Tracking Order/Call Disposition Activity

Order/Call Disposition Activity allows you to track the calls that come into Oracle Retail Order Management System from an external order call center. In addition, you can track the reason why a call was terminated or an order was rejected. You can use the order/call disposition activity in Oracle Retail Order Management System to match the calls taken in Oracle Retail Order Management System against the call history in the external order call center.

When is order/call disposition activity tracked? The setting of the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value controls when the system captures order/call disposition activity and whether a reject reason is required when you reject an order or terminate a call from an external order call center.

K03 Setting



The system creates a record in the Order Disposition Table when you reject an order in interactive Order Entry; see Order Disposition Information Captured for a Rejected Order.

In addition, the system requires you to enter an order/call disposition reject reason code at the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window when you reject an order in interactive Order Entry.

Note: Interactive order entry in this situation does not include web orders or membership orders.

Multiple Recipient Orders

If an order contains multiple ship to customers, the system creates one record in the Order Disposition Table for the order for the first ship to customer. If you reject a ship to customer, but not the order, the system displays the Confirm Reject Window to confirm that you wish to reject the ship to customer on the order; the system only displays the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window if you reject the entire order.


The system creates a record in the Order Disposition Table when:

• you end a call received from an external order call center that does not result in placing an order; see Order Disposition Information Captured for a Terminated Call.

• you accept an order in interactive Order Entry; see Order Disposition Information Captured for an Approved Order.

• you reject an order in interactive Order Entry; see Order Disposition Information Captured for a Rejected Order.

In addition, the system requires you to enter an order/call disposition reject reason code at the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window when:

• you reject an order in interactive Order Entry.

• you end a call received from an external order call center or select Exit at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen if a Universal call ID has been captured for the call in the Order Disposition table.

Note: Interactive order entry in this situation does not include web orders or membership orders.

Identifying a Call from an External Order Call Center

The system uses the presences of a Universal call ID defined in the Order Disposition table to determine if a call has been received from an external order call center.

Note: The system does not create a record in the Order Disposition table when you receive a call from an external order call center and immediately select Maintain at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen.

Multiple Recipient Orders

If an order contains multiple ship to customers, the system creates one record in the Order Disposition Table for the order for the first ship to customer. If you reject a ship to customer, but not the order, the system displays the Confirm Reject Window to confirm that you wish to reject the ship to customer on the order; the system only displays the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window if you reject the entire order.

NONE or blank

The system does not capture order/call disposition activity in the Order Disposition table.

In addition, the system displays the Confirm Reject Window when you reject an order.

To view order/call disposition activity: You can review order/call disposition activity in the Order Disposition table.

The setting of the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value controls when the system creates a record in this table.

Note: You cannot view the information in the Order Disposition table from any Oracle Retail Order Management System screen.

Order Disposition Table




A code for the company where the order or call was placed.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Order #

The order number associated with the order/call disposition.

An order number displays when:

• you reject an order in interactive order entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ORDER or ALL. The Reject reason code indicates why the order was rejected.

• you accept an order in interactive order entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ALL.

Numeric, 8 positions.

Order ship to #

The order ship to associated with the order/call disposition.

An order ship to number displays when:

• you reject an order in interactive order entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ORDER or ALL. The Reject reason code indicates why the order was rejected.

• you accept an order in interactive order entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ALL.

Note: If an order contains multiple ship to customers, the system creates one record in the Order Disposition Table for the order for the first ship to customer.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Universal call ID (UCID)

The UCID, or universal call identifier, associated with a call received into Oracle Retail Order Management System from an external order call center. You can use this ID to track each individual call received from the order call center.

This field remains blank if the order is not associated with a call received from an external order call center.

If you end a call that does not result in placing an order, the order disposition record contains a UCID number without an order number or order ship to number.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Source code

A code for the source code associated with the order or call.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.

Reject reason code

A code for the order/call disposition reject reason code assigned to the order or call, indicating why the order was rejected or the call was ended before an order was placed.

Reject reason codes are defined in and validated against the Reject Reason table; see Working with Order/Call Disposition Reject Reason Codes (WWRR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Entered by user

The user ID associated with the order or call.

For calls received from an external order call center, this is the user ID of the operator that took the call.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Create date

The date when the order or call was placed.

Numeric, 8 positions (YYYYMMDD format).

Create time

The time when the order or call was placed.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format).

Order Disposition Information Captured for a Terminated Call

The system captures the following information in the Order Disposition Table when you end a call received from an external order call center if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ALL and a Universal call ID is defined for the call in the Order Disposition table:

• company

• universal call ID

• source code

• reject reason code

• entered by user

• create date

• create time

Order Disposition Information Captured for an Approved Order

The system captures the following information in the Order Disposition Table when you accept an order in interactive Order Entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ALL:

• company

• order #

• order ship to #

• universal call ID (if the order is associated with a call from an external order call center; otherwise, this field remains blank)

• source code

• entered by user

• create date

• create time

Order Disposition Information Captured for a Rejected Order

The system captures the following information in the Order Disposition Table when you reject an order in interactive Order Entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to ALL or ORDER:

• company

• order #

• order ship to #

• universal call ID (if the order is associated with a call from an external order call center; otherwise, this field remains blank)

• source code

• reject reason code

• entered by user

• create date

• create time

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