View New Orders Screen

Purpose: This screen displays new delivery or pickup orders assigned to your store location for fulfillment. Only orders that haven’t yet been accepted and printed are displayed. The oldest orders are listed first.

Note:            This screen does not display ship to store orders. You can use the View All Open Orders Screen or the View Orders Ready to Receive Screen to receive ship to store orders received at your store location.

How to display this screen: Select New Orders at the Home Screen or View New Orders from the View All Open Orders Screen.

About this screen:



         More Information




Accept & Print:

         one order: Click the Accept & Print option in the Next Action column, or select the order and click the Accept & Print option at the bottom of the screen

         more than one order: Select each order to accept or click Select All, and click the Accept & Print option at the bottom of the screen

Search for orders: See the search fields to the right

View order detail: Click View for an order to advance to the View Order Detail Screen


         one order: Click the Reject option in the Next Action column, or select the order and click the Reject option at the bottom of the screen

         more than one order: Select each order to reject or click Select All, and click the Reject option at the bottom of the screen

Selecting and deselecting multiple orders: You can select each order individually, or use the Select All option at the bottom of the screen. The number of selected orders is indicated at the bottom left. Alternatively, you can use the Deselect All option at the bottom of the screen to clear your selections.


         Return to Home Screen: click Home (top left)

         Advance to View All Open Orders Screen: click View All Open Orders (top right)

Sort displayed orders: Click a column heading displaying order data (such as Order Number) to sort the displayed orders by the information in that column.


         Order Type (All Order Types defaults if your location can fulfill both delivery and pickup orders, however you can also select Delivery or Pickup. If the location can fulfill only delivery or pickup orders, the specific order type defaults)

         Shipping Method (if your location fulfills delivery orders)

         Order Number

         First Name

         Last Name

Note:  You can’t search based on company name.

         Phone Number

         Date (can include a “from” and “to” date)


         Orders Found

         Order Number



         Order Type

         Shipping Method

         Next Action: always Accept & Print

Top of screen:

         Current store location

         User ID


Bottom of screen:

         Orders Selected

More Information


         How can a new order be late?

         Why is the same order listed twice?

         How to display all open orders? Use the View All Open Orders Screen, available from the Home Screen by selecting Open Orders.

         How to display all orders across all locations? Use the Search Orders Screen, available from the Home Screen by selecting Find Orders.

Assignment of New Delivery or Pickup Orders

