
Purpose: The possible actions you can select for orders are listed below.

If an order includes lines with different Next Actions: On the View New Orders Screen and View All Open Orders Screen, the Next Action displayed is the earliest one in order processing. For example, an order includes a line whose Next Action is Accept & Print, and another line whose Next Action is Pick. The Next Action displayed for the order is Accept & Print.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview 



Available From:

Accept & Print

         Confirms that you are beginning processing of the delivery or pickup order, or selected item

         Generates the Pick List Pull Sheet 

         Generates the Packing Slip, if the system administrator has selected the preference to generate this document at order acceptance

         Changes the Next Action for the order or item from Accept & Print to Pick

For more information: See Accepting and Printing New Delivery or Pickup Orders for a discussion.

         View New Orders Screen

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

Eligible orders: Only new delivery and pickup orders or new lines are eligible for Accept & Print.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery or pickup orders.


         Opens the Select Cancel Reason Window. Once you select a cancel reason at this window, this:

         Indicates that the pickup or ship to store order, or a line on a pickup or ship to store order, can’t or shouldn’t be fulfilled

         Removes the canceled item or order from all Store Connect order processing screens

For more information: See Canceling Items on Pickup or Ship to Store Orders for a discussion.

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Pickup Ready Orders Screen

         Pick Up Order Detail Screen

         View Unclaimed Pickup Ready Orders Screen

Eligible orders and items: Only items that are on pickup or ship to store orders and whose Next Action is Pick Up are eligible for Cancel.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports pickup or ship to store orders.


Opens the Select Close Reason Window. When you select a close reason at this window, the order or item(s) are closed immediately, and Store Connect generates an email to the retailer indicating that the item(s) were closed.

You might close an item on a ship to store order because it was damaged in shipment, or because it was missing.

When you close an item, the item is displayed with a status of Canceled on order inquiry screens across locations, such as the View Order History Screen and the View Order Information Screen.

This option is available only if you have the required authority.

         Receive Order Detail Screen

Eligible orders and items: Only items that are on ship to store orders and whose Next Action is Receive are eligible for Close.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports ship to store orders.


Opens the Edit Shipping Address Window where you can update the shipping address on a delivery order.

Note:  This option is available only if the Next Action for an item on a delivery order is Accept & Print, Pick, or Ship. You must have authority to edit the shipping address.

         View Order Detail Screen

         Ship Order Detail Screen

         Ship Order Detail - Integrated Screen

         Pick Order Detail Screen


         Opens the Pick Order Window for you to confirm the delivery or pickup order or items as picked, unless you select the option at the View All Open Orders Screen and your system administrator has set the pick verification method to:

         Item: you advance to the Pick Order Detail - Item Screen

         Scan: you advance to the Scan Items To Pick Screen

         Confirms that one or more requested items on the order have been picked and are ready for shipment (delivery order) or pickup (pickup order)

         Generates the Packing Slip, if the system administrator has selected the preference to generate these documents at pick verification, or if you select the Print Pack Slip? option at the Pick Order Window

         Changes the Next Action for the order or item from Pick to Pick Up (for pickup orders) or Ship (for delivery orders)

         Generates a notification to the customer that the order is ready for pickup, if it is a pickup order and isn’t Under Review, and if email notifications were configured by your system administrator

For more information: See:

         Verifying Delivery or Pickup Orders as Picked for a discussion

         Pick and Ship for information on picking and shipping a delivery order in one step

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Orders Ready for Picking Screen

         Pick Order Detail Screen (Pick option available only if your system administrator has not set your pick verification method to Scan)

         Pick Order Detail - Item Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery and pickup orders or lines are eligible for picking.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery or pickup orders.

Pick and Ship

         Generates the Packing Slip for a delivery order, if the system administrator has selected the preference to generate these documents at pick verification, or if you select the Print Pack Slip? option

         Confirms that one or more requested items on a delivery order has been picked

         Confirms that you have shipped the order

         If there are no more open items, closes the order and removes it from all Store Connect order processing screens

         Typically, either Store Connect or the originating system generates a shipment notification email, depending on configuration


         Available from the Pick Order Window only for a single delivery order that isn’t Under Review.

         When you open the window by selecting Pick for an order from the View All Open Orders Screen or selecting Pick Order from the View Orders Ready for Picking Screen, this option isn’t available if there are already items on the order that have been picked but not yet shipped.

Pick Order Window

Eligible orders: Only delivery orders or lines are eligible for picking and shipping.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery orders.

Pick Items

Select this option for a delivery or pickup order to advance to the Pick Order Detail Screen screen, where you can confirm individual items on the order as picked. See Pick for more information.

View Orders Ready for Picking Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery and pickup orders or lines are eligible for picking.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery or pickup orders.

Pick Order

Select this option for a delivery or pickup order to confirm the entire order as picked. See Pick for more information.

View Orders Ready for Picking Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery and pickup orders or lines are eligible for picking.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery or pickup orders.

Pick Up

         Confirms that the customer is picking up the order, or selected lines on the order

         Generates the Packing Slip for printing, if the system administrator has selected the preference to generate these documents at pickup, or if you select the Reprint Pack Doc option

         Removes the order from all Store Connect order processing screens

Note:  Available only for a pickup order that isn’t Under Review, or for a ship to store order.

For more information: See Pickup of Ship to Store or Pickup Orders for a discussion.

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Pickup Ready Orders Screen

         Pick Up Order Detail Screen

         View Unclaimed Pickup Ready Orders Screen

Eligible orders: Only pickup or ship to store orders or lines are eligible for pickup.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports pickup or ship to store orders.

Print Receive Document

         Generates the Receiving Document for the selected items on a ship-to-store order

Note:  Available only for items on a ship-to-store order whose Next Action is Receive.

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Orders Ready to Receive Screen

         Receive Order Detail Screen

Eligible orders: Only ship to store orders or lines are eligible for receiving.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports ship to store orders.


         Opens the Confirm Receive Window when you:

         select this option from the Receive Order Detail Screen or View Order Detail Screen, or

         select the Receive option at the bottom of the View Orders Ready to Receive Screen, if you have the required authority;

         otherwise, takes you to the Receive Order Detail Screen, where you can complete receiving the items or order

         Confirms that you have received a ship-to-store order, or one or more items on the order; only eligible (in transit) items can be received

         Generates the Packing Slip for printing

         Generates a notification to the customer that the order is ready for pickup, if email notifications were configured by your system administrator

Note:  Your system administrator can select the option to generate the email only when all items on a multi-line order have been received.

         Changes the Next Action for the order or item from Receive to Pick Up

For more information: See Receiving Ship to Store Orders.

         Receive Order Detail Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Orders Ready to Receive Screen. You can select Receive for multiple orders if you have the required authority.

The Receive option at the following screens takes you to the Receive Order Detail Screen:

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Orders Ready to Receive Screen, if you select Receive as the next action for a single order

Eligible orders: Only ship to store orders or lines that are in transit are eligible for receiving.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports ship to store orders.


         Confirms that your store location can’t fulfill the order or item(s):

         Delivery order: The system may attempt to find another location to fulfill the order.

         Pickup order: The order is automatically closed, and typically the customer is notified by the originating system.

         Removes the order or item(s) from all Store Connect order processing screens.

Note:  You can’t reject a ship to store order.

For more information: See Rejecting Delivery or Pickup Orders for a discussion.

         View New Orders Screen: only items whose Next Action is Accept & Print are rejected.

         View All Open Orders Screen: the entire order is rejected

         View Order Detail Screen: all selected items are rejected

         When you reject from the following screens, only items whose Next Action is Pick are rejected:

         View Orders Ready for Picking Screen

         Pick Order Detail Screen

         Pick Order Detail - Item Screen

         When you reject from the following screens, only items whose Next Action is Ship are rejected:

         View Orders Ready for Shipping Screen

         Ship Order Detail Screen

         Ship Order Detail - Integrated Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery or pickup orders or lines are eligible for rejection.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery or pickup orders.

Reprint Pack Doc

         Generates a new copy of the Packing Slip


         Available only if the Next Action is Pick, Pick Up, or Ship, and for the delivery or pickup order, only if the packing slip has already been generating for printing; otherwise, Store Connect displays an error.

         When you select individual items at the View Order Detail Screen and click the Reprint Pack Doc button at the bottom of the screen, only selected items are included on the packing slip.

         Reprinting the packing slip doesn’t change the Next Action for an item or order.

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Orders Ready for Picking Screen (only if Store Connect is configured to generate the packing slip at Accept & Print and not to generate the packing slip at pick confirmation)

         Pick Order Detail Screen

         View Pickup Ready Orders Screen

         Pick Up Order Detail Screen

         View Unclaimed Pickup Ready Orders Screen

Reprint Pick List

         Generates a new copy of the Pick List Pull Sheet


         Available only if the Next Action for the delivery or pickup order or item is Pick; otherwise, an error window opens. Not available if the Next Action is Pick Up or Ship.

         When you select individual items at the View Order Detail Screen and click the Reprint Pick List button at the bottom of the screen, only selected items are included on the pick list.

         When you select this option for an order at a list screen such as the View All Open Orders Screen, only items whose Next Action is Pick print on the pick list pull sheet. For example, if you have already verified one of the items on the order as picked, or if you haven’t yet accepted and printed the item, it isn’t included on the pick list pull sheet.

         Reprinting the pick list doesn’t change the Next Action for an item or order.

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Orders Ready for Picking Screen

         Pick Order Detail Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery or pickup orders or lines are eligible for reprinting the pick list.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery or pickup orders.

Resend Email

         Generates a reminder email to the customer for a pickup or ship to store order

Note:  Sending the reminder email doesn’t change the Next Action for an order.

Available when? The option to send a pickup ready reminder email is available only if:

         the option was configured by your system administrator

         the order is a pickup order or a ship to store order

         the order isn’t Under Review (pickup orders only)

         the order’s or item’s Next Action is Pick Up

The email lists each item on the order whose Next Action is Pick Up.

Note:  An additional reminder email is generated each time you select this option.

Important:                            If your system administrator has configured Store Connect to hold email generation for a ship to store order until all in transit items on the order are received, you should not resend the email until confirming that you have received all items.

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Pickup Ready Orders Screen

         Pick Up Order Detail Screen

         View Unclaimed Pickup Ready Orders Screen

Eligible orders: Only pickup or ship to store orders or lines are eligible for reminder emails.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports pickup or ship to store orders.


         Confirms that you have shipped a delivery order

         Generates the Packing Slip for printing, if the system administrator has selected the preference to generate these documents at shipment, or if you select the Reprint Pack Doc option

         If there are no more open items, closes the order and removes it from all Store Connect order processing screens

         Typically, either Store Connect or the originating system generates a shipment notification email, depending on configuration

Note:  Available only for a delivery order whose Next Action is Ship, and that isn’t Under Review.

The shipment confirmation process varies depending on whether you are using integrated shipping or manual shipping. See Shipping Delivery Orders for an overview.

         View All Open Orders Screen

         View Order Detail Screen

         View Orders Ready for Shipping Screen

         Ship Order Detail Screen

         Ship Order Detail - Integrated Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery orders or lines are eligible for shipment.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery orders.

Ship Items

Select this option for a delivery order to advance to the Ship Order Detail Screen screen, where you can confirm individual items on the order as shipped. See Shipping Delivery Orders for an overview.

View Orders Ready for Shipping Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery orders or lines are eligible for shipment.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery orders.

Ship Order

The Ship Order Window (Manual Shipping) opens so you can complete the shipment process. See Shipping Delivery Orders for an overview.

View Orders Ready for Shipping Screen

Eligible orders: Only delivery orders or lines are eligible for shipment.

Note:  Available only when your store location supports delivery orders.

