Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date (K38)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to factor in a delay for weekends when calculating the shipping lead days and expected delivery date to display at the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you would like to use a five-day work week as the basis for the calculations displayed at the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via window. With this setting, the system adds two additional days to the shipping lead days and expected delivery date displayed at the window when the calculation exceeds the current business week. You might use this setting if your warehouse does not process shipments over the weekend, so that you can provide a more accurate expectation of the shipping time line.

Example: The normal shipping lead days (calculated by adding the Pick Processing Days (B37) with the lead days for the SCF/ship via) is 4, and today is Friday. Your warehouse does not process shipments on Saturday and Sunday. The resulting expected delivery date is the following Thursday with shipping lead days of 6, since the system adds Saturday and Sunday to the calculation.

Leave this field unselected if you want to use a seven-day work week as the basis for the calculations displayed at the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window. With this setting, the system treats Saturday and Sunday like any other day of the week when calculating the shipping lead days and expected delivery date to display at the window.


• This system control value affects the shipping lead days and expected delivery date at the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window in order entry or order maintenance only, and does not affect any other screen, window, or calculation.

• The calculation does not reflect any other calendar differences, such as holidays.

• The Warehouse Cutoff Time (K39) system control value also plays a role in calculating the shipping lead days and expected delivery date for the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via window. You can use the system control values together or independently; for example, you can add the additional days for the weekend without also taking the warehouse cutoff time into account, or vice versa; you can use both factors to extend the shipping lead days and expected delivery date; or you can omit both factors.

• If there are no reserved items on the order, the shipping lead days is zero and the expected delivery date is blank at the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window, regardless of the setting of this system control value.

• If the arrival date on the order is in the future, the expected delivery date will never be sooner than the arrival date. For example, if the current date is 6/1 and the arrival date is 6/30, the expected delivery date will be at least 6/30, even if the normal calculation of Pick Processing Days (B37), lead days for the SCF/ship via), and other factors indicate a sooner expected delivery date. The shipping lead days, however, will reflect the actual time estimated to ship the order to the customer.

IN03_04 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN