude eyes -green Returns documents that includes eyes but does not include green
    Proximity searches = "string1 string2"~ "script start application tier services"~ Returns documents containing these five words anywhere in the document, provided they are not separated by more than 100 words.
    Grouping = (string1 |string2) word (blue | green) eyes Returns documents containing the strings blue eyes and green eyes


Your selection in the Source option determines other available options.

If you select Knowledge Base or Knowledge Base Archive, you may choose:

  • Either one product or one product line. These options are mutually exclusive.

  • One task.

If you select Bug Database or All Sources, you may choose either one product or one product line (mutually exclusive).


To share a document or bug through e-mail, select Share on the document or bug page.


A favorite provides quick access to information of your choice.

To make a document or bug a favorite, select Mark Favorite on the document or bug page. If a document or bug is already a favorite, select Remove Favorite to remove it from the Favorites list.

To view a favorite document or bug:

  1. Select Favorites in the Knowledge region.

    A list of documents and bugs that you have selected as favorites appears.

  2. Select Articles or Bugs.

  3. Select a document or bug title.

Favorites are shared between the My Oracle Support portal and Mobile My Oracle Support.

Recently Viewed

To view a list of the 50 most recently viewed documents and bugs, select Recently Viewed in the Knowledge region. To view a document or bug, select a title link.

Recent Searches

To view a list of your 50 most recent searches, select Recent Searches in the Knowledge region. Select a search link to repeat the search.


To view a wide range of Oracle resources, select Resources in the Knowledge region. The Resources page contains the following categories:

  • Get Proactive Portfolio

  • Lifecycle Advisors

  • Critical Patch Updates & Security

  • Japanese Knowledge Bases

  • Online Documentation

  • Sun System Handbook

  • Tools and Training

  • Big Data Appliance

Click the arrow next to a category to expand the category list.

Service Requests

From Mobile My Oracle Support, you can:

  • Search SRs

  • View SRs and Updates

  • Mark SRs as Favorites

  • Update SRs

  • Request to Close SRs

  • Share SRs

Oracle Platinum Services

Systems and targets can be certified to receive Oracle Platinum Services, which provides active system monitoring, enhanced Severity 1 SR response times, and quarterly patching services.

The Restore status displays the current status of your Platinum system restoration.

For more information about Oracle Platinum Services, click the following link:

Searching SRs

To search SRs:

  1. Click SRs at the top of the screen.

  2. Enter search criteria in the Search SR summary or ID box.

  3. If desired, click Advanced to refine your search with the following options:

    • Contact - Select Me, All, or Other. If you select Other, click Select. On the Select Contact page, search for the user that you want to include in your search, select the contact from list, then choose Select.

    • Product - Select one or more products.

    • Severity - Select All or select a severity.

    • Support Identifier - Select or deselect Support IDs or service group.

    • Level - Select Platinum or Not Platinum SRs.

    • Closed Service Requests - Select Include Closed Service Requests to search open and closed SRs.

  4. Select the search icon (magnifying glass).

    The Search Results page lists the first 200 documents that match your search criteria, in order of relevance.

  5. If you do not see what you are looking for, select Show more... at the bottom of the results list.


    Priority 1 and 2 SRs are highlighted in the search results list with the priority number in a colored triangle.
  6. To view an SR, select the title link.

Saving Searches

You can save up to 20 searches.

To save a search:

  1. In the Saved SR Searches region, select Create New SR Search.

  2. Enter a title for the search and specify search criteria, then select Done.

    The search results appear, with the title of the search at the top of the page.

To use a saved search, in the Saved SR Searches region select a saved search. The search results appear, with the title of the search at the top of the page.

To delete a saved search:

  1. In the Saved SR Searches region, select a saved search.

    The search results appear, with the title of the search at the top of the page.

  2. Select Edit.

    The Edit Search page appears.

  3. Select Delete Search at the bottom of the page.

  4. When prompted, select Delete.

Viewing SRs

The Service Requests region provides five filters for SRs:

  • Requires My Action

  • All Open

  • Favorites

  • Closed

  • "Contact Us" SRs

To view an SR:

  1. Select a filter.

    The filtered SR list appears.

  2. Select an SR title.

    The SR Details page appears, with the Update tab selected. The Update tab shows a history of updates to the SR.

  3. Select Summary to view the SR.


    If a document is referenced in the discussion of the SR, the document title should be linked. Select the link to view the document.

A field service task indicates that hardware assistance is required from a Field Service Engineer or that parts have been ordered and delivered to the customer without the need for a Field Service Engineer.

To view a field service task:

  1. Select the link under the label Field Service Tasks.

    The link gives the number of field service tasks associated with the SR.

  2. Select a field service task from the menu, then click the search icon.

    The details of the field service task appear.

To download an attachment:

  1. If the SR has at least one attachment, select the arrow in the Attachments section of the SR summary.

    A list of attachments appears.

  2. Select an attachment.

    The attachment is downloaded to your hard drive.

  3. To view the attachment, select the attachment name at the bottom of the page.

Adding or Changing an Alternate Contact

To add or change an alternate contact:

  1. In the Account section of the SR summary, select None or the current alternate contact name.

    The Select Contact window appears.

  2. Enter search criteria in the Search Users section, then select Search.

  3. Select a contact from the list that appears, then choose Select at the top of the page.

Sharing SRs

To share an SR through e-mail, select Share on the SR Details page.

Marking Favorites

A favorite provides quick access to information of your choice.

To make an SR a favorite, select Mark Favorite on the SR Details page. If an SR is already a favorite, select Remove Favorite to remove it from the Favorites list.

Favorites are shared between the My Oracle Support portal and the Mobile My Oracle Support.

Updating SRs

To update an SR:


You must have the Update privilege for the associated Support ID to update an SR.
  1. On the SR Details page, select Update.

  2. Add your update to the box that appears, then select Update.

Closing an SR

You cannot directly close an SR. However, to request that an SR be closed:


You must have the Update privilege for the associated Support ID to close an SR.
  1. On the SR Details page, select Request Close.

  2. Select a reason for closing the SR from the list.

  3. Enter information in the Update Detail box (optional).

  4. Select Update.

Reopening an SR

To request that a closed SR be reopened:


You must have the Create and Update privileges for the associated Support ID to reopen a closed SR.
  1. On the SR Details page of a closed SR, select Re-open SR.

  2. Enter the reason for reopening the SR.

  3. Select Update.

When you select Re-Open SR, a request is sent to the assigned engineer who makes the final decision on whether or not to reopen the SR. The reopen request is subject to review by the owning engineer. Selecting Re-Open SR does not guarantee that the SR will be reopened. As an alternative, consider opening a new SR and referencing the closed SR in the problem details.


The More region contains the following sections:

  • FAQs

  • Get Proactive

  • Give Feedback

  • FAQ

  • Help

  • My Oracle Support Blog

  • Settings

  • Twitter


Select Settings in the More region to change your time zone and turn display count on or off.

Set Time Zone

By default, Auto Detect Time Zone is set to On. To manually specify your time zone:

  1. Select Off under Auto Detect Time Zone.

    The Select Time Zone menu appear.

  2. Select a time zone from the menu, then select Save.

Display Counts

Select On or Off from the Display Counts menu to turn Display Counts on or off.

If Display Counts is set to On, the number of items in each category shown on the home page is displayed, for example "Open SRs (5)". Closed SRs are not counted when this option is turned on. Turning display counts on might slow the loading time of the home page.

Give Feedback

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help improve the Mobile My Oracle Support application. Select Give Feedback in the More region to send an e-mail to send any suggestions to the development team.

My Oracle Support Blog and Twitter

Check the My Oracle Support Blog and follow the My Oracle Support team in Twitter for the latest news and information on Mobile My Oracle Support.

Get Proactive

Get Proactive provides services to help customers avoid issues before they affect their business.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Mobile My Oracle Support Help, Release 15.4


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