Completing Order Entry

Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window

Purpose: Use this window to review additional ship via choices with the customer, and allow the customer to select a different ship via based on total freight charges or delivery date.

Ship via overrides: There are several ways the system can override the shipper specified on the order with another shipper. See Ship Via Override Hierarchy for a list of ways the system can override the shipper specified on the order with another shipper and the hierarchy in which the ship via overrides take precedence.

How to display this window: This window opens automatically if:

• there are any ship vias for the shipper identified with a Type of O in the Best Way Ship Via table

• there is at least one reserved item on the order

• the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value is blank

See Working with Best Way Ship Vias for an overview and setup instructions.

This window also opens automatically in order maintenance if:

• the Display Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window in OM (I02) system control value is selected

• no items on the order are printed or shipped

• the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value is blank

Auto-assignment? This window does not open if the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value is set to a valid ship via code; in this situation, the system automatically assigns the best way ship via with the lowest overall shipping charges to the order. See the Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment (J67) system control value for an overview.



Ship via

The shipper to deliver the order. The current ship via on the order is indicated at the top of the window, with each of the possible alternate shippers below.

Code: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The total freight charges on the order for this ship via, including:

Add'l freight charge

• shipper/item charges (see Work with Ship Via/Item Screen)

• service charges (see Work with Dollar Chart by Ship Via Screen (Ship Via Service Charges)

• weight charges (see Work with Weight Charges by Ship Via Screen)

The charges also include any special handling charges on the order if the system control value Include Special Handling in Alternate Shipping Charges by Via (I03) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Ship lead days

The total number of days to add to the current date to determine expected delivery date.

Calculated how? Calculated by adding the Shipping lead days for the SCF/ship via + the number of days specified in the Pick Processing Days (B37) system control value.

Additional factors for shipping lead days: Two additional factors, either separately or combined, can increase the shipping lead days: the system adds 1 day if the current time is later than the Warehouse Cutoff Time (K39), or adds 2 days if the total lead days based on the previous factors results in an expected delivery date after Friday of the current week and the Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date (K38) system control value is selected, indicating that shipments do not occur on Saturday or Sunday.

Future arrival dates: Even if the Arrival date on the order is later than the result of the expected delivery date calculation, the shipping lead days still indicate the total number of days required to process the order.

If the expected delivery date is blank: If there are no reserved lines on the order, then the expected delivery dates for all displayed ship vias are blank.

See the description of the Expected delivery date, below, for a discussion and an example.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Expected delivery date

The date when the customer can expect to receive the shipment using this ship via, calculated by adding the order date to:

• the Shipping lead days for the SCF/ship via

• number of days specified in the Pick Processing Days (B37) system control value

• 1 (if the current time is later than the Warehouse Cutoff Time (K39))

• 2 (if the total lead days based on the previous factors results in an expected delivery date after Friday of the current week and the Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date (K38) system control value is selected, indicating that shipments do not occur on Saturday or Sunday)


Order date = 6/4 (Monday)

Shipping lead days = 4

Pick processing days = 1

Current time = 4:00 p.m., and warehouse cutoff = 15:00 (3:00 p.m.)

Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date = selected

The system adds 8 days to 6/4 (4 shipping lead days + 1 pick processing day + 1 day for warehouse cutoff + 2 days for weekend, so the expected delivery date is Tuesday, 6/12.

Future arrival dates: If the Arrival date on the order is later than the Order date, then the expected delivery date displayed is never sooner than the Arrival date, regardless of the result of the above calculation. For example, if the result of the above calculation is 6/12, but the arrival date is 6/30, then the displayed expected delivery date is 6/30.

If the expected delivery date is blank: If there are no reserved lines on the order, then the expected delivery dates for all displayed ship vias are blank.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Completing this window: Select a ship via to replace the current ship via on the order, or click Exit to retain the current shipper.

Work with Order/Recap Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the payment method(s) for an order and review important information.

Screen structure:

• The center of the screen displays customer and address information for the customer who is placing the order (sold-to customer) and the customer who is receiving the order (recipient customer or “ship-to” customer). Also, this part of the screen displays several order-related fields that you can update before ending the order.

This information is repeated on this screen so that you can reiterate this information to the customer. This allows you one last chance to change this information before you accept the order.

• The bottom of the screen displays fields for you to specify payment information for any type of payment method, namely:

- Cash/check

- Credit card (including other card types)

• The right-hand portion of the screen displays the value of the order in the Total field; the individual charges on the order display in these fields:

- Merchandise

- Freight

- Additional freight

- Tax

- Handling and duty

- Additional charges

This screen includes entry fields for credit card and cash/check payment types because this is targeted to customers who pay for their orders this way.

Additionally, this screen includes any payment information that you entered in a default payment type pop-up window or on the Enter Payment Method Screen.

You can enter up to 4 payment types on this screen.

Note: This screen does not provide a means to delete a payment type from the order, change the charge sequence, or enter an issue number or start date for any payment method that is not a debit card. You must select Payments to access the Enter Payment Method Screen and select Delete for the payment type you wish to remove.

Adding an alternate pay type: Use the alternate pay type field at the bottom of the Pay Type area of this screen to add any additional payment method to the order. A pop-up window opens for the specified payment type which you must complete to add the payment method to the order. See the field descriptions for the Enter Payment Method Screen for further details.

When opens?

• Select Accept Order at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) and

• The system control value, Display Order Recap (A75), is selected.



Hold (Hold reason)

A code to place an order on hold for any reason. See the description of the hold reason field on the Work with Order Screen for a complete description.

If you have already entered a hold reason, it will display here; however, you can also enter or change a hold reason code on the recap screen.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Sold-to # (Sold-to customer number)

The number assigned by the system to identify the customer who is placing the order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold-to name (Sold-to customer name and address)

The name, or company name, and address of the customer placing the order. A plus sign (+) indicates that there is additional address information in lines 3 or 4 of the address; see Expanding the Address in Order Entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.


The type of delivery address.

Valid values are:

Business = Business rate table determines shipping charges.

Residential = Residential rate table determines shipping charges.

No Distinction = This is not a valid value for UPS shippers.

Note: The system defines the shipper on an order as U.P.S. if the Type field in the Ship Via table = U; see Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).



The name, or company name, and address of the customer to receive the order. If there is extended ship-to customer address information that does not display, this is indicated by a plus sign: (+).

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Wgt (weight)

The total Sell wgt. (Selling weight) of the items on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal.


A code for the shipper to deliver this order to the customer. The system may have changed the ship via based on a ship via override that applied to this order; see Ship Via Override Hierarchy.

Reviewing eligible ship vias and optionally selecting an override: You can prompt on this field to advance to the Valid Ship Vias for Window, where you can review valid ship vias for the order, including their overall shipping charges and expected delivery dates; optionally, you can select an override ship via.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Priority (Reservation priority)

A number in the range of 0-9 that designates the priority for backorder or order fulfillment, where

0 = Lowest priority

9 = Highest priority

A value defaults to this field if a priority was entered in the B/O priority (Backorder priority) field for the source code; and the header-level value, in turn, defaults to the Priority field on the order detail line.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Arrival date

The date when the customer wants to receive this order. The default value is the current date. If you enter an override to the arrival date, the system automatically updates the order Priority to 9 (Highest priority) if the Auto Update Order Priority (G45) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.


A code that:

• Traces the origin of the customer's order

• Determines the freight and pricing methods and discounts available on the order.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.


The customer's purchase order number.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Credit Card payment type

(Unlabeled entry field before the credit card #)

Enter a user-defined code for a credit card payment type. If you attempt to enter a non-credit card payment method in the first payment type field, the screen displays an error message: Pay type must be credit card.

Pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Issue number and/or start date: If the payment method you enter is a debit card (a credit card pay type with the Card type set to D), you advance automatically to the Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type), where you can enter the issue number and/or start date. However, you will not be able to enter the issue number or start date for any other payment method from this screen, regardless of the settings of the Require start date or Require issue # for the pay type; you will need to use the Enter Payment Method Screen instead.

Bill Me Later: If the payment method you enter is Bill Me Later (a credit card pay type with the Card type set to Bill Me Later), you advance automatically to the Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type), where you need to enter the social security number and date of birth. See Bill Me Later Processing for an overview.

On Account: If the payment method you enter is On Account (the Card type for the credit card is set to On Account), the system defaults the value in the Prefix Value for On Account Card Type (L14) system control value + the bill to customer number (if one is defined) or sold to customer number to the Credit card number field in order to send A/R information to an external Accounts Receivable system. See A/R Payment Processing Using an External System for an overview.

Direct Bank Disbursement: If the payment method you enter is Direct Bank Disbursement (a credit card pay type with the Card type set to Direct Bank Disbursement), you advance automatically to the Enter Direct Debit For Window (Direct Bank Disbursement Payment Type), where you need to enter the customer’s bank routing number and account number. See Processing Direct Bank Disbursements for an overview.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

CC# (Credit card number)

The number of the credit card used on the order.

If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Bill Me Later: When the customer uses Bill Me Later, a credit card number is not relevant, so the system defaults the Description of the Bill Me Later pay type. See Bill Me Later Processing for an overview.

On Account: When the customer uses an On Account credit card payment, the system defaults the value in the Prefix Value for On Account Card Type (L14) system control value + the bill to customer number (if one is defined) or sold to customer number to the Credit card number field. See A/R Payment Processing Using an External System for an overview.

Direct Bank Disbursement: When the customer uses Direct Bank Disbursement, a credit card number is not relevant, so the system defaults the Description of the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type. See Processing Direct Bank Disbursements for an overview.

Tokenization: If the Request token field for the authorization service defined for the credit card pay type is selected, the system sends a Token Request to the authorization service to replace the credit card number with a token. If the Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is selected and a token is not returned in the Token Response, the system displays the Tokenization Warning window and requires you to enter a different form of payment on the order before it can be accepted. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for more information.

Last four: The system stores the last four digits of the actual credit card number in the CC Last 4 field in the Order Payment Method table in order to verify the card with the customer.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Exp (Expiration date)

The date (in MMYY format) up until which a credit card is valid. For example, enter 1206 if the credit card expires in December of 2006.

The Require expiration date flag for the pay type controls whether this field is a required entry.

Numeric, 4 positions; required or optional, based on the Require expiration date flag for the pay type.

Pay plan (Deferred or installment payment plan code)

A code that represents the deferred or installment payment plan you wish to assign to this order. Only credit cards whose Card type is C are eligible for payment plans.

Included only if the Deferred and Installment Billing (F51) system control value is selected.

If an operator does not have authority to the Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81) secured feature, this field is display-only.

An error message indicates if an operator enters Y in this field and the order is not eligible.

See Assigning a Payment Plan to the Order on how the system determines the payment plan to assign to the order.

Payment plans are defined in and validated against the Flexible Payment Option table. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO).

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Auth# (Authorization number)

A code that indicates that the amount to charge for this credit card payment type has been authorized manually or through a credit card authorization service.

You can pre-authorize a credit card by entering an authorization number in the Authorization # field; however, you must also enter a value in the Amount field.

Enter a code in this field to pre-authorize the credit card when you do not use an authorization service to evaluate and approve your credit card orders. You can enter an authorization number in upper and lower case.

Secured feature: The ability of a user or user class to enter an authorization code manually for an order is controlled by the secured feature C/C Authorization Field Access (A25).

If you use an authorization service, the system updates this field when an authorization is received.

Note: Only the first 7 positions of the authorization number display on the Work with Order/Recap screen.

Alphanumeric, 16 positions; optional.

CSV (card security value)

The credit card’s security value.

American Express: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 4-digit number imprinted, not embossed, on an American Express credit card. The card security value is provided above and to the right of the imprinted credit card number on the front of the card.

Discover: The card security value, or CID (card identification number), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

VISA: The card security value, or CVV2 (card verification value), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.

MasterCard: The card security value, or CVC2 (card validation code), is a 3-digit number in reverse indent printing located on the signature panel on the reverse side of the credit card following the account number.


Reducing fraud: Authorization services use card security identification to help reduce fraud by verifying that the credit card is present at the point of sale and to ensure that the credit card data from the transaction matches the data stored by the authorization service for that card.


The card security value and card security presence are used for the processing of VISA, Discover, Master Card, and American Express online authorization transactions only; the card security value and presence are informational-only for every other credit card transaction. The card security response received for the authorization is stored in the Vendor response 2 field in the Authorization History table.

Note: The system removes the card security value from an order when the order is accepted, even if an approved online authorization has not been received on the order; no message is written to Order History. Card security processing is not available during batch authorization or deposit processing.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

Card security presence

Indicates to the authorization service whether a card security value (CID, CVV, CVC) is present on the credit card. If a card security presence exists for the credit card payment method, the authorization service performs card security identification.

Valid values:

Value Present = card security value is present on the credit card.

Value Illegible = card security value is present on the credit card, but is illegible.

No Value = card security value is not present on the credit card.

If you select Value Present and do not enter a number in the Card security value field, an error message indicates: Card security value is required.

If you select Value Illegible or No Value and the Card security value is not blank, an error message indicates: Card security value must be blank.

See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).


Alternate payment type

(Unlabeled entry field below the Credit Card payment type)

Enter a user-defined code for a cash/check payment type.

Valid pay types are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table.

On Account: You can also use this field or the first Payment type field to enter an On Account credit card payment. When you add an On Account credit card payment to an order, the system advances you to the Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type) and defaults the value in the Prefix Value for On Account Card Type (L14) system control value + the bill to customer number (if one is defined) or sold to customer number to the Credit card number field in order to send A/R information to an external Accounts Receivable system. See A/R Payment Processing Using an External System for an overview.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field)

The description associated with this payment method, as defined in the Pay Type table.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The total dollar value of the alternate payment type, as defined on the pop-up window.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; entry requirements depend on payment type.

Merch (Merchandise)

The total value of merchandise on this order. This does not include freight, additional charges, tax (except for hidden tax; see the Tax field), duty, handling, or sold out items. The value in the Merch field is the grand total of the item price on the line multiplied by the quantity ordered.

Order-level discounts: Select Reprice when you finish entering the order to calculate any end-of-order pricing discounts, including promotional pricing.

Line-level discounts: The system calculates any line-level discounts (such as the Discount %) line-by-line, as you enter each item.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt (Freight)

The total charge for shipping this order. The system performs this calculation based on the freight method defined for the source code on the order. This total may depend on the quantity or weight of items ordered or on the dollar value of the order as a whole. If the system calculates freight as a percentage of the merchandise charges, there might be a penny variation in total freight amount due to rounding differences.

You can also define a freight override for the order ship to on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

Freight Methods: Working with Source Codes (WSRC) discusses each freight method and freight calculation.

Additional Charges: Does not include any additional charges associated with shipping this item (see the Frt+ (Additional freight charges) field for these totals).

Service and Weight Charges by Ship Via: Includes any service charges by ship via or order weight charges by ship via. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

When the Freight Field is Blank:

• The Frt field is blank if the Calc freight (Calculate freight) field is unselected to indicate that freight will not be calculated for this order.

• The system calculates freight by order weight during repricing, the initial and final order accept, and when you select to change the last line on the order if you do not change its order quantity. The Freight field on the order does not include order weight freight charges as you add lines to the order; however, the system does display ship via service charges and ship via weight charges immediately. When the system calculates freight by order weight, the system updates the Freight field for the order with the complete freight amount. See Freight by Order Weight Calculation Logic and Examples.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt+ (Additional freight charges)

The total dollar amount for additional freight charges on the order, above regular shipping charges.

The value in the Frt+ field includes the additional freight charges defined for the shipper(s) on the order. For example, the shipper may charge a premium (additional shipping charges) for overnight shipments or Federal Express deliveries.

Depending on how the shipper is defined, the customer may be charged additional shipping charges (in the Frt+ field) and system-calculated shipping charges (in the Frt field) or just the additional shipping charges. The Add'l freight charge field for the Ship Via defines the additional freight charge.

The system adds the additional shipping charge to an order only when the merchandise amount is less than or equal to the value in the $Limit field for the shipper.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

See the field description under Reviewing Order Totals for more information on the Tax, Hnd, Chg, and Total fields.


The total sales tax on the current order.

The value in the Tax field is based on the value of merchandise on the order plus any taxable freight and special handling charges. Tax does not accumulate in this field on orders subject to VAT.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Hnd (Handling charge)

The total charge for special handling or gift wrapping. Also includes any duty charges on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Chg (Additional charges)

The total extra charges added to the current order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Total (Order total)

The sum of all charges on the order, including: merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, and additional charges.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The total discount applied to the order across all ship to customers. The total discount is calculated by comparing the selling price with the item/SKU offer price. If you use a price override on any of the order lines, or if it defaults from the Default Price Override Reason (B35) system control value:

• If the price override reason code’s Override item offer price field is selected, the Ord discount includes any discounts that reduce the selling price from the price override amount you entered for the order line; however, it does not include the amount of the price override itself. For example, if an accompanying item normally priced at $2.00 is added to the order at no charge, the $2.00 is not included in the order discount amount.

• If the price override reason code’s Override item offer price field is unselected, and:

- you override an existing item/SKU offer price for the item: the Ord discount includes the difference between the original item/SKU offer price and the final selling price, including the price override and any other discounts.

- there is no item/SKU offer price for the item: the order detail line does not affect the Ord discount total.

Note: Included only if the Display Discount on Order Recap Screen (D38) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

G/M (Gross profit margin)

The unit amount of the order's merchandise that exceeds the cost of all of the item's on the order. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an order based on each item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for more information on the calculations the system performs to determine gross margin and gross margin percentage.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is included in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

G/M% (Gross profit margin percent)

The percentage of the order's merchandise that exceeds the cost of all of the item's on the order. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an order based on each item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for more information on the calculations the system performs to determine gross margin and gross margin percentage.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is included in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

When you complete this screen: When you complete this screen, you have identified how the customer will pay for the order, either by using a combination of credit card, cash/check, or stored value card payment types or any alternate payment type.

You have also identified who is placing the order and the items being bought. This is the only information required to add an order to the system.

At this point, you can:

• Select any of the function keys listed at the bottom of the screen, or

• Select Accept Order to accept the order (see Accepting or Rejecting the Order), or

• Select Reject Order to reject the order (see Accepting or Rejecting the Order).

Contribution (Overpayment Exists) Window

This window displays the dollar value of the total order, the amount the customer has prepaid, the value of any soldout merchandise (this amount is automatically refunded to the customer), and the amount of overpayment eligible for either refund or contribution, computed as: (Amount paid - order total) - value of soldout item(s) = Overpayment

How to display this screen: This window opens when you select Accept to accept an order, if:

• the customer uses cash or a check to pay for the order (payment category 1; see Enter Payment Method Screen);

• there is an overpayment on the order not caused by a soldout item;

• the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) field in the System Control table is set to OE PROMPT

Select Contribution to apply the overpayment as a contribution, or select Refund to refund this amount to the customer.

If the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) system control value is set to AUTO/REFND, no pop-up window opens; the system automatically creates a refund. Similarly, if the field is set to AUTO/CONTR, the system automatically applies the overpayment as a contribution.

Screen Option


Accept the order

Select Accept Order. See Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Reject the order

Select Reject Order. See Accepting or Rejecting the Order.

Add a recipient

Select Add Rcp.

Note: You will first advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen if the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected.

Work with additional charges on the order

Select Additional Charges to advance to the Enter Additional Charges Window.

Work with customer ship-to information

Select Address Book to advance to the Select Ship To Window.

Work with Rewards certificates

Not implemented.

Work with customer bill-to information

Select Bill To to advance to the Change Customer Bill To Screen (Selecting, Changing, or Excluding a Billing Account).

Return to the Work with Order Lines screen

Select Detail to advance to the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Work with the extended address for the sold-to customer

Select Expand Address to advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

Work with order messages

Select Messages to advance to the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Display more options

Select More Options to advance to the Display More Options Screen.

Work with order ship-to information

Select One Time Ship To to advance to the Create One Time Ship To Address Screen.

Advance to the Order Header screen

Select Order Header to advance to the Work with Order Screen.

Advance to the Enter Payment Method screen

Select Pay Methods to advance to the Enter Payment Method Screen.

Advance to the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen

Select Properties to advance to the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen.

Advance to the Display Order Summary screen

Select Summary to advance to the Display Order Summary Screen.

Accepting or Rejecting the Order

Rejecting the Order

- Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window

- Confirm Reject Window

Accepting the Order

- Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

- Confirm Invalid Expiration Date Screen

Rejecting the Order

When you select Reject Order, the system looks at the setting of the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value to determine how to proceed.

• If this system control value is set to ORDER or ALL, the system advances you to the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window where you must enter a reject reason code explaining why you are rejecting the order. In addition, the system creates a record in the Order Disposition Table so that you can track order/call disposition activity; see Tracking Order/Call Disposition Activity.

• If this system control value is set to NONE or blank, the system advances you to the Confirm Reject Window where you must select OK in order to proceed with the order rejection.

Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window

Use this window to enter the reason why you reject an order in interactive Order Entry or end a call received from an external order call center.

How to display this screen: The setting of the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value controls when this window displays.

• If this system control value is set to ORDER, this window displays when you reject an order during interactive Order Entry.

• If this system control value is set to ALL, this window displays when you:

- reject an order during interactive Order Entry.

- end a call received from an external order call center or select Exit at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen if a Universal call ID has been captured for the call in the Order Disposition table.



Reject reason

A code for the reason you are rejecting an order or ending a call from an external order call center.

You can prompt on this field to advance to the Select Reject Reason screen, where you can select a valid order/call disposition reject reason code; additionally, if you have authority to the Work with Reject Reason Codes (WWRR) menu option, you can create a new reject reason.

Note: If you prompt on this field and select a reject reason code at the Select Reject Reason screen, the system immediately rejects the order or ends the call and does not return you to the Confirm Order/Call Disposition window.

Order/call disposition reject reason codes are defined in and validated against the Reject Reason table; see Working with Order/Call Disposition Reject Reason Codes (WWRR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Screen Option


Reject the order or end the call from an external order call center

Select Reject. The system:

• captures the reject reason you enter at this window in the Order Disposition Table.

• returns you to the screen where you were located before entering the order or taking the call from the external order call center.

Return to the order

Select Exit. The system returns you to the order.

Note: This option only displays when you reject an order; this option does not display when you exit a call from an external order call center.

Confirm Reject Window

Use this window to confirm that you wish to reject the order.

How to display this screen: This window displays when you:

• reject an order during interactive Order Entry if the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is set to NONE or blank.

• reject an order during Batch Order Entry.

• reject an order batch at the Work with Error Orders Batches Screen.

• reject a business to business order.

Screen Option


Reject the order

Select Reject. The system returns you to the screen where you were located before entering the order.

Return to the order

Select Exit. The system returns you to the order.

Accepting the Order

When you select Accept Order:

1. The system verifies the accuracy of all order information and ensures that you have defined some method of payment.

2. The system adds the new order immediately to the Order tables; it becomes available for Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

3. The system sends the credit card payment method on the order to the authorization service if you are set up to perform online credit card authorizations; see Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations.

4. A scrolling message similar to the following displays at the bottom of the screen: Finalizing order, Finalizing order.

5. Several updates occur; see Order Entry Updates.

6. You return to the Select Customer Sold To screen to enter another order or to end the Order Entry function.

Payment plan error message: An error message indicates if you select Accept Order for an order associated with a payment plan and the order includes more than one credit card: Multiple credit cards not allowed with payment plan.

See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO) for more information on deferred and installment payment plans.

Bill Me Later error message: If the customer is applying for a Bill Me Later account, and the order total exceeds the BML trans limit, you will not be able to complete entry of the order. Instead, an error message indicates: Order total exceeds Bill Me Later transaction limit for first time customer.

You will need to select a different payment method or reduce the order total.

See Bill Me Later Processing for an overview.

Store pickup error messages: If the order is flagged for store pickup, the system confirms that all items have been flagged and that there are no non-credit card payment methods on the order. See Troubleshooting Creation of Store Pickup Orders and Things to Note for more information.

Ship-to-store error message: If the Payment at POS for Ship to Store (L60) system control value is selected and this is a ship-to-store order that does not match the Order Type for Special Orders (L15), the system confirms that any payment methods on the order are credit cards whose Card type fields are set to Credit. If not, an error message indicates: Invalid pay type for ship to store order. You need to change the payment methods before you can accept the order. See Payment at POS for Ship to Store (L60) for more information.

Contribution window: The Contribution pop-up window may open when you select Accept Order, depending on your settings in the System Control table. Also, the Display Ship To Totals window opens at this time if any discounts or overrides apply through a promotion.

Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

Online credit card authorization allows you to send and receive electronically the information required to authorize a credit card at the time the order is placed instead of at the time the pick slip is generated for the order.

The system performs online authorization when you select Accept Order after determining if the order should go on hold.

If the order is eligible to receive a credit card authorization during order entry, the system sends the amount requiring authorization to the authorization service and waits for a response.

There are 3 types of responses you can receive from the authorization service.

R = an authorization response was received, such as declined or approved.

T = the program timed out before an authorization response was received.

U = an undefined response was received.

Additionally, the authorization service sends back an response code, authorization code, AVS response code (if you are performing AVS verification), CID response code (if you are performing credit card identification verification), and date.

If you have defined a pop up window message for the vendor response received, you advance to the Select Authorization Response Option Window. Also, if you have specified vendor response, the system places the order on hold.

Note: The Select Authorization Response Option window opens once for each authorization transaction; if you receive an authorization response, AVS response, and CID response from the authorization service, an authorization pop up window displays the first response (in the order listed).

Credit cards requiring authorizations less than $1.00: If the credit card amount to authorize is less than $1.00 and the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value specifies an authorization number, the system does not send the credit card to the service bureau for authorization; instead, it assigns the authorization number from the system control value. If the system control value is blank, the system sends the credit card to the service bureau for authorization, regardless of the amount that requires authorization.

Performing Online Verification Only: If the Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value is selected, the system processes online authorizations for $1.00 for the purpose of validating the card. During batch authorizations, the system authorizes the card for the shippable dollar amount and voids the online authorization for $1.00.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value cards: When using the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration, if the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card is the only payment on the order and the amount authorized for the card is less than the order total, Oracle Retail Order Management System updates the amount for the card with the amount authorized and displays the message Insufficient balance on card - please add another payment. In order to accept the order, you must add another payment to the order to cover the amount of the order that is not covered by the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card. Example: If the order total is 500.00 and the amount authorized for the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card is 236.20, the system updates the amount for the card to 236.20 and requires another form of payment to cover the remaining 289.55 balance on the order.

For more information: See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview of the online credit card authorization process and the required setup.

Confirm Invalid Expiration Date Screen

This screen opens if the expiration date for the credit card expires before the credit card payment method assigned to the order has been paid in full, for example, the credit card expiration date is 10/06 and an installment payment plan is assigned to the credit card payment method with installment dates of 9/8/06, 10/8/06 and 11/8/06.



Correct expiration/Start date

Indicates whether you wish to change the expiration date for the credit card or change the payment method assigned to the order.

Valid values are:

Yes = Correct the expiration date or change the payment method assigned to the order.

No = Do not correct the expiration date or change the payment method assigned to the order.


To correct the credit card expiration date or start date.

1. Select Yes from the Correct expiration/start date field if you wish to change the credit card expiration date or the credit card payment method assigned to the order, or

2. Select OK.

3. The system returns you to Order Maintenance, where you can correct the payment method.

Note: If you selected Yes from the Correct expiration/start date field, you must change the expiration date or payment method assigned to the order or the system will advance you to this screen again when you select Accept Order.

OE01_04 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN