Home Screen

Purpose: The home screen is the first screen that opens in Store Connect. From this screen, you can advance to order processing screens, search for orders across the enterprise, or review graphs depicting numbers of orders by status.

In this topic:

         Upper left area of the screen: Quick Links

         To the right of the Quick Links: New Order Summary

         Bottom half of the screen: Order Status Graphs

         Bar Graphs

         Pie Chart

Note:            Internet access is required to render the graphs and chart. Contact your system administrator if the graphs and chart do not render correctly.

For more information:

         At the top of all screens:

         Current store location

         User ID


         You can click About Store Connect at the bottom center of the screen to display the Store Connect version number: see How do I display the Store Connect version number?

Quick Links

Use the quick links in the upper left corner of the screen to advance to screens for processing orders:

New Orders: View New Orders Screen 

Note:  This option is available only if your store location fulfills pickup orders or delivery orders.

Open Orders: View All Open Orders Screen

Verify Orders Picked: Depending on how your system administrator configured the pick verification process:

         Order To Be Picked Screen

         View Orders Ready for Picking Screen

Note:  This option is available only if your store location fulfills delivery orders or pickup orders.

Ship Orders: Depending on how your system administrator has configured the shipment confirmation process:

         View Orders Ready for Shipping Screen

         Order To Be Shipped Screen

Note:  This option is available only if your store location ships delivery orders.

Receive Orders: View Orders Ready to Receive Screen

Note:  This option is available only if your store location fulfills ship to store orders.

Customer Order Pickup: View Pickup Ready Orders Screen.

Note:  This option is available only if your store location fulfills pickup orders or ship to store orders.

Find Orders: Search Orders Screen


Quick Link Variations

If your store location supports delivery orders, pickup orders, and ship to store orders, all links are active:



Otherwise, if your store does not support all order types, unused buttons are not included, For example, if your store location supports delivery orders and pickup orders, but not ship to store orders, there is no Receive Orders link:



Another example: if your store location supports delivery orders, but not pickup or ship to store orders, there is no Customer Order Pickup link:



New Order Summary

A summary of the new orders requiring processing is to the right of the Quick Links. Depending on the order types your store location supports:

Example:                   Your store location supports delivery orders and pickup orders:

The summary lists the total new orders, and the total of each order type.


Example:                   Your store location supports only delivery orders or pickup orders, but no other order types:

The summary lists the total new orders.


Example:                   Your store location supports ship to store orders only:

The summary lists the total new ship to store orders that are in transit to your store location:


Note:            If the originating location has created a ship to store order, but it isn’t yet in transit to your location, it isn’t included in the total.

Example:                   Your store location supports delivery orders, pickup orders, and ship to store orders:

The summary lists the total new or in transit orders for all order types.


Note:            If the originating location has created a ship to store order, but it isn’t yet in transit to your location, it isn’t included in the total.

Which orders included? An order is included in the New Orders totals if at least one item on the order needs to be accepted and printed (delivery or pickup order) or is in transit to your location (ship to store order).

Updated when? The new order totals are updated each time you return to the home screen, or every 15 minutes if you remain on the home screen.

Order Status Graphs

The order status graphs on the home screen can include:

         Bar Graphs: Included for delivery orders and for pickup and ship to store orders, based on the orders that your store location supports; pickup and ship to store orders are included in the same bar graph

         Pie Chart: Included only if your store location supports either delivery orders only, or orders for pickup (ship to store or pickup orders) only

Updated when? The bar graphs and pie chart are updated when you log out of Store Connect and log back in. They aren’t updated each time you return to the home screen from another screen in Store Connect.

Last Updated: The time when the charts were last updated is displayed in the upper left above the charts. Unlike other dates and times displayed in Store Connect, this time is based on your local time zone, even if it’s different from the time zone for the Store Connect server.

Note:            Internet access is required to render the graphs and chart. Contact your system administrator if the graphs and chart do not render correctly.

Bar Graphs

If your store location supports both orders for pickup (ship to store and/or pickup orders) and delivery orders, a bar graph on the lower part of the home screen displays a summary of activity during the last week for each order type.

If your store location supports either delivery or orders for pickup (ship to store and/or pickup orders), but not both, then a bar graph displays a summary of activity for this order type, plus a Pie Chart summary of current order statuses.

Information in each bar graph includes:

         Scale: Based on the total number of orders assigned and fulfilled for all days in the past week, including today. Note:

         The scale varies depending on the totals; for example, if the highest number of orders assigned or fulfilled in a single day during the week is 23, the scale goes up to 24.

         If you support both orders for pickup (ship to store and/or pickup orders) and delivery orders, one can have a higher scale than the other on the bar graph if, for example, you were assigned 10 delivery orders but only 3 pickup orders.

         For each date in the past week, including the current date:

         Date: The month and day

         New orders assigned or in transit (blue bar): The total number of new delivery or pickup orders assigned to your store location for fulfillment, or ship to store orders in transit to your store location. Position your cursor over the bar to display the day of the week, day, and total number of orders assigned or in transit for that day.

         Orders shipped or picked up (orange bar): The total number of orders fulfilled (shipped or picked up). Position your cursor over the bar to display the day of the week, day, and total number of orders shipped or picked up for that day.



Calculating total new orders assigned (delivery or pickup) or in transit (ship to store): 

         Each order increases the total by one, regardless of the number of items included on the order, the quantities of the items, or even if an item was added later in the same day.

         If a delivery order includes items that should use two different carriers, it counts as two separate orders.

         If you are assigned an order on one day, and then another item was added to the order the next day, the order increases the totals by one for each day. Similarly, if an item on an order is in transit one day, and another is in transit the next day, the order increases the totals by one for each day.

         The total new orders for a day do not include delivery or pickup orders created outside of your regular new order schedule. For example, if the order is placed late on Tuesday night after your store location closes, but it is not submitted to you for processing until Wednesday morning, the order is included in the total for Wednesday.

         Ship to store orders are not included until their status changes to in transit.

Calculating total orders shipped or picked up:

         If you make one or more shipments for a delivery order on one day, it counts as one order in the total for the day.

         If the customer picks up items on a pickup or ship to store order in two separate transactions but on the same day, it counts as one order in the total for the day.

         If you make shipments for the same delivery order on two separate days, it counts as one order for each day.

         If the customer picks up items for a pickup or ship to store order on two separate days, it counts as one order for each day.

Note:            If the order scale is high because there has been a large amount of activity on certain days, it can be difficult to see a small number of orders on other days, as in the example below. When this occurs, position your cursor over each day to pop up a message displaying the total number of orders for that day.


Pie Chart

When your location supports orders for shipment only or pickup only: If your store location supports only delivery orders, or only orders that the customer picks up (pickup and/or ship to store orders), then a pie chart of open orders is to the right of the bar graph. If your store location supports order both for delivery and pickup, then the pie chart isn’t displayed on the home screen, and bar graphs are displayed for each order type.

The pie chart indicates the total number of open orders that are:

         New in blue (New_blue.png): the Next Action is Accept & Print (delivery or pickup orders)

         Accepted in green (green_accepted.png): the Next Action is Pick (delivery or pickup orders)

         In transit is in yellow (intransit_yellow.png): the Next Action is Receive (ship to store orders)

         Pickup Ready in gold (ready_gold.png): the Next Action is Pick Up (pickup or ship to store orders)

         Ship Ready in gold (ready_gold.png): the Next Action is Ship (delivery orders)

Each order increases the total by one, regardless of the number of items included on the order, the quantities of the items, or even if an item was added or acted on later in the same day.

If a delivery order includes items that should use two different carriers, it counts as two separate orders.

Different statuses? If an order includes more than one item, and the items are in different stages of processing, then the order is included in the total for the earliest stage of processing of any item on the order. For example, an order includes an item whose Next Action is Accept & Print (New) and another item whose Next Action is Pick (Accepted). The order is included in the New total, because it is earlier in the process.

Pickup and ship to store orders pie chart


Delivery orders pie chart


Display numbers and percentages: Position your cursor over an area on the pie chart to display the total number of orders in that status and their percentage of total open orders.


