Pick Order Detail - Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to:

         review a delivery or pickup order with one or more items that need to be confirmed as picked

         verify that individual items are picked

         select additional options, such as reprinting the pick list pull sheet or rejecting an item or the order

Which items listed? Only items on the order whose next action is Pick are listed on this screen. To see all open items on the order, regardless of next action, click View Order Detail in the upper right to advance to the View Order Detail Screen.

How to display this screen: Enter a valid delivery or pickup order number, with one or more items eligible for picking, at the Order To Be Picked Screen screen.

Note:            This screen is available only if your system administrator has selected the Item pick verification method.

About this screen:







To Pick:

         one item: 

         Click the Pick button in the Next Action column for the item (even if other items are selected, the action applies to the current item only); or,

         Select the item and click the Pick button at the bottom of the screen

         more than one item: Select each item and click the Pick button at the bottom of the screen. You can also use the Select All or Deselect All buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Edit Opens the Edit Shipping Address Window where you can update the shipping address on a delivery order. This option is available only if the Next Action for an item on a delivery order is Accept & Print, Pick, or Ship. You must have authority to edit the shipping address.

Other possible actions: Select at least one item and click an option from the bottom of the screen:

         Reprint Pick List

         Reprint Pack Doc: available if the next action is Pick, the packing slip was generated at Accept & Print, and won’t generate automatically when picking


You can also click View Order Detail in the upper right to advance to the View Order Detail Screen. From that screen, you can then click Pick Order Detail - Item in the upper right to return this screen.

Header information:

         Order #






         Under Review

Customer information:





Shipping Address information (Delivery orders only):





Note:  For a pickup order, the pickup icon (pickup.png) is displayed instead of a shipping address.

Item Information:

         Item #

         Item Description


         Order Qty

         Available Qty

         Next Action

Top of screen:

         Current store location

         User ID


         Order type: either Delivery Order or Pickup Order

Bottom of screen:

         Items Selected



Why can’t I reprint the pick list or the pack slip?

How do I cancel an order or item?

Why are some items on an order grouped together?

Verifying Delivery or Pickup Orders as Picked

