Edit Shipping Address Window

Purpose: Use this window to update the shipping address on a delivery order.

How to display: This window opens when you click Edit for a delivery order on the:

         View Order Detail Screen

         Pick Order Detail Screen

         Pick Order Detail - Item Screen

         Ship Order Detail Screen

         Ship Order Detail - Integrated Screen

In order to update the shipping address, the Next Action for an item on a delivery order must be Accept & Print, Pick, or Ship. You must have authority to edit the shipping address.

Completing this window: 

1.      You can update any field on this window; the Company or First and Last Name, Address, City, Country, and Postal Code are required. State/Province is also required depending on the specified country.

2.      Click Save to save your changes; otherwise, click Cancel.

Note:            Any information defined in the Attention, Prefix, Middle initial, or Suffix fields for the shipping address cannot be updated and will be retained in the updated address.

After you complete this window: 

         The system:

         Records the before and after address information for each open line and displays the activity on the View Order History Screen with the Reason Address Change Applied. You can click View on this screen to advance to the View Order History Detail - Address Change Window, which displays the new shipping address and the previous shipping address before the updates were applied. Note: Any completed lines will not reflect the address change.

         The updated shipping address displays on the View Order Detail Screen, Pick Order Detail Screen, Pick Order Detail - Item Screen, Ship Order Detail Screen, and Ship Order Detail - Integrated Screen.

Note:            The updated shipping address applies to all open lines on the delivery order, including lines in a new order status.

