Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE)

Purpose: This topic describes how to select a purchase order for maintenance, maintain header, detail, and all related information, and accept or reject your changes.

Maintaining POs using the PO Upload Interface: If the PO Interface Maintenance (L05) system control value is selected, you can maintain the PO lines on an existing PO through the PO Upload Interface; see PO Upload Process for processing details.

In this chapter:

Selecting Purchase Orders for Maintenance

- Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen

- Select P/O by Reference Number Screen

- Select Purchase Order by Vendor Number Screen

- Vendor Selection Pop-Up Window (Selecting Purchase Orders by Vendor Name)

- Select P/O by Vendor Reference Screen

- Select Purchase Order by Vendor Item Screen

- Select Purchase Order by Item/SKU Screen

- Select Purchase Order by Buyer Screen

Copying Purchase Orders

Recurring Purchase Order Change Screen

Recurring Purchase Orders Generated Screen (Displaying)

PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen

PO Maintenance - Change PO Detail Screen

PO Maintenance - Header Screen

Purchase Receipts History Screen

Display PO Detail History Screen

Completing PO Maintenance

Selecting Purchase Orders for Maintenance

Overview: You advance to purchase order maintenance through the MPOE fast path, which brings you to the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen. From this screen, you can advance to:

Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen

Select P/O by Reference Number Screen

Select Purchase Order by Vendor Number Screen

Vendor Selection Pop-Up Window (Selecting Purchase Orders by Vendor Name)

Select P/O by Vendor Reference Screen

Select Purchase Order by Vendor Item Screen

Select Purchase Order by Item/SKU Screen

Select Purchase Order by Buyer Screen

From any selection screen, select a purchase order to advance to the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.

Maintaining multiple purchase orders: You can select multiple purchase orders for maintenance at any selection screen. When you select Accept or Reject after you finish maintaining a purchase order, you advance to the next purchase order you selected for maintenance.

Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter a purchase order due date (MMDDYY format). You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.



Due date

The date the purchase order is due to be received.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Promise (Promise date)

The date the purchase order is scheduled to arrive, or to ship. This date is user-defined and its usage depends on your organization's procedures.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

P/O #

A unique number to identify a purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The dollar value of the merchandise ordered on the purchase order. Calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the vendor's cost. This is the total cost for all the detail lines on the purchase order. The system updates this value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4 place decimal.


A code that defines the supplier of items.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


A code to identify a person authorized to make purchases.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The status of the purchase order.

Status options:

• Cancelled

• Docked

• Held

• Open

• Recurring

• Suspended

• Closed


Note: The Select by (field name) screens are the same in both purchase order maintenance and purchase order inquiry; however, the screen options differ.

Screen Option


Select a purchase order for maintenance

Select a purchase order (if you advanced through PO maintenance) or Select Change for a purchase order (if you advanced through PO inquiry) to advance to the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.

Maintaining multiple purchase orders: You can select multiple purchase orders for maintenance. When you select Accept or Reject after you finish maintaining a purchase order, you advance to the next purchase order you selected for maintenance.

Select a purchase order for inquiry

Select a purchase order to advance to the First Display Purchase Order Detail Screen.

Note: Available through PO inquiry only.

Reviewing multiple purchase orders: You can select multiple for purchase orders for review. When you select Exit after you finish reviewing a purchase order, you advance to the next purchase order you selected for review.

Copy a purchase order

Select Copy for a purchase order to copy an existing purchase order. See the Copying Purchase Orders.

Note: This option is not available in purchase order inquiry.

Maintain recurring details

Select Maintain Recurring Details for a purchase order to advance to the Recurring Purchase Order Change Screen.

Note: This option is not available at the Select Purchase Order by Vendor Item Screen or Select Purchase Order by Item/SKU Screen.

Display generated POs

Select Generated POs for a purchase order to advance to the Recurring Purchase Orders Generated Screen (Displaying).

Note: This option is not available at the Select Purchase Order by Vendor Item Screen or Select Purchase Order by Item/SKU Screen.

Select P/O by Reference Number Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter a purchase order reference number. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Select Purchase Order by Vendor Number Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter a vendor number. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Vendor Selection Pop-Up Window (Selecting Purchase Orders by Vendor Name)

How to display this screen: Enter a vendor name at the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Select P/O by Vendor Reference Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter a vendor reference number. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Select Purchase Order by Vendor Item Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter a vendor item number. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Select Purchase Order by Item/SKU Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter an item/SKU code. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Select Purchase Order by Buyer Screen

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen, enter a buyer code. You can also display this screen by entering a purchase order due date at the Select Purchase Order for Inquiry Screen; however, the screen options will differ.

Note: The fields and options are similar to those described at the Select Purchase Order by Due Date Screen.

Copying Purchase Orders

Purpose: Use the Copy function to create an exact duplicate of an existing purchase order. You can copy a purchase order, regardless of the original purchase order's status. The PO Default Status value in the System Control Table controls the status that is assigned to the new purchase order.

How to copy a purchase order:

1. At a Select Purchase Order screen, select Copy for the PO you want to copy. See Selecting Purchase Orders for Maintenance.

2. The system copies the PO and displays the PO Entry - Maintain Detail Screen for the new purchase order.

Note: Based on the System Assigned PO # (B76) system control value, the system will either prompt you to enter a number for the new purchase order or automatically assign a number to the new purchase order. If you are assigning your own PO numbers, you must enter a value when prompted by the system. The program will edit to make sure that you have not already used that number. If the system is assigning PO numbers, the number will be assigned automatically and cannot be changed.

Recurring Purchase Order Change Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to modify a recurring PO. Recurring POs are used for merchandise that will be reordered on a regular basis.

You can create a template purchase order in PO Entry that will be used by the system when creating the actual purchase order. See Recurring Purchase Order Screen.

How to display this screen: At a Select Purchase Order screen, select Maintain Recurring Details for a PO. See Selecting Purchase Orders for Maintenance.



PO #

The number assigned to a purchase order, based on the System Assigned PO # (B76) system control value. Determines whether the system assigns the purchase order number automatically or whether the purchase order number is assigned by the user.

If you are assigning your own PO numbers, you must enter this value. The program will check to ensure that you have not already used that number.

If the system is assigning PO numbers, the number will be assigned automatically and cannot be changed.

Numeric, 7 positions; required or display-only.


A code that identifies a person who is authorized to make purchases for your company.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The name and the number of the supplier.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Start date

The date the system should start generating purchase orders.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only (system-defined).

Stop date

The date the system should stop generating purchase orders.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Last generated date

The date the system last generated a purchase order.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only (system-defined).

Total generated

The total number of purchase orders that have been generated from this recurring purchase order, to date.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only (system-defined).

Total intervals

The total number of purchase orders that will be generated from this recurring purchase order.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The length of time, in days, between generated purchase orders.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Dates/interval example: The following example illustrates how the system uses the dates and interval values to generate a recurring PO:


Start date = 03/01/06

End date = 06/01/06

Total intervals = 4

Interval = 30

System generates 4 POs on





(Provided these dates are 30 days from each other. For example, 04/01/06 may be 03/31/06.)

Recurring Purchase Orders Generated Screen (Displaying)

Purpose: Use this screen to display POs that have been generated. The system will generate purchase orders according to the start and stop dates, and the number of intervals that were defined at PO Maintenance. See Recurring Purchase Order Screen.

How to display this screen: At a Select Purchase Order screen, select Display Generated POs for a PO. See Selecting Purchase Orders for Maintenance.



PO #

The number assigned to a purchase order, based on the System Assigned PO # (B76) system control value. Determines whether the system assigns the purchase order number automatically or whether the purchase order number is assigned by the user.

If you are assigning your own PO numbers, you must enter this value. The program will edit to ensure that you have not already used that number.

If the system is assigning PO numbers, the number will be assigned automatically and cannot be changed.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Start date

The date the system should start generating purchase orders.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Stop date

The date the system should stop generating purchase orders.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The length of time, in days, between generated purchase orders.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Generated PO #

The number assigned to the generated purchase order. When you enter the PO number, all of the POs starting with the number you entered and continuing to the end of the table will display.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


A code that identifies a person who is authorized to make purchases for your company.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The status of the purchase order. When you first create a PO, the status will be Open or Suspended.

Status options:

C = Closed

D = Docked

H = Held

O = Open

R = Recurring

S = Suspended

X = Cancelled

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Due date

The date the purchase order is due to be received.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Units ordered

The number of units ordered on this purchase order, in retailer’s unit of measure, which may differ from the vendor’s unit of measure.

See Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Units received

The number of units received on this purchase order.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Maintain recurring details

Select Maintain Recurring Dtl to advance to the Recurring Purchase Order Change Screen.

PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change, cancel, display, or add a line to an existing purchase order. Up to three purchase order lines display at one time; select Next to review additional lines.

How to display this screen:

1. Select the purchase order by number at the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen.

2. If you do not know the exact number, enter information in one of the selection fields at the PO Maintenance Select Prompt Screen to advance to a Select Purchase Order screen (see Selecting Purchase Orders for Maintenance). At this screen, select a PO.




The code and name of the supplier.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

PO #

The number assigned to the purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The status of the purchase order.

Status options:

Canceled = The purchase order was canceled through PO Maintenance; it exists on the system for historical purposes.

Docked = You have received inventory associated with the purchase order, but have not yet confirmed items or quantities.

Closed = All lines on the purchase order have been received through PO Receiving.

Held = The PO must be approved through PO Maintenance before receipts can occur.

Open = The PO exists on the system awaiting PO Receipts.

Recurring = A template PO exists for merchandise ordered on a regular basis. Each interval, a new PO will be generated for all recurring POs.

Suspended = Inventory has been received into suspense through the PO Receiving function.


Total cost

The total value of items to be purchased, calculated by the extended price (quantity ordered multiplied by price), plus additional estimated charges and line surcharges (minus any discounts). Expressed in your currency, not the vendor's.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Ln #

The purchase order detail line number. Up to 999 lines may exist on one purchase order.

Enter a number in this field and select OK to position to a specific purchase order line number.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The status of the purchase order line.

Valid values:

C = Canceled

H = Held

O = Open

R = Recurring

S = Suspended

X = Closed

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


A code representing an item on the purchase order. The description of the item is below this field.

Enter a valid item number and select OK to position to a specific item. If more than one purchase order line contains the item, the purchase orders lines that contain the item display in line number sequence.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions (standard, horizontal or vendor item entry); 60 positions (non inventory entry); display-only.


The SKU for the item on the purchase order line.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

UOM (Unit of Measure)

The retailer’s unit of measure. This may differ from the vendor’s unit of measure. Typical units of measure include:

EA = each

IN = inches

C12 = case of 12

Validated against the Unit of Measure table; see Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Qty ord (Quantity ordered)

The number ordered of the item, in the retailer’s unit of measure.

Numeric, 7 positions display-only.

Qty due (Quantity due)

The quantity remaining to be received.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the quantity due:

Order quantity from PO Detail table - Received quantity from PO Detail table = Quantity due.

Note: 0 indicates the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

Ext cost (Extended cost)

The extended cost of this PO detail line, which is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered and the price from the purchase order, adding the surcharge, and subtracting the discount.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Create PO detail information

Select Create Dtl to advance to the Create PO Detail Standard Screen (Standard PO Entry).

Change PO detail information

Select Change for a detail line to advance to thePO Maintenance - Change PO Detail Screen. You cannot change a PO line that is in a cancelled or closed status: Cannot change a closed/cancelled PO line.

Cancel PO detail information

Select Cancel for a detail line to cancel it from the purchase order. The status (Sts field) for the item changes to C (canceled), and the On order qty reduces by the number of units canceled.

Note: If the item is a drop ship item, and you use the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship interface to process drop ship items for this vendor, you cannot cancel the PO from this screen unless:

• You have authority to the Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04) secured feature.

• The item is a drop ship item, but was processed before the vendor was flagged as OROB Drop Shipping.

If you do not have authority to the Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04) secured feature, the following message displays when you select Cancel for an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship line:

Use D/S Status option in PO or Order Inquiry to cancel D/S integration PO line

From PO Inquiry or standard Order Inquiry, you can cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship item if you have authority to the secured feature Order Maintenance Access (A22).

Display PO detail information

Select Display for a detail line to advance to the Display Purchase Order Detail Screen.

Review receiving history

Select Receiving for a detail line to advance to the Purchase Receipts History Screen.

Close the PO line

Select Close for a detail line to close it. The status (Sts field) for the item changes to X (closed), and the On order qty reduces by the number of units.

Note: If the item is a drop ship item, and you use the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship interface to process drop ship items for this vendor, you cannot close the PO from this screen. Instead, when you select Close next to an item the following message indicates:

Use D/S Status option in PO or Order Inquiry to cancel D/S integration PO line

From PO Inquiry or standard Order Inquiry, you can cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship item if you have authority to the secured feature Order Maintenance Access (A22).

Work with estimated charges

Select Estimated Charges for a detail line to advance to the Work with PO Detail Estimated Charges Screen.

Work with vendor item notes for the last item entered

Select Vendor item notes for a detail line to advance to the Work with Vendor Item Notes Screen.

Update PO detail messages

Select Messages for a detail line to advance to the Work with PO Detail Messages Screen.

Display PO detail history

Select History for a detail line to advance to the Display PO Detail History Screen.

Approve PO

Select Approve to approve the PO. If you are not authorized to approve purchase orders, the screen displays an error message. The Approve Purchase Order (A31) secured feature controls this access.

Note: If you advanced to this screen from PO inquiry, you cannot approve a purchase order. You need to select the purchase order in PO maintenance in order to approve it, regardless of your secured feature authority.

Work with PO header information

Select Header to advance to the PO Maintenance - Header Screen.

Note: If you change the buyer, ship via, offer, due date, cancel date, or promise date on the PO header, the system updates the value on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status. The system also updates the value for any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Accept the PO

Select Accept to accept the PO. See Completing PO Maintenance.

Reject the PO

Select Reject to reject the PO. See Completing PO Maintenance.

Cancel the purchase order

Select Cancel PO to cancel this purchase order.

If the PO is a drop ship PO and an authorization exists for the order, the system creates a record in the Void Auths table for the authorization amount.

If any of the detail lines on the PO is a drop ship item, and you use the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship interface to process drop ship items, you cannot cancel the purchase order using this option, and the following message indicates:

Must cancel drop ship lines individually

Work with vendor FOB for the PO

Select FOB to advance to the Work with FOB for Purchase Order Screen.

Add vendor notes

Select Vendor notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

Display summary information

Select Summary to advance to the Purchase Order Summary Screen.

Display PO messages

Select Messages to advance to the Work with PO Messages Screen.

PO Maintenance - Change PO Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to make changes to an item on a purchase order. You can also use this screen to:

• Break up shipments for a purchase order detail line or hold shipment of the entire line until a future date.

• Enter, display, update or delete estimated additional charges for brokerage, commission, duty, freight, import, surcharge, or other types of fees.

• Enter, display, update or delete estimated discounts for a purchase order detail line.

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen, select Change for an item.



PO #

The number assigned to the purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The status of the purchase order.

Status options:

Canceled = The purchase order was canceled through PO Maintenance; it exists on the system for historical purposes.

Docked = You have received inventory associated with the purchase order, but have not yet confirmed items or quantities.

Closed = All lines on the purchase order have been received through PO Receiving.

Held = The PO must be approved through PO Maintenance before receipts can occur.

Open = The PO exists on the system awaiting PO Receipts.

Recurring = A template PO exists for merchandise ordered on a regular basis. Each interval, a new PO will be generated for all recurring POs.

Suspended = Inventory has been received into suspense through the PO Receiving function.



The code and name of the supplier.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Ln #

The purchase order detail line number. Up to 999 lines may exist on one purchase order.

Enter a number in this field and select OK to position to a specific purchase order line number.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The status of the purchase order line.

Valid values:

Open = The PO line is open awaiting PO Receipts.

Held = The PO line is held.

Recurring = The PO line is part of a template PO for merchandise ordered on a regular basis. Each interval, a new PO will be generated for all recurring POs.

Cancelled = The PO line was canceled through PO Maintenance; it exists on the system for historical purposes.

Suspended = Inventory has been received into suspense through the PO Receiving function.

Closed = The PO line has been received through PO Receiving.

Alphanumeric; display-only.


A code representing an item on the purchase order. The description of the item is below this field.

Enter a valid item number and select OK to position to a specific item. If more than one purchase order line contains the item, the purchase order lines that contain the item display in line number sequence.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions (standard, horizontal or vendor item entry); 60 positions (non inventory entry); display-only.


The SKU for the item on the purchase order line.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


Quantity of the item that you have ordered from the vendor, in retailer’s unit of measure. The system checks:

• Minimum quantity in the Vendor/Item table (in retailer’s unit of measure)

• Order multiple in Vendor/Item table. (in retailer’s unit of measure)

An error message indicates if the quantity you order is less than the minimum, if the quantity is not a multiple of the quantity specified for the vendor/item, or if the quantity you enter cannot be converted to the vendor’s unit of measure. See Working with Vendor Items (WVNI).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The unit price you pay the vendor for this item, per retailer’s unit of measure. If you do not enter a cost here, it defaults after you select OK as follows:

If you use standard or average costing:

• Vendor/Item cost

• Average or standard cost from the SKU table

If you use FIFO costing:

• Vendor/Item cost

• Last purchase cost from the SKU table

See the Costing Method (A25) system control value.

If you do not enter a cost and the system does not find one using the hierarchy described above, a pop-up window opens requiring you to confirm entry of the item at a zero price. Select OK if the price should be zero, or select Exit to cancel and enter a price for the item.

The Override PO Cost (A17) secured feature controls access to this field.

Note: You cannot change the cost of an existing purchase order line to zero, even if the vendor/item price and price from the SKU table are zero.

Oracle Retail Order Broker PO Changes

When you change the cost for a drop ship purchase order line which has been sent to the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship Integration for processing, Oracle Retail Order Management System automatically sends the changed cost information to Oracle Retail Order Broker, where the cost on the purchase order line updates automatically.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; required.

Transit qty

The quantity that the vendor has indicated is in transit from them to you. This is merchandise that has not been received as yet; however, it has been shipped from the vendor. You can update this quantity through Working with P/O In Transit Information (MPIT) or enter it here.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Primary disc (Primary discount percentage)

The primary discount percentage defined for this vendor that is applied to all items purchased. The primary discount is established in the Vendor record. May be overridden at the line level or using PO Header Overrides; see Purchase Order Overrides Pop-Up Window.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


An additional fee to purchase this item from this vendor. A surcharge is typically added to purchases from a broker. The surcharge is defined in the Vendor record. May be overridden using PO Header Overrides; see Purchase Order Overrides Pop-Up Window.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Ext cost (Extended cost)

The extended cost of this PO detail line, calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered and the price, adding the surcharge, and subtracting the discount.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.


The vendor's item number, as defined in the Vendor/Item table; see Working with Vendor Items (WVNI).

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

U/M (Unit of measure)

The vendor's unit of measure for the vendor's item. This typically describes how the item is ordered from the vendor. See Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The quantity of the item you have ordered from the vendor. This quantity is expressed in the vendor's unit of measure and may be different than the Qty field, above.

For example, if your unit of measure is “eaches” and the vendor's unit of measure is cases of 24, if the Qty field is set to 48 units, the Quantity field would be 2 (representing the vendor's unit of measure).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Vendor price

The price the vendor charges for the item, per vendor’s unit of measure. Expressed in the vendor's currency.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Vnd Dscnt (Vendor discount)

The vendor's primary discount, applied to all items purchased.

May be overridden at the line level or using PO Header Overrides; see Purchase Order Overrides Pop-Up Window.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Ext price (Extended price)

The extended price of this PO detail line. Calculated by multiplying the price by the quantity ordered.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.


A code that identifies a person who is authorized to make purchases for your company; see Working with Buyers (WBUY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Ship via

A code that represents a carrier used for shipping merchandise to your company; see Working with Purchase Order Ship Via (WPSV).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Offer (Offer code)

The code for the offer (catalog). See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


A code that represents the warehouse where the item will be received. Validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

You can change the warehouse on a PO line only to a warehouse where the item currently exists.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Due date

The date the purchase order is due to be received, based on the PO entry date and the Lead days from the Vendor/Item record, or manually entered in PO Entry. This date is listed in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and standard or streamlined Order Inquiry.

Note: Changing the date on the PO detail line does not change the date on the PO header. You must also change the header date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Cancel date

The date the purchase order will be marked for cancellation if the order is not received. If you complete this field, you advance to the PO Auto Cancel Date Selection Pop-Up Window; from this window, you can generate the Purchase Order Auto Cancel Report.

Note: Changing the date on the PO detail line does not change the date on the PO header. You must also change the header date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Promise date

A user-defined date that may be used to represent the expected ship date or promised arrival date.

Note: Changing the date on the PO detail line does not change the date on the PO header. You must also change the header date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Screen Option


Work with purchase order line discounts

Select Discounts to advance to the Purchase Order Line Discount Screen.

Work with estimated charges

Select Estimated Charges to advance to the Work with PO Detail Estimated Charges Screen.

Work with vendor item notes for the last item entered.

Select Vendor Item Notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Item Notes Screen.

Display PO messages

Select Messages to advance to the Work with PO Detail Messages Screen.

Update the SKU cost

Select Update SKU Cost to advance to the Update SKU Cost Window.

An error message displays if all of the lines on the PO are cancelled or closed: No lines available for cost update.

Update SKU Cost Window

Use this window to update the cost of all open and held lines on the PO that contain the item specified.

How to display this screen: Select Update SKU Cost on the PO Maintenance - Change PO Detail Screen.



PO #

The number assigned to the purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Item #

The item number whose cost you wish to update. The system updates the cost for all SKUs of this item that are on the PO.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The unit price you pay the vendor for this item, per retailer’s unit of measure.

Enter the new cost for the item. The system updates the cost for all open and held lines on the PO that contain the item specified.

See the Costing Method (A25) system control value.

The Override PO Cost (A17) secured feature controls access to this field.

Note: You cannot change the cost of an existing purchase order line to zero, even if the vendor/item price and price from the SKU table are zero.

Oracle Retail Order Broker PO Changes

When you change the cost for a drop ship purchase order line which has been sent to the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship Integration for processing, Oracle Retail Order Management System automatically sends the changed cost information to Oracle Retail Order Broker, where the cost on the purchase order line updates automatically.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; required.

Instructions: Use the following steps to update the cost of all open and held lines on the PO that contain the item specified.

1. In the Cost field, enter the cost to assign to all open and held lines on the PO that contain the specified item.

2. Select OK. The system returns you to the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen and displays the message The SKU cost on all of the lines has been changed.

Tracking PO line changes: For each PO line whose cost was updated, the system writes a before and after record to the PO Detail Audit table to record the cost of the PO line before the SKU cost update, and the cost of the PO line after the SKU cost update. You can review PO line history on the Display PO Detail History Screen.

PO Maintenance - Header Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change the header information on an existing purchase order.

When you change PO Header information: If you change the buyer, ship via, offer, due date, cancel date, or promise date on the PO header, the system updates the value on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status. The system also updates the value for any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Tracking PO changes: When you change the information on the PO header, the system writes a before and after record to the PO Header Audit table to record the value before the change and the value after the change. If the change to the PO header also updated the lines on the PO, the system writes a before and after record to the PO Detail Audit table to record the value on the PO line before the change, and the value on the PO line after the change. You can review PO line history on the Display PO Detail History Screen.

How to display this screen: Select Header on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.



PO #

The number assigned to the PO.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Ship to

You have the option to select Warehouse, Customer number, or Order number. Each option is described below.


Defaults from the Default Warehouse (A04) system control value. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

If you change the warehouse on the PO header, the system updates only the PO lines that contain an item that exists in the new warehouse; any PO lines on the PO that contain items that do not exist in the new warehouse are not updated.

Note: The warehouse code can be overridden for any line on the order. The system will track the on order total for each item in each warehouse, based on the code entered here or on the detail line. In addition, the warehouse code will control which shipping address prints on the PO or is transmitted in the EDI table. A separate PO will be printed for each warehouse to each different ship-to address.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


Customer # or Order #

Unique numbers assigned to customers or orders for identification purposes. If you are entering a drop ship PO where the merchandise will be shipped directly to the customer, you must enter either a customer or order number. The system checks one of these tables to determine the ship-to address for the purchase order. If customer number is entered, the system does not tie this number to the order, nor does it pull through the items on the order.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.


The status of the purchase order.

Status options:

• Cancelled

• Docked

• Held

• Open

• Recurring

• Suspended

• Closed

If held, the purchase order must be approved via PO Maintenance before you can print or receive the PO.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The vendor assigned to the PO.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor name/address

The supplier's name and address. This information defaults from the Vendor table and cannot be changed.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.



The name and address of the warehouse or the customer, depending on which information you entered previously. This information defaults from the Warehouse or Customer table and cannot be changed.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Placed with

The name of the person at the vendor site with whom you placed the purchase order. This name is used for future reference. When you first enter this screen, the cursor is in this field.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


Indicates whether this purchase order is an initial buy (I) or a reorder (R).

Valid values are:

Initial Buy (default)




A code that identifies a person who is authorized to make purchases for your company. Buyer codes are defined in and validated against the Buyer table; see Working with Buyers (WBUY).

Changing the buyer: If you change the buyer on the PO header, the system updates the buyer on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status: PO Dtl’Buyer’ info has been updated for open/held/recur rcds. The system also updates the value on any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Ship via

A code that identifies the shipper to deliver the merchandise to you. This code is validated against the PO Ship Via table. See Working with Purchase Order Ship Via (WPSV). These shippers are defined separately from, and may differ from, those who deliver merchandise to your customers.

Changing the ship via: If you change the ship via code on the PO header, the system updates the ship via code on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status: The ship via on all of the lines has been changed. The system also updates the value on any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Note: If a purchase order ship via is defined for the vendor/item, the system defaults this ship via to any new lines added to the PO in PO Maintenance instead of defaulting the ship via on the PO header.

Numeric, 2 positions; required if the Require Ship Via on Purchase Order Header (E96) system control value is selected.


The code for the offer (catalog) you will use to sell the merchandise. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Required if the Offer Required Entry on Purchase Orders (A36) system control value is selected. The system creates a SKU/Offer record for each item on the purchase order if one does not already exist.

Changing the offer: If you change the offer code on the PO header, the system updates the offer code on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status: The Offer number has been changed on all detail lines. The system also updates the value on any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; may be required.

Due date

The date the purchase order is due for receipt. This is the date the operator sees in Order Entry.

Changing the due date: If you change the due date on the PO header, the system updates the due date on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status: The Due Dates on all of the lines have been changed. The system also updates the value on any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Cancel date

The date the purchase order will be marked for cancellation if you do not receive it. See Printing the PO Auto Cancel Report (MPAC).

Changing the cancel date: If you change the cancel date on the PO header, the system updates the cancel date on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status: The Cancel Dates on all of the lines have been changed. The system also updates the value on any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Promise date

You can use this date to represent the expected ship date or promised arrival date.

Changing the promise date: If you change the promise date on the PO header, the system updates the promise date on each existing PO line in an open, held, or recurring status: Promise date changed on all detail lines. The system also updates the value on any new lines you add to the PO in PO Maintenance, unless you override the value at the detail level.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Shipping info

One line of shipping instructions to print on the purchase order.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Accept the purchase order

Select Accept to accept the changes you made to the purchase order in PO Maintenance. See Completing PO Maintenance.

Reject the purchase order

Select Reject to reject the changes you made to the purchase order in PO Maintenance. A window opens asking you to confirm the rejection. See Completing PO Maintenance.

Place the purchase order on hold

Select Hold to hold the purchase order. A message informs you the purchase order is on hold.

Work with vendor  

Select FOB to advance to the Work with FOB for Purchase Order Screen.

Work with purchase order header estimated charges

Select Est Charges to advance to the Work with PO Header Estimated Charges Screen.

Work with vendor notes

Select Vendor Notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

Work with PO overrides

Select P/O Overrides to advance to the Purchase Order Overrides Pop-Up Window.

Accept and print or email the purchase order

Select Accept/Print to accept the purchase order changes and advance to the Print P/O Window.

Work with PO summary

Select P/O Summ to advance to the Purchase Order Summary Screen.

Work with PO messages

Select P/O Msg to advance to the Work with PO Messages Screen.

Purchase Receipts History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review receipt totals for an item on a purchase order.

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen or the First Display Purchase Order Detail Screen in purchase order inquiry, select Receiving for an item.



P/O #

A unique number to identify the purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


A unique number to identify the vendor. The description appears to the right. Validated against the Vendor table; see Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Vendor number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Line #

The purchase order detail line number.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


A code to represent the item on the purchase order. The description appears to the right.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Qty Rcv (Quantity received)

The number of units received, presented in your unit of measure.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

U/M (Unit of measure)

A standard by which an item is sold.

Typical units of measure include:

EA = each

IN = inches

C12 = case of 12

Validated against the Unit of Measure table; see Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Qty Rcv (Quantity received)

The number of units received, presented in the vendor's unit of measure.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Date received

The date the units were received at your warehouse.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Cost at recp (Cost at receipt)

The unit cost of the item.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Control #

The control number assigned at receipt, if any. You might use receipt control numbers to track merchandise as it is moved into suspense for inspection, or as a way to disburse additional costs across a group of receipts. You can also use control numbers to reduce the data entry required to move stock in and out of suspense, as you can move all POs for a control at once.

The P/O Receipt Control # Entered (A56) system control value controls whether you use receipt control numbers.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Date to A/P

Not implemented.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only

Cost to A/P

Not implemented.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Display PO Detail History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review any activity against the purchase order line since it was created on the system. The system notes each time the line is maintained.

How to display this screen: At the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen or the First Display Purchase Order Detail Screen in PO inquiry, select History for an item.



Vendor #

The name and number of the supplier.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

PO #

A unique number to identify the purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Ln #

The number of this line on the purchase order.

Numeric, 3 positions, display-only.


A code that identifies a unit of inventory.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code indicating whether the history represents a before or after image of the transaction.

Values are:

Before = information representing the purchase order detail line before the transaction was processed.

After = information representing the purchase order detail line after the transaction was processed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The date when the activity was performed.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The user who performed the activity.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


A description of the activity that was performed against the purchase order detail line.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Completing PO Maintenance

Purpose: To complete PO maintenance, perform one of the following:

Accept Purchase Order

Reject Purchase Order

Approve Purchase Order

Cancel Purchase Order

Accept Purchase Order

On the PO Maintenance - Header Screen, select Accept/Print to accept a purchase order and advance to the Print P/O Window. This option is not available at any purchase order detail screen. See the Print P/O Window for information on when you have the option to email the purchase order to the vendor.

Note: Faxing the purchase order is not currently implemented.

Accept PO without printing or emailing: To accept a purchase order without advancing to the Print P/O Window, you can select Accept at the following screens:



Work with Purchase Order Screen (Header)

The system accepts changes made and returns to the PO Entry Select Prompt Screen.

Create PO Detail Standard Screen (Standard PO Entry)

First Purchase Order Horizontal Entry Screen (PO Entry)

Second Purchase Order Horizontal Entry Screen

Create PO Detail Vendor Item Screen (PO Entry)

PO Detail Non Inventory Screen (PO Entry)

The system accepts changes made and returns to the PO Entry Select Prompt Screen.

Purchase Order Summary Screen

The system accepts changes made and returns to the PO Entry Select Prompt Screen.

If you cancelled one or more lines on a drop ship PO: The system displays an error message when you select Accept if you are maintaining a drop ship PO and during PO maintenance you cancelled some, but not all, of the lines on the PO: D/S PO cannot be accepted with partially cancelled lines. Please cancel all lines. To complete PO maintenance, you must cancel all of the lines on a drop ship PO.

Updates: The system performs field and table updates through a background processing job (OTHR_ASYNC) when you select Accept or Accept/Fax. See Updates During Background Processing for more information.

Reject Purchase Order

To reject a purchase order, select Reject at any of the screens listed above. A pop-up window appears prompting you to confirm. Select OK to confirm the rejection and exit the screen; otherwise, select Exit to cancel the rejection and return to the previous screen.

Note: No changes made during this session of PO Maintenance will be recorded/accepted if you select Reject to reject.

Approve Purchase Order

Select Approve to approve the purchase order. You must have authority to the Approve Purchase Order (A31) secured feature to approve a purchase order.

Note: If you advanced to PO Maintenance from PO inquiry, you cannot approve a purchase order. You need to select the purchase order in PO maintenance in order to approve it, regardless of your secured feature authority.

Cancel Purchase Order

To cancel the entire PO: Select Cancel PO to cancel the entire purchase order.

Note: If a PO line contains a drop ship item, and you use the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship interface to process drop ship items for this vendor, you cannot cancel the purchase order using the Cancel PO option: Must cancel drop ship lines individually.

To cancel individual lines: Select Cancel for a detail line to cancel it from the purchase order. The status (Sts field) for the item changes to C (canceled), and the On order qty reduces by the number of units canceled.

Note: If you cancel some, but not all, of the lines on a drop ship PO individually and then select Accept to accept the PO maintenance changes, the system displays an error message: D/S PO cannot be accepted with partially cancelled lines. Please cancel all lines. To complete PO maintenance, you must cancel all of the lines on a drop ship PO.

Authorizations for drop ship PO: When you cancel a drop ship PO and an authorization exists for the associated order, the system creates a record in the Void Auths table for the authorization amount.

Drop ship pick: When you cancel a drop ship PO, the system also voids the associated drop ship pick.

Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship interface: If a PO line contains a drop ship item, and you use the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship interface to process drop ship items for this vendor, you cannot cancel the PO line unless:

• You have authority to the Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04) secured feature.

• The item is a drop ship item, but was processed before the vendor was flagged as OROB Drop Shipping.

If you do not have authority to the Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04) secured feature, the following message displays when you select Cancel for a drop ship line: Use D/S Status option in PO or Order Inquiry to cancel D/S integration PO line.

Cancellation reason code: The system assigns the Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (C20) to the canceled order line(s).

From PO Inquiry or standard Order Inquiry, you can cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship item if you have authority to the secured feature Order Maintenance Access (A22). See Cancelling Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship Order Lines for processing details.

ME08_01 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN