Unlock Purchase Order (MUPO)

Purpose: Use this option to unlock purchase orders so that you can work with or receive it.

About locked purchase orders: A purchase order is locked if the In use USR user field in the Purchase Order Header table is not blank. This situation might occur if, for example, a user’s browser window closed during purchase order entry or maintenance. Until you unlock the purchase order, you cannot work with it.

If the purchase order has no detail lines: When you unlock a purchase order that does not have any detail lines, the system deletes the purchase order.

On-order reset: You can also use this menu option to reset the on-order quantity for all Item Warehouse records based on the:

• unreceived quantities on open or held purchase orders

• quantities received into suspense or to a pending putaway warehouse

The on-order reset is also available as a periodic function. See the Reset On-Order PO Quantity Periodic Function for more information.

Unlock Purchase Order Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MUPO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Unlock Purchase Order from a menu.




Enter a valid number identifying a purchase order that is currently locked. You cannot prompt on this field.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

When you enter the number of a locked purchase order, the screen displays the following information:


The purchase order’s current status. Possible statuses are:

C = Cancelled. The purchase order was canceled through P.O. Maintenance; it remains on the system for historical purposes.

D = Docked. The purchase order has arrived at the warehouse, but the inventory has not yet been reviewed or formally received.

H = Held. If the purchase order is on hold, you cannot receive it until you approve it through purchase order maintenance.

O = Open. You expect to receive the items on the purchase order.

R = Recurring. This is a template purchase order for merchandise ordered on a regular basis. At pre-defined intervals, the system issues a new purchase order automatically for all recurring purchase orders.

S = Suspended. Inventory has been received into suspense through purchase order receiving. At a later point, permanent locations in the warehouse will be determined for these items.

X = Closed. All items on the purchase order have been received or closed without full receipt.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Entered by

The ID that identifies the user who entered the order. Set to INTERFACE if you created the purchase order through the PO Upload Interface.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

In use by

The ID that identifies the user who was working with the purchase order when it was locked.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The name or description of the vendor with whom you placed the purchase order. From the Vendor record; see Working with Vendors (WVEN) for more information.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Completing this screen:

• Enter a number identifying a purchase order that is currently locked. If your entry is valid, the remaining fields on the screen display information about the purchase order, and a message indicates if the purchase order will be unlocked or deleted:

- Click OK to unlock PO = there is at least one purchase order detail line; the purchase order will be unlocked

- Click OK to delete PO with no details = there are no detail lines for the purchase order; the purchase order will be deleted

• Click OK.

Updates: The system:

• Clears the In use USR user field in the Purchase Order Header table

• If the purchase order does not have any complete detail lines, the system deletes the purchase order header and other related records, such as messages, overrides, estimated charges, and FOB addresses.

Additional updates not processed automatically: Unlocking a purchase order does not submit (or resubmit) the purchase order to the OTHR_ASYNC job. As a result, there is no automatic mechanism to update tables such as Vendor History or Purchase Order Layering based on activity that occurred during the creation or maintenance session that resulted in the lock.

Triggering updates:

• You can process additional updates through related jobs such as the on-order reset available at this screen and Batch PO Layering (BPOL).

• A reset is not available for certain tables, such as Vendor History. For example, if you added a new detail line in maintenance and then the browser window closed unexpectedly, locking the purchase order before you accepted your changes, the information about the new detail line is not reflected in Vendor History when you unlock the purchase order. To trigger these updates, you can select the purchase order for maintenance and then accept the maintenance session without making any changes. The purchase order is then submitted to the OTHR_ASYNC job and the related updates take place, as described in Updates During Background Processing.



Submit the on-order reset

Select Reset On Order to run the on-order reset program. This program runs interactively and resets the on-order quantity for all Item Warehouse records in your company based on the current unreceived quantities on all open or held purchase orders, and any purchase orders received into suspense or to a pending putaway warehouse location.

MUPO OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN