Using a Permanent Shipping Address in Order Entry

Purpose: Use this function to select a shipping address on file for the customer, or to enter a new shipping address for the order that will be linked permanently to the customer and kept on file.

In this chapter:

- Mail History

- Item History

- Order History

Select Ship To Window

Change Customer Ship To Screen (Using, Changing, or Excluding a Shipping Address)

Select Customer Ship To Window (Scanning for a Shipping Address)

- Alphabetic Scan

- Numeric Scan

Create Customer Ship To Screen

Permanent shipping addresses are address that are kept on file for the sold-to customer. An example of a ship-to address would be the customer's work address. The system adds a separate record to the Ship-to Customer table for this shipping address under the customer number. You can define up to 999 permanent shipping addresses for one customer.

One advantage of linking a permanent shipping address to the customer is that you can search for the address on file instead of reentering the address. This is a useful feature for business-to- business customers or customers who repeatedly ship to an alternate address.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration: A customer’s permanent shipping addresses are not included in the information that Oracle Retail Order Management System sends to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement when you use the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration. See the Customer Engagement Customer Integration for more information.

Capturing history: You control what type of mail, order, and item history the system displays by the numeric value you enter in the Track item history field for the sold-to customer. These values are available:


Type of Tracking


No item history tracking


Sold-to level only


Sold-to and ship-to

The system assigns a value of 2 to all customers that you create through Order Entry. You can change the item history tracking level through the Work with Customers function. If at any point you change the value from 2 to 3 for a sold-to customer, you will be able to review all item history for the related ship-to customers. See Reviewing Customer History.

If this value is set to 3, you can review mail, order, and item history information for the ship-to customer from the sold-to customer record. This is useful if you want to target future catalog mailings to ship-to customers.

Mail History

The system captures this offer mailing history automatically for each customer ship-to address:

• Source code

• Source description

• Mail date

Item History

The system captures this item history automatically for each customer ship-to address:

• Item number


• Date ordered

• Quantity ordered

• Order total

Order History

The system captures this order history automatically for each customer ship-to address:

• $ on order

• Active since

• Life-to-date totals

• orders

• sales

• returns

• cancels

• exchanges

• sold outs

• Last credit card number and expiration date

• Last order type

• Last pay type

• Last source

• Last mail date

Additionally, the system captures order and sales history details for the quantity and amount ordered and posted to sales (product actually shipped).

Select Ship To Window

This window displays the shipping addresses already on file for the customer. At this point, you can:

select the appropriate shipping address to ship the order to this address, or

• select Next to view additional addresses (if needed), or

• select Create/Scan to advance to the Select Customer Ship To Window (Scanning for a Shipping Address), where you can refine your search for a ship-to customer. You can also advance to the Create Customer Ship To Screen. At this screen, you can enter an additional shipping address if the desired address is not on file for the customer.

Shipping restrictions: If one or more items on the order is restricted from being shipped to the state or country of the ship to address you have selected, a message indicates:

One or more items on the order line are restricted to new Shipping country/state.


See Entering Additional Item Information, for information on item/state restrictions.

Van delivery: When you add a permanent shipping address to an order, the system reevaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for van delivery and performs several updates if the order’s van delivery eligibility changes. See Changing the Shipping Address on an Order that Qualifies for Van Delivery and Van Delivery Processing for an overview.

Tax calculation: If the customer has a tax exemption at the state level, you need to clear the tax-related fields in order to prompt the system to recalculate the tax on the order based on the new shipping address. See Working with Customer Tax Status for an overview.

How to display this window: Select Address Book at the Work with Order Screen if there are ship-to customers associated with the sold-to customer. If not, you advance directly to the Select Customer Ship To Window (Scanning for a Shipping Address).



Cust (Customer number)

A number assigned by the system to identify the customer who is placing the order or requesting a catalog.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship To (Ship To customer number)

A number that identifies this customer's shipping address.

The system adds the shipping address to the Customer Ship To table under the customer number (Sold To Customer number) and a suffix (Ship To Customer number).

For example, a customer places an order and requests that you ship the order to his business address. If the customer's customer number is 13248, the customer's office address (shipping address) would be filed under number 13248-001.

The customer calls back and places another order, but asks you to ship the order to his beach house.

You can select Cust Ship To to scan for this address. Only the customer's office address is listed in the pop-up window. Once again, you can add the new shipping address by selecting Create. The system will file the shipping address under number 13248-002.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The address where you are shipping this order. The address includes this information:

Company name

The name of the company to receive the order, if available. The shipping address must contain either the company name or customer name.

Alphanumeric, 51 positions; display-only.

Customer name

The name of the customer to receive the order. The name consists of the prefix (such as "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr.", etc.), first name, last name, and suffix (such as "Jr.", "M.D.", etc.).

Alphanumeric, 51 positions; display-only.


The delivery address, which is made up of the street, city, state, and postal code

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Change Customer Ship To Screen (Using, Changing, or Excluding a Shipping Address)

How to display this screen: Select a shipping address at the Select Ship To Window. If there is already a ship-to selected for the order, you can also display this screen by selecting Ship To at the:

Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance

Work with Order Lines Screen

Enter Payment Methods Screen in Order Maintenance

Create Customer Bill To Screen

Change Customer Bill To Screen (Selecting, Changing, or Excluding a Billing Account)

Work with Order Messages Screen

To use: Select OK at this screen to use this address as the shipping address on the current order.

To change: Enter over any information you want to update. The current order will ship to the new shipping address, if you changed address information. Also, the system saves the new shipping information for the customer.

Each of the fields on this screen are described under Create Customer Ship To Screen.

To exclude: Select Exclude from order to remove this shipping address from the current order.

Removing the shipping address is necessary if you select the address, then decide to ship the order to another address. The system attaches the shipping address automatically to the order when you select a shipping address. After you select Exclude from order, you can select another address or use the customer's home address (billing address) as the order shipping address.

Select Customer Ship To Window (Scanning for a Shipping Address)

To scan: Enter information in any of the scan fields on this window to locate the desired shipping address for the order.

How to display this screen: Select Address Book at the Work with Order Screen if there are currently no ship-to customers associated with the sold-to customers. Otherwise, you advance to this window by selecting Create/Scan at the Select Ship To Window.

Scan fields: Enter information in the scan fields. You advance to a scan screen that lists the shipping addresses that closely match the information you entered. You can search using the customer's match code, postal code and last name, postal code and company name, last name only, company name or telephone number.

You can enter partial or full information into any of the scan fields. For example, you can enter J or JONES in the Last name field to locate the shipping address for Howard Jones.

We recommend that you be as specific as possible when you enter scan information to narrow down the number of shipping addresses that match your entries.

The scan screen that opens includes the shipping addresses that closely match the information you entered. The shipping addresses are listed alphabetically or numerically, starting with the first address that matches the scan information.

Alphabetic Scan

For example, the scan screen lists these names if you enter J in the Last name field:




JONES (etc.)


However, the scan screen lists these names if you enter JONES in the Last name field:






Numeric Scan

The scan screen lists these postal codes if you enter 0 in the Postal code field:




01560 (etc.)


However, the scan screen lists these postal codes if you enter 02062 in the Postal code field:






If you find the shipping address, select it. The current order will be shipped to this address.

If you are not sure that the address is the one you want to ship to, select Display for it. This allows you to verify the address before you attach it to the current order. If the address is the right one, select it to ship the current order to this address.

If you do not find the desired address, you can continue your search by selecting Next to display additional shipping addresses on file for the customer or you can select Create to add a new shipping address.

Create Customer Ship To Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter a permanent shipping address for the customer.

The system uses this address for the current order and files the address under the customer number in the Customer Ship To table. Also, this address is in the window the next time you enter a new order for the customer and select Address Book to use a permanent shipping address.

How to display this screen: Select Create/Scan at the Select Ship To Window.




A number to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number (unlabeled field to the right of the Order#)

A number to identify the shipping address.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold-to (Sold-to customer number)

A number to identify the customer who places the order or requests a catalog.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Customer name

The full name of the person to whom you are shipping the order, which may include:


The customer's title, such as "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr.", etc.

If the Validate Prefix (I27) system control value is selected, your entry is validated against the Prefix table; see Working with Prefix Codes (WPFX).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

First name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Last name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required if you do not enter a Company.


The suffix to the customer's name, such as "Jr.", "III", "M.D.", etc.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The name of the company to which you are shipping the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required if you do not enter a customer name.


The full address to which you are shipping the order.

Address line #1

The street address. This is the primary delivery address.

Shipping to a Post Office Box

To ship to a Post Office Box, enter POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX (with or without spaces or non-alphabet characters, such as P.O. BOX), and the box number in the customer’s street address. During order processing, the system validates that the carrier can ship to a post office box (as defined in the Ship Via table).

Example: Enter P.O. Box 9999 in the Street field to indicate delivery to a post office box instead of a home or company address.

Note: If you type POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX in the customer’s street address during order entry or through the Order API, the system automatically selects the PO box field for the customer. However, if you remove this text from the customer’s street address, the system does not automatically unselect the PO box flag.

Note: When you create a customer outside of order processing, you need to select the PO box field manually.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; required.

Address lines #2-#4

(unlabeled fields under the Address field): Additional lines for you to enter address information.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions each line; optional.

Apt/Suite (Apartment/Suite)

The apartment, suite, rural route or floor number for this address, if any.

This information prints next to the primary street address on labels.

To enter an apartment or suite address

1. Enter APT for an apartment or STE for a suite.

2. Press the space bar once.

3. Enter the number.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Postal code

The postal or zip code for the shipping address.

Required? A postal code is required only if the Require postal code? flag for the country is selected; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Default city and state? If the system control value Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) is selected, you can enter just the postal code to have the system default the associated city and state.

Postal code validation: If a postal code is required, it is validated against the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) table; see Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).

External validation: The system calls a user-defined program to validate postal codes if the External Postal Code Validation (E62) system control value selected.

Tax rates: The Postal Code table includes valid postal code/city/state combinations, and may also contain tax rates. You can purchase a listing of the valid combinations from your post office or you can enter each postal code/city/state combination manually.

SCF/ship via validation: If you enter a postal code and the Perform ship via edit? flag for the country is selected, the system validates the SCF/ship via combination against the SCF Ship Via table when you complete the order; see Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or optional based on country.


The city to which you are shipping the order.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

St (State)

The state or province where you are shipping the order.

Defined where? State codes are defined in and validated against the State table, accessible through the Work with Countries menu option; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Required? A state is required only if the Require state? flag for country is selected. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

SCF validation: If the Require postal? flag for the country is selected, the system validates that the state you enter is assigned to the SCF associated with the postal code. See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) for background.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required or optional based on country.

Ctry (Country)

The code for the country where the order is shipping. Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country table.

The Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value, if any, defaults here; but you can override this value.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


A code to identify an address as a business or residence. This code is used to calculate shipping charges for shippers that use rate tables, such as UPS.

Valid values are:



No distinction between business and residence (not a valid delivery code for a UPS shipper)

The system uses this logic to default a delivery code to a customer address on an order:

• The system defaults the delivery code from the postal code on the address.

• If there is no delivery code for the postal code on the address, the system defaults the delivery code from the Customer table.

• If there is no delivery code in the Customer table, the system uses the Default Delivery Code for New Order Entry Customers (D13).



Indicates whether to include the customer's name in lists that you rent. Valid values are:

selected = You can rent this customer's name.

unselected = You cannot rent this customer's name.

The Default Rent Name (D11) setting defaults here, but you can override it.

Note: Not on the Change or Display Customer Ship-to screens.

Mail code

This code indicates when, and under what circumstances, you can send mail to this customer. Mail codes are defined in and validated against the Mail/Call Code table; see Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC) Not to be confused with the Mail flag.

If you do not enter a mail code at the Create Customer Ship To screen, the system will default in the value from the Default Mail Name (D10) system control value.

Note: Not on the Change or Display Customer Ship-to screens.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Call code

This code indicates when, and under what circumstances, you can call the customer. Call codes are defined in and validated against the Mail/Call Code table; see Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC).

Note: Not on the Change or Display Customer Ship-to screens.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Country code

The international telephone code associated with this country.

For example, the country code for France is 33. You must enter this code plus the city code before the telephone number to place an international telephone call.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Telephone numbers

The daytime, evening and third (fax or mobile) telephone numbers associated with this shipping address.

Note: The Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mobile number.

Phone number format: You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. Telephone number formats are defined by arranging numbers and special characters such as hyphens and parenthesis in the same order and position as the numbers in a telephone number would display. When an operator enters a phone number, the system compares the number of numeric characters in the phone number with the telephone number formats you have defined. In order to match a format, the phone number must have the same number of numeric positions as a telephone number format. If the system cannot find a match, the phone number does not map to a telephone number format and displays as it was entered by the operator.


An operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers: 5085550100.


The telephone number format used in the United States to represent an area code, local exchange and local phone number is: (508) 555-0100.

When an operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers (as in the example), the phone number displays so that the first 3 positions are in parenthesis and a hyphen is between the sixth and seventh numbers, regardless of how the operator entered it into the system. If an operator enters a phone number containing 6 numbers, for example 5550100 and no format exists for 6 numbers, the phone number would display as it was entered. (5550100). See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

The system calls a user-defined program to validate phone numbers outside of Oracle Retail Order Management System if you have selected the External Validation for Phone Number (E64) system control value.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions each field; optional.

E-mail address

The customer’s email address. See Email Address Validation for an overview of how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Default Sold-To Customer information on the Create Customer Ship To screen

Select Default Sold To if you want the system to default sold-to customer information in the fields on this screen.

Selecting this option defaults the following fields from the order header:

• Name

• Company

• First line of address information

• Apartment number

• Postal code

• City

• State

• Country

• Delivery code (Business or Residence)

• Rent flag

• Day phone and extension

• Evening phone and extension

• Third (fax or mobile) phone and extension

You can override this information.

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