View Order Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review detailed information about an order, such as complete address(es) and items, or perform the actions that are currently available for the order or the items on the order. All open items on the order are displayed.

How to display this screen:

         Select View at the View New Orders Screen, View All Open Orders Screen, or View Orders Ready to Receive Screen (ship to store order).

         Select View Order Detail at the Receive Order Detail Screen (ship to store order), Ship Order Detail Screen (delivery order), or the Pick Up Order Detail Screen (ship to store or pickup order).

         Select Work with Order at the View Order Information Screen (open order assigned to your current store location)

About this screen:



         More Information




Next Actions for an item, multiple items, or the entire order may include:

         Accept & Print if you haven’t begun processing a delivery or pickup order

         Edit Opens the Edit Shipping Address Window where you can update the shipping address on a delivery order. This option is available only if the Next Action for an item on a delivery order is Accept & Print, Pick, or Ship. You must have authority to edit the shipping address.

         Pick if you have accepted and printed a delivery or pickup order, but need to confirm picking

Note:  The Pick option is available only if your system administrator has not configured Store Connect to use the scanning pick verification method.

         Pick Up if the customer is picking up a pickup order that you have already picked, or ship to store order that you have already received

         Receive if you are confirming receipt of a ship to store order

         Ship if you are confirming shipment of a delivery order that you have already picked

Note:  No action is available for an item on a ship to store order that is not yet in transit to your store location.

To select the next action for:

         one item: 

         Click the option in the Next Action column for the item (even if other items are selected, the action applies to the current item only); or,

         Select the item and click the button at the bottom of the screen

         more than one item: Select each item and click the button at the bottom of the screen. You can also use the Select All or Deselect All buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Under Review? If a delivery or pickup order is Under Review, you can’t Pick Up or Ship the order or any items on the order.

Note:  The Under Review flag doesn’t apply to a ship to store order.

Header information:

         Order #




         Age (delivery and pickup orders only)


         Under Review

Customer information:





Shipping Address information (delivery orders only):





Note:  For a pickup or ship to store order, the pickup icon (pickup.png) is displayed instead of a shipping address.

Item Information:

         Item #

         Item Description


         Order Qty

         Available Qty (pickup order or delivery order)

         Intransit Date: The date when the originating location shipped or transferred the item on a ship to store order. If different units of the item shipped separately, this is the date of the most recent shipment

         Pickup By Date: Included for a picked item on a pickup order if Store Connect supports auto-cancellation of unclaimed pickup order lines whose next action is Pick Up. To change the Pickup By Date, select the calendar icon (calendar_icon.png) to open the Edit Pickup By Date Window.

         Next Action

Top of screen:

         Current store location

         User ID


         Order type: Delivery Order, Pickup Order, or Ship To Store Order

         Carton Detail: Advance to the View Carton Details Window to review items currently in transit for a ship to store order

Bottom of screen:

         Items Selected

Grouped items: See Why are some items on an order grouped together? for background.

Other possible actions: Select at least one item and click an option from the bottom of the screen:

         Print Receive Document: available for an item on a ship to store order if the next action is Receive

         Reprint Pick List: available for an item on a delivery or pickup order if the next action is Pick

         Reprint Pack Doc: available if:

         the next action is Pick, the packing slip was generated at Accept & Print, and won’t generate automatically when picking, or

         the next action is Pick Up for a pickup or ship to store order

         the next action is Ship for a delivery order

         Reject: available for an item on a delivery or pickup order regardless of next action (not available for a ship to store order)

         Cancel: available for an item on a pickup or ship to store order if the next action is Pick Up

         Resend Email: available for:

         an item on a pickup order if the next action is Pick Up and the order isn’t Under Review

         an item on a ship to store order if the next action is Pick Up (the Under Review flag doesn’t apply to a ship to store order)

         Carton Detail: open the View Carton Details Window to review cartons in transit for ship to store orders.

         Pick Order Detail: Return to the Pick Up Order Detail Screen. Available only if you advanced to this screen from the Pick Up Order Detail screen.

         Pick Detail: Return to the Pick Order Detail Screen. Available only if you advanced to this screen from the Pick Order Detail screen.

         Ship Detail: Return to the Ship Order Detail Screen. Available only if you advanced to this screen from the Ship Order Detail screen.

         Receive Order Detail: return to the Receive Order Detail Screen. Available only if you advanced to this screen from the Receive Order Detail screen.


More Information


         How do I cancel an order or item?

         How do I send a pickup ready reminder email?

         Why can’t I reprint the pick list or the pack slip?

         How can a new order be late?

         Why can’t I ship a delivery order when the Next Action is Ship?

         Why can’t I let the customer pick up a pickup order when the Next Action is Pick Up?

         Why are some items on an order grouped together?

         How can the date for an order be in the future?

Store Connect Overview

