Canceling an Order through Order Maintenance

Purpose: You can cancel an entire order by selecting Cancel Order on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance or the Work with Order Lines Screen in order maintenance. The system frees up any reserved inventory on the canceled order and makes it available to other orders.

To cancel an order line: See Canceling an Item in Order Maintenance.

What if the order includes a membership item? See Canceling a Membership Item for information.

Canceling brokered orders: You need authority under the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature to cancel a retail pickup, delivery, or store pickup order, or an order that includes a brokered backorder line. For an overview, see Order Broker Integration, including:

Canceling a Brokered Backorder Request

Retail Pickup or Delivery Orders

Canceling a Store Pickup Order

Canceling a retail pickup or delivery order: If you cancel a retail pickup or delivery order, the system changes the Order Broker record’s status to Canceled and sends a status inquiry request to the Order Broker. If the order’s status in Oracle Retail Order Broker is:

Canceled: the system does not send a status update to Oracle Retail Order Broker; otherwise,

• If the order’s status in Oracle Retail Order Broker is anything but Canceled, the system sends a status update to Oracle Retail Order Broker indicating the status is Rejected. In this situation, the Order Broker then changes the order status to New_order.

Important: If Oracle Retail Order Broker is configured to “reshop” (the Search retries setting at the Preferences screen is not set to 0), then in this situation the Order Broker attempts to assign the order to another location for fulfillment.

Canceling a quote through order maintenance: See Cancelling a Quote through Order Maintenance for information.

Cancellation email: The system generates an order cancellation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) to the customer if:

• you have specified an Order Cancellation Email Program (K78), and

• there have not been any shipments on the order, and

• the cancel reason code you use does not match the Cancel Reason Code to Suppress Email (L08), and

• the customer is eligible to receive email notifications; see When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

If there have been any shipments on the order, the system generates the order line cancellation email even if all the remaining order lines are now canceled.

See the Order Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents and the Order Line Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents for more information.

In this chapter:

Enter Cancel Reason Window

Order Updates for Cancellation

Picks Pending Window

Enter Cancel Reason Window

To cancel: Select Cancel Order at the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance or Work with Order Lines Screen to display the Confirm Cancel pop-up window. If you select OK at this pop-up window, you advance to the Enter Cancel Reason pop-up window.



Order #

The number of the order you wish to cancel.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship to number (Unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

The number of shipping addresses for the order you wish to cancel.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Cancel reason

The reason for canceling the entire order.

Cancel reason codes are defined in and validated against the Cancel Reason table; see Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Cancel all ship to's

Controls whether the system cancels each recipient order or only the current order. A recipient order is an order that is shipping to a different address.

Valid values are:

Selected = Cancel all recipient orders.

Unselected = (default) Cancel only the current order.

Recalculate freight

Determines whether the system refunds the freight charge to the customer for the canceled items.

Valid values are:

Selected =Recalculate and refund freight.

Unselected (default) = Do not recalculate and refund freight.

The Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value controls the default setting of this field, but you can override this default.

Tax: The system recalculates tax regardless of the setting of this field.

Order Updates for Cancellation

The system performs these updates when you select Cancel Order on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance or the Work with Order Lines Screen in order maintenance, based on whether the cancel reason code you use reduces demand:

Reduce Demand?

Order Status

Line Status

Quantity Ordered

Quantity Canceled


Cancelled if you cancel the entire order.

Closed if part of the order has already shipped or was soldout.

Cancelled if you cancel the entire order line.

Closed if all or part of the order line has already shipped.

Note: Any lines that were previously soldout remain in a Soldout status.

not affected

updated with quantity cancelled




Note: Any lines that were previously soldout remain in a Soldout status.

decreased by quantity cancelled; 0 displays if the entire line was cancelled

not affected

See Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR) for more information about reducing demand.

The order remains on the system for inquiry purposes; you can reopen a canceled order through Order Maintenance by adding a new item to the order.

You cannot update any canceled lines through Order Maintenance.

Picks Pending Window

Purpose: This window opens when you select Cancel Order to cancel an order that has printed pick slips.

To complete this window: Select Void/Reprint to void the pick slips, or select OK or Exit to cancel. You cannot cancel the order until pick slips are voided.

If you select Void/Reprint, you advance to the Reprint/Void Pick Slips by Order Screen. An error message indicates if you are not authorized to void pick slips:

User (SBROWN) is not authorized to void pick slips.


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