Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO)

Purpose: Process auto soldout cancellations when you want to automatically cancel soldout items that were ordered before the item sold out, or to print a list of all such items.

Overview: When you process auto soldout cancellations, the system:

1. Reads every item or SKU that has a soldout control status of 1 (sell out immediately).

2. Checks the setting of the Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (C20) system control value.

3. Locates every matching open, fully backordered, unreserved line item on open or held orders. Also, locates every matching open, unreserved line item on quotes.

4. Looks at the setting of the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value. If this system control value is selected, the system bypasses any order that is associated with a non-allocatable warehouse.

5. Cancels each of the selected items.

6. Automatically recalculates freight and tax.

7. Removes any duty charge from the Handling field that is associated with the soldout item.

8. Optionally, closes any positive or negative additional charges on orders where processing auto soldouts has the effect of closing the order (if you select the Open charges if order closes field when you process auto soldouts).

9. Writes a record, displayed at the Display Order Line History Screen, indicating that the item has been cancelled.

10. Generates notification records that you can use to generate soldout cards, emails, or XML messages using the Print Soldout Notifications function (See Generating Soldout Notifications (MSON)).

11. Generates the Auto Soldout Register.


• Orders that are suspended at the time you process auto soldout cancellations do not sell out. You can sell out the items on these orders at a later time, either by processing auto soldouts again or through Order Maintenance.

• Order lines that are partially reserved are not automatically cancelled by this process.

Stored value card authorization reversal: If a stored value card payment is associated with a cancelled item and has an open, unused authorization amount, the system generates a stored value card authorization reversal; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

Retail pickup or delivery order: If you sell out an order line on a retail pickup or delivery order received from the Order Broker, the system sends a status update to the Order Broker indicating the order was Rejected. The Order Broker then attempts to reassign the order to another location for fulfillment. The Order Broker record’s status in Oracle Retail Order Management System changes to Rejected. See Retail Pickup or Delivery Orders for an overview.

Pick slip preparation: When you process auto soldout cancellations, the system performs pick slip preparation:

1. The system REMOVES any pick slip preparation from the order.

2. Once the system processes auto soldout cancellations, the system EVALUATES the order to determine if it is eligible for pick slip preparation.

3. If the order is eligible for pick slip preparation after the changes to the order have been made, the system RE-APPLIES pick slip preparation to the order.

See Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation for processing details.

Reviewing order history: When you review a soldout line in Order Inquiry, you can determine how the item was sold out through the Display Order Line History Screen (select Order History) as follows:

• If the item was sold out through Sell Out, the quantity is negative and the name of the user who sold out the item is listed

• If the line sold out automatically in Order Entry because there was a soldout control code assigned to the item, the line history has a positive quantity, and the name of the user who entered the order is listed

• If the line was sold out through Process Auto Soldouts, the quantity is negative and no user name is listed

Note: When you sell out an item, the system also writes a message, visible on the Display Order History Screen, indicating that the order was maintained.

Holding coordinate grouped items: You have the option of placing any items coordinate grouped with sold out items on hold at the time you process auto soldouts, if you select the Hold related coordinate group lines field. In this case, the system also generates the Order Hold Detail Report. You can use this report to contact the customers and see if they still want the coordinate grouped items.

Retaining items from sellout: You have the option of retaining a quantity of an item from selling out if you expect to receive some units in the near future that you can use to fulfill these orders. For example, if you expect a certain number of returns on an item, you might choose to keep an appropriate number of order lines open when you process auto soldouts. In this case, the system uses the Sold out retention method system control value to determine whether to retain your oldest or newest orders containing the backordered item. The system also produces the Auto Sold Out Retained Order Register. See Retaining Item Quantities for an overview of this process and more information.

Unfulfillable through Order Broker? If a backordered item is brokered to Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Order Broker, but the Order Broker cannot fulfill the item, the item might sell out automatically.

Example: An item is unavailable in the warehouse, so the system assigns it to the Order Broker for fulfillment; however, the Order Broker cannot find a location to fulfill the item, and rejects the item as unfulfillable. In Oracle Retail Order Management System, the item is assigned a soldout control value indicating to include the on-order quantity of any open purchase orders before selling out the item, but there are no open purchase orders. As a result, the unfulfillable item sells out automatically after it is rejected by the Order Broker.

When you use the Process Auto Soldouts option, any unfulfillable items that have sold out automatically after rejection by the Order Broker are listed on the Auto Soldout Register, regardless of whether the items are assigned a soldout control value to sell out immediately.

After you have used the Process Auto Soldouts option, the item is then eligible to have a soldout notification generated through the Generating Soldout Notifications (MSON) option, even if you did not select the Update orders option at the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen.

The same process applies if the Order Broker returns an error for a brokered backorder.

See Brokered Backorders for background on fulfilling backorders through integration with Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Order Broker.

In this chapter:

Process Auto Sold Outs Screen

- Auto Soldout Register

- Order Hold Detail Report

Retaining Item Quantities

- Auto Sold Out Retained Order Register

Enter Quantity to Retain Screen

Process Auto Sold Outs Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to cancel all lines for sold out items on quotes and orders. The order must be open or held and the item must be backordered (unreserved).

Notifications: You must generate soldout notifications as a separate step after you run Auto Soldouts. See Generating Soldout Notifications (MSON).

How to display this screen: Enter MASO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Process Auto Soldouts from a menu.



Update orders

Controls whether the system cancels order lines for sold out items.

Valid values are:

Selected = Cancel sold out order lines.

Unselected = (default) Do not cancel sold out order lines; run the Auto Soldout Register only.

Hold related coordinate group lines

Controls whether the system places items on hold if they are on the same order with a sold out item and share a coordinate group code. The system does not create pre-generated picks for held items; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation.

You assign a coordinate group code to items or SKUs if they are related, such as a blouse and skirt, or a plate, cup and bowl. Your customers can order each item individually, but if coordinate grouped items are on the same order, the system forces these items to ship together.

The system lists any held coordinate grouped items on the Order Hold Detail Report, produced when you process auto soldouts. You can then work with the held lines either through Order Maintenance or the Work with Order Hold Detail Function; see Working with Held Detail Lines (WOHD).

Valid values are:

Selected = Place coordinate grouped items on the same orders on hold. Valid only if you selected the Update orders field.

Unselected = (default) Do not place coordinate grouped items on the same orders on hold.

Delete open charges if order closes

Controls whether the system deletes any additional charges, either positive or negative, if processing auto soldouts closes the order completely. The system does not write order history to indicate if additional charges were deleted in this way and simply removes the charges from the order.

Valid values are:

Selected = Delete open additional charges.

Unselected (default) = Do not delete open additional charges.

Soldout control code to update SKUs

Use this field to specify a soldout control code to assign to each item or SKU with a backorder quantity when you process auto soldouts. Assigning a soldout control code through this field might be useful to you if you use the Enter Quantity to Retain Screen to keep orders open for certain items. See Retaining Item Quantities for more information on how you might use this field.

The soldout control code most recently entered in this field when you processed auto soldouts defaults, but you can override it. Soldout control codes are defined in and validated against the Soldout Control Code table. See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Instructions: Use the following steps to process auto soldouts:

1. Complete each field on this screen and select OK.

2. If you want to retain any item quantities, select Review Items to advance to the Enter Quantity to Retain Screen. You cannot advance to this screen unless the Update orders field is selected and you have selected a Sold Out Retention Method (E63). See Retaining Item Quantities.

3. If you are not retaining item quantities, select Accept. If you selected the Update orders field, the system submits a batch job called AUTO_SO, which cancels the items on quotes and orders and generates the Auto Soldout Register. Each sold out order line has a status code of S. If you also selected the Hold related coordinate group lines field, the system also submits a batch job called ORD_HOLD, which places items coordinate grouped with the sold out items on hold and generates the Order Hold Detail Report. Each held order line has a status code of H. If you selected both fields, the system generates the Auto Soldout Register only.

Note: If an order has more than one item that needs to be canceled because it is sold out, the system produces one soldout card per item, and writes one message line per item to the Order Line History table. Each message line indicates that the item was canceled because it was sold out.

Screen Option


Review items and specify quantities to retain from selling out

select Review Items. See Retaining Item Quantities.

Process auto soldouts

Select Accept.

Retaining Item Quantities

Process overview: When you process auto soldouts, you can prevent certain items or SKUs from selling out completely. For example, you might have sold all of your remaining stock of item AB100 and don't plan to order any more. However, based on this item's history you can expect to receive about 15 units as returns. In this case, you can use the Enter Quantity to Retain Screen to keep orders for 15 units of AB100 open when you process auto soldouts.

When you process auto soldouts, you have the option of resetting the soldout control code for each backordered item or SKU to the value you specify at the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen. Typically, you would reset the soldout control code to one with a status of Include On Order Qty in Sold Out Calculation or Exclude On Order Qty in Sold Out Calculation, since only items assigned a soldout control code with a status of Sell Out Immediately are eligible to be sold out by Process Auto Soldouts. Resetting the soldout control codes for the items and SKUs prevents them from appearing on the Enter Quantity to Retain Screen or being inadvertently sold out while you attempt to fulfill the retained orders.

When you no longer expect to receive any additional units of an item, you may still have retained orders on your system that you are not able to fulfill. In this case, you could change the soldout control code for the item or SKU back to a code with a status of Sell Out Immediately. You can then sell out the item completely the next time you process auto soldouts.

Which orders to retain? The sequence in which the system selects orders to retain is controlled by the Sold out retention method system control value. Valid settings for this field are:

FIFO: oldest orders are selected for retention first

LIFO: newest orders are selected for retention first.

The system selects an order line for retention only if it can retain the entire backordered quantity of the item on the line. For example, if you set a retention quantity of 3, and the first order line the system evaluates has a backordered quantity of 5, the system skips this order line and evaluates the next. The order line with the quantity of 5 is sold out.

Another example:

Item AB100 has a quantity to retain of 5 units and the soldout retention method being used is LIFO. The orders on the system, from newest to oldest, are:

Order Number














The system evaluates the orders as follows:

1. Order 2000 with 1 unit is evaluated first, and the order is retained.

2. Order 1999 with 5 units is evaluated next, but there are just 4 units available for retention. The order is sold out.

3. Order 1998 with 3 units is evaluated next, and the order is retained.

4. Order 1997 with 3 units is evaluated next, but there is just one unit available for retention. The order is sold out.

5. Order 1996 with 1 unit is evaluated next, and the order is retained.

6. Order 1995 is sold out.

If there are no open order lines that meet the evaluation criteria (that is, the backorder quantity is less than or equal to the retention quantity), no orders are retained.

Enter Quantity to Retain Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the quantities of items eligible to be sold out when you submit the Process Auto Soldouts job, and to specify any item quantities you want to retain from selling out. The selected number of order lines remain open so that if, for instance, you expect to receive that quantity of returns, you can fulfill the orders using the returned items.

How to display this screen: Select Review Items at the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen. You can display this screen only if:

• you have selected a valid retention method in the Sold Out Retention Method (E63) system control value, and

• you have selected the Update orders field on the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen.

Note: This screen displays each item or SKU assigned a soldout control code with a value of 1, which may include discontinued items for which you are not taking any more orders. To prevent such an item from appearing on this screen, you can change its soldout control code to one with a value of 2 or 3.




The unit of inventory currently eligible for selling out. Each item or SKU assigned a soldout control code with a value of 1 appears on this screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Qty to retain (Quantity to retain)

The quantity of the item or SKU to prevent from selling out. You cannot enter a number greater than the backorder quantity.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Qty/BO (Quantity on backorder)

The total number of units of the item that is currently backordered.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.


The status of the item specified in the item or SKU table. The item status appears for SKU’d items if no status code is specified at the SKU level.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Instructions: Follow the steps below to complete this screen:

1. Optionally, enter a quantity to retain for any selected items or SKUs. The system does not allow you to retain a quantity of an item that is greater than the backordered quantity.

2. Select Accept to process auto soldouts. If you cancel from this screen, the system clears your entries in the retained quantities fields.

When you process auto soldouts from this screen, the system produces the Auto Sold Out Retained Order Register in addition to the Auto Soldout Register and the Order Hold Detail Report.

MASO OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN