Work with Promotional Pricing Groups (WPRG)

Purpose: Use the Work with Promotional Pricing Groups function to create and change promotional pricing groups and define the items that the groups include. You can use these groups for promotional pricing. You can promote one or more incentive items at a special price or at no charge if a customer orders a promotional item, an item from a promotional group, or a specified dollar amount.

Promotional pricing: You can use a promotional price group to identify:

required items: the items that for the customer must order to be eligible for a promotional price incentive, and/or

incentive items: the items that you are offering for a reduced or incentive price if the order meets the promotion price requirements.

For example, if you set up two groups, you might set up promotional pricing to offer the customer:

• a reduced or incentive price on any item from group 1 with a qualifying purchase of items from group 1

• a reduced or incentive price on any item from group 1 with a qualifying purchase of items from group 2

• a reduced or incentive price on a specific item with a qualifying purchase of items from group 2

• a reduced or incentive price on a limited quantity of items from group 2 based on a qualifying merchandise dollar value on the order

Once you define the promotional pricing group and specify the items that will be included in each group, use Work with Promotional Pricing (WPRP) to define the requirements the customer's order must meet to be eligible for the incentive. For example, you also need to specify a source code or offer for the promotional pricing record.

See Upselling with Promotional Pricing for more information on how promotional pricing incentive items are presented in order entry.

Note: It is not necessary to use promotional pricing groups in order to use promotional pricing. For example, you can use promotional pricing to offer an item at a special price or at no charge when the customer uses a specific source code and meets an order dollar minimum value. See Work with Promotional Pricing (WPRP) for more information.

In this chapter:

Work with Promotional Pricing Groups Screen

Promo Pricing Group Screen (Add Mode)

Work with Promotion Group Details Screen

Work with Promotional Pricing Groups Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WPRG in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select the Work With Promotional Pricing Groups option from a menu.





Allows you to enter the code for the promotional pricing group.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


Allows you to enter a full or partial description of the promotional pricing group.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a promotional pricing group

Select Create to advance to the Promo Pricing Group Screen (Add Mode).

Change a promotional pricing group

Select Change for a group to advance to the Promo Pricing Group screen in Change mode. See Promo Pricing Group Screen (Add Mode) for field descriptions. You can change only the Description field.

Delete a promotional pricing group

Select Delete for a group to delete it.

Display a promotional pricing group

Select Display for a group to advance to the Promo Pricing Group screen in Display mode. See Promo Pricing Group Screen (Add Mode) for field descriptions. You cannot change any information on this screen.

Promo Pricing Group Screen (Add Mode)

To create: Select Create on the Work with Promotional Pricing Groups Screen.




A unique code that represents the pricing group. Promotional price groups categorize the items from which a customer must order to receive an incentive or free item, or an item at a special price.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Add mode: required.

Change mode: display-only.


A description of the pricing group.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Work with Promotion Group Details Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the Promo Pricing Group Screen (Add Mode), or select Details for a group at the Work with Promotional Pricing Groups Screen. You can also display this screen by selecting Add/Change at the Promotion Pricing Screen (Add Mode), (Change Mode), or (Display Mode).




The number of the item that belongs to this promotional pricing group. The item you enter is validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


If the item has SKUs, enter the specific SKU of the item that belongs to this promotional pricing group. The SKU you enter is validated against the Item/SKU table.

If you do not know the specific SKUs for an item, or if you would like to make all SKUs eligible, you can leave this field blank.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

To add: This screen displays in Add mode. The cursor is at the Item field, so you can begin adding item information. Once you enter an item, the information is displayed beneath the blank fields, so you can continue to add more item information.

To change or delete: If any items have been previously entered in this table, they are displayed. To change item information, select Change to switch to Change mode. You can type over or delete existing information.

WPRG OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN