Working with Threshold Values (WTHR)

Purpose: Use this menu option to create statistics, such as tracking the number of held purchase orders, for the system to monitor.

In this chapter:

Updating Threshold Actual Values

Threshold Monitor Breach Email

System Delivered Thresholds

Work with Thresholds Screen

Create Threshold Values Screen

Threshold values indicate the numbers and/or dollar values that trigger the system to generate an email when these values are breached.

Determining when a threshold is breached: For each threshold you define, the system compares the actual number value and/or dollar value for the threshold against the thresholds you define; and generates a Threshold Monitor Breach email if the threshold is breached.

The Comparison for the threshold determines when the threshold is breached. If the comparison is:

Greater than: the threshold is breached when the actual number or dollar amount exceeds the threshold number or dollar amount. For example, the threshold is breached if the actual number is 241 and the threshold number is 200 (241 is greater than the threshold of 200).

Less than: the threshold is breached when the actual number or dollar amount is less than the threshold number or dollar amount. For example, the threshold is breached if the actual dollar is $100 and the threshold dollar is $500 ($100 is less than $500).

If you define both a threshold number value and a dollar value, the system checks both values to determine when the threshold is breached.

Example: One of the system-delivered thresholds is Backorders (BO). This threshold monitors the number of open and held orders that contain at least one unit on backorder, and monitors the merchandise dollars of units on backorder included on open or held orders. You can use this threshold to send an email to the warehouse supervisor when there are more than 100 open and held orders that contain at least one unit on backorder. To do so, define 100 as the threshold number with a greater than comparison (the actual value must be greater than the threshold value). Once the actual number of open and held orders containing a backordered item is 101, the system sends an email to the warehouse supervisor.

Threshold Code and Description


Number Value

Actual Number

Email address

BO: Backorders

Greater than (actual value is greater than the threshold value)



Updating Threshold Actual Values

The System Delivered Thresholds are defined in the Threshold Value table.

The Batch Order Control job (ORD_CONTRL) updates the actual threshold values and compares the threshold number value and/or threshold dollar value against the actual units and/or dollars for each threshold to determine if a threshold has been breached.

This job also updates the values in the Order Control Summary table. You can review order and merchandising summary information using the Operations Control Summary menu option. This menu option provides a high-level overview of the fulfillment process, identifies potential bottlenecks or problem areas, and delivers an audit trail of order activity. See Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH).

Submitting the Batch Order Control job: The system submits the Batch Order Control job when:

• you select Update current totals in the Operations Control Summary (FLSH) menu option; see Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH).

• you submit a periodic process that:

- includes the Order Summary (ORDSUM) periodic function (program name PFR0062), OR

- includes the Threshold (THRESHD) periodic function (program name PFTHRESHMO).

Note: You can schedule a periodic process to run at a specified time; see Executing Periodic Processes (EPRO) for more information on defining a job schedule for a periodic process.

Batch Order Control processing: The Batch Order Control job:

• updates all of the related fields in the Order Control Summary table for the current transaction date. You can review operations and merchandising summary values through the Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH) menu option.

• generates the Operations Control Report, which lists the most recent operations and merchandising summary totals. Note: The system generates the report only if you submit the Batch Order Control job from the Operations Control Summary menu option or from the ORDSUM periodic function.

• updates the actual value fields and Last updated fields in the Threshold Values table. The system updates the actual value field regardless of whether you have defined a threshold.

• determines if a threshold is breached by comparing the defined threshold number or dollar value against the actual number value and/or actual dollar value. If you have not defined a threshold value for a threshold, the system does not monitor the threshold for a breach.

• if a threshold has been breached, the system sends a Threshold Monitor Breach Email to the email address for the threshold. Note: The system generates an email only if you submit the Batch Order Control job from the THRESHD periodic function.

Threshold Monitor Breach Email

If a threshold is breached the system sends a Threshold Monitor Breach email to the email address for the threshold.

Note: You can define just one email address for each threshold. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Email hour interval: The system sends a threshold monitor breach email only when:

• you submit the Batch Order Control job (see Updating Threshold Actual Values for more information on how to submit this job), and

• the number of hours from the Email interval for the threshold has passed. The system compares the system date and system time to the Last sent on date field and Last sent on time for the threshold to determine whether to send another email, and continues to send an email based on the hourly interval until the threshold is no longer breached.

Sample email:




**ALERT** Threshold Monitor Breach

Backorders threshold exceeded.

Review Backorder Reports.

Co#: 7 Actual$: 26973 > Thresh$: 13700

Use WTHR to monitor this breach.


From: The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the from email address:

- Company: If a From email address is specified for the company through Setting Up Companies (WCMP), use this address; otherwise,

- System: Use the mail.from specified through Email Properties.

To: The Email address for the breached threshold.

Subject: **ALERT** Threshold Monitor Breach

First data: Indicates which threshold has been breached, for example: Backorders threshold exceeded.

Second data: The text from the Action field for the breached threshold.

Third data: The company, actual threshold value, and threshold comparison value defined for the breached threshold, for example: Co#: 7 Actual$: 26973 > Thresh$: 13700.

Final data: Use WTHR to monitor this breach.

System Delivered Thresholds

The table below describes the system-delivered thresholds and how the system updates the threshold actual values. If have not already created these thresholds, the Batch Order Control job automatically creates them; however, you still need to define the threshold criteria; see Updating Threshold Actual Values.



Threshold Description



Monitors the number of open and held orders that contain at least one unit on backorder, and the total merchandise dollar value of these backordered units.

The system determines if an item is on backorder by calculating open quantity on order line - reserved quantity on order line = backorder quantity. The system determines the open quantity by calculating order quantity - shipped quantity - cancelled quantity - soldout quantity = open quantity.

Actual number value

The total number of open and held orders that contain at least one unit on backorder, including the total number of ship-to addresses for orders with multiple ship-tos. For example, an order with two ship-to addresses updates the number of orders total by 2.

This is the sum of the Future use 1 number and Future use 2 number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The sum of the Open backordered dollars and the Held backordered dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Purchase Orders On Hold

Monitors the number of held purchase orders and the merchandise dollar value of items on these purchase orders.

Held purchase orders are POs that are in a held (H) status; this does not include recurring POs or drop ship POs. The PO line status can be open (O) or held (H) to be included in these totals.

Actual number value

The Held PO number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar total for held purchase orders from the PO Detail table, determined by subtracting the quantity received from the quantity ordered and multiplying by the PO price.

This is the Held PO dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Inventory On Backorder

Monitors the number of units on backorder that are on open or held orders and the total merchandise dollars of backordered units on these orders.

Actual number value

The sum of the Open quantity backordered and Held quantity backordered from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The sum of the Open dollars backordered and the Held dollars backordered from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Inventory Pending Putaway

Monitors the number of units received into a pending putaway warehouse and their merchandise dollar value.

A pending putaway warehouse is a warehouse where you place inventory that is on its way to its final destination. You can define a warehouse as a pending putaway warehouse by assigning a warehouse location type of PP (pending putaway warehouse) to the warehouse in Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

The system increases these totals when you receive a PO line or a partial quantity on a PO line into a pending putaway warehouse.

Actual number value

The total number of units received into a pending putaway warehouse, from the Pending Putaway Detail table.

This is the Pending putaway quantity from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.



Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar value of items received into a pending putaway warehouse, from the Pending Putaway Detail table.

The system multiplies the quantity pending for each pending putaway detail record by the PO cost to determine the merchandise dollar value for each pending putaway detail record (if a PO cost is not defined, the system uses the SKU cost from the SKU table). The system then sums the merchandise dollars for each pending putaway detail record to determine the total pending putaway merchandise dollars.

This is the Pending putaway dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Inventory In Staging Whs

Monitors the number of units received into a staging warehouse and the merchandise dollars value of these units.

A staging warehouse is a warehouse that represents an area within your actual warehouse where you keep stock that needs to be put away. You can designate a warehouse as a staging warehouse by entering the warehouse code in the Default Staging Warehouse (E15) system control value.

The system increases these totals when you receive a PO line or a partial quantity on a PO line into a staging warehouse.

Actual number value

The total number of units received into a staging warehouse.

To determine the number of units received into staging, the system totals the on-hand quantity for each item warehouse record in the staging warehouse.

This is the Staging inventory quantity from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar value of items received into a staging warehouse.

To determine the merchandise dollars of items received into staging, the system multiplies the total on-hand quantity in the Item Warehouse table for the staging warehouse times the SKU cost.

This is the Staging inventory dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


LTD purchase dollars

Monitors the number of orders placed by a sold-to customer and their merchandise dollar value.

The system monitors this threshold only when the sold-to customer places an order in order entry.

If the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is selected, the system increases a sold-to customer’s LTD (life-to-date) orders number and dollars when you add an order line to an order in order maintenance.

The system reduces a sold-to customer’s LTD orders number and dollars when you cancel an order if the cancel reason you enter is set to update demand.

Note: You must manually create this threshold value. Also, the threshold’s actual number and actual value are not listed on the Work with Thresholds Screen since these values apply to a specific sold to customer. The system does not send an email when this threshold is breached; instead, a pop-up window opens in order entry.

Customer Order History Window

The Customer Order History Window opens in order entry when you enter an order for a customer whose LTD order dollars exceeds the threshold value.

Actual number value

The number of orders placed by a sold-to customer, not including any returns created through order entry or exchange items entered on an order. This is the Order number LTD in the Customer Sold To Order History table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar value of the orders placed by a sold-to customer, including any backordered or soldout items, but not including any returns created through order entry. This is the Order dollars LTD from the Customer Sold To Order History table for the most recent transaction date.


Orders Rsvd/Not Printed

Monitors the number of reserved units on open and held orders and their total merchandise dollar value.

Actual number value

The sum of the Open unprinted quantity and Held unprinted quantity from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The sum of the Open unprinted dollars and Held unprinted dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Orders On Hold

Monitors the number of units on held orders and their total merchandise dollar value. This includes units regardless of whether they are on backorder or are printed, but does not include held order lines if the order itself is not held.

Actual number value

The sum of the Held backordered quantity, Held printed quantity, and Held Unprinted quantity from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The sum of the Held backordered dollars, Held printed dollars, and Held unprinted dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Pending Refund

Monitors the number of pending refunds and their total merchandise dollar value.

Pending refunds are refunds in an open or held status that have not yet been processed; these totals do not include refunds that are in a pending cancelled, cancelled, pending write off, write off, or processed status.

Actual number value

The Refunds pending number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The Refunds pending dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Pending RA Credit

Monitors the number of pending return authorization credits and their total merchandise dollar value.

Pending return authorization credits are return authorizations that have been received, but not yet credited.

These totals include the returned units on return and exchange transactions, but not items ordered in exchange.

Actual number value

The total number of pending return authorization credits, regardless of whether the returns are on the same order. For example, an order with 2 pending RA credit order lines processed separately updates this total by 2; however, if the same 2 pending RA credit order lines on a single order are processed in the same transaction, the total updates by 1.

The system determines the number of pending RA credits by totaling the number of RA header records whose date received is greater than 0 and date credited is 0.

This is the Pending RA credit number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar total of items on pending return authorization credits, determined by multiplying the uncredited quantity by the order detail price.

From the Pending RA credit dollars in the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Purchase Orders Past Due

Monitors the number of purchase orders that contain purchase order lines that are past due their merchandise dollar value. This does not include drop ship purchase orders.

Past due purchase orders contain PO lines that have not yet been received and are past the expected due date (the Due date on the PO line is earlier than the current date). PO lines whose status is open (O) or held (H) are included in these totals.

Actual number value

The total number of open, held, and docked POs that include PO lines that are past due.

This is the sum of the Open past due PO number, Held past due PO number, and Docked past due PO number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar total for items on open, held, and docked POs that are past due.

This is the sum of the Open past due PO dollars, Held past due PO dollars, and Docked past due PO dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Purchase Orders Docked

Monitors the number of docked purchase orders and their merchandise dollar value.

Docked purchase orders are POs that are in a docked (D) status. PO lines on partially docked PO’s whose status is (O) or held (H) are included in these totals.

If you partially receive a docked PO, the system updates the PO status from docked (D) to open (O).

Actual number value

The Docked PO number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar total for docked purchase orders from the PO Detail table, determined by subtracting the quantity received from the quantity ordered and then multiplying by the PO price.

This is the Docked PO dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Pending Pick Slips

Monitors the number of pending pick slips and their merchandise dollar value.

Pending pick slips are pick slips that have not yet been billed, but does not include pick slips that are voided, waiting for authorization, or suspended.

The system increases the pending pick slip number, units, and dollars for drop ship orders if the drop ship output defined for the vendor is drop ship pick slip; if the drop ship output defined for the vendor is drop ship purchase order or collaborative shipping, the system increases the total units and total dollars pending, but does not increase the total number pending.

Actual number value

The Pending picks number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The Open printed dollars and Held printed dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Pending RA Receipt

Monitors the number of pending return authorization receipts and their merchandise dollar value.

Pending return authorization receipts are return authorizations that have been entered, but not yet received.

These totals include items returned on return and exchange transactions, not items ordered in exchange.

Actual number value

The total number of pending RA receipts, regardless of whether the returns are on the same order. For example, an order with 2 pending RA receipt order lines processed separately updates this total by 2; however, if the same 2 pending RA receipt order lines on a single order are processed in the same transaction, the total updates by 1.



The system determines the number of pending RA receipts by totaling the number of RA header records whose date received is 0.

This is the Pending RA receipt number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar total of items on pending return authorization receipts, determined by multiplying the unreceived quantity by the order detail price.

This is the Pending RA receipt dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Suspended PO Receipts

Monitors the number of PO lines received into suspense and their merchandise dollar value.

Actual number value

The total number of PO lines received into suspense, including PO lines that have a partial quantity received into suspense. This is the Suspense receipts number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The Suspense receipts dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Suspended Batches

Monitors the total number of order batches that are in a suspended status.

The system does not monitor a threshold dollar value for suspended batches.

Actual number value

The system determines the number of order batches in a suspended status by totaling the number of orders in the Order Batch table whose Batch suspended field is set to Y.

This is the Batches suspended number from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Suspended Inventory

Monitors the number of units received into suspense and their merchandise dollar value.

Actual number value

The Suspense receipts quantity from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The Suspense receipts dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Suspended Orders

Monitors the number of suspended orders and their merchandise dollar value, regardless of whether the order is batched.

Actual number value

The total number of suspended orders, from the number of orders in a suspended status or error status in the Order Header table.

This is the Orders suspended number in the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.

Actual dollar value

The merchandise dollar total of suspended orders, including orders in a suspended or error status. This is the sum of the merchandise dollars for suspended and orders in error in the Order Ship To table.

This is the Orders suspended dollars from the Order Control Summary table for the most recent transaction date.


Virtual Card Numbers

Monitors the number of stored value card numbers available to assign to a virtual stored value card.

Actual number value

The actual number of records in the Virtual Card Number Table (FLSVCA).

Work with Thresholds Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review, create, change, or submit a command to process a threshold value.

How to display this screen: Enter WTHR in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Threshold Values from a menu.




A description of the threshold.

See System Delivered Thresholds for a listing of system-delivered threshold values and the calculations performed.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Threshold units

The number defined for the threshold.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Threshold value

The dollar amount defined for the threshold.

Note: You can enter a whole dollar amount, but no decimals.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Breached values are highlighted in red: A threshold’s Actual units or Actual value, or both, are highlighted in red if they have breached the corresponding thresholds. The system considers a threshold breached if you have specified a Comparison setting for the threshold and either of the actual values is beyond the threshold, even if the threshold is zero.

To avoid having a threshold flagged as breached, set the Comparison to unselected (blank).

Actual units

The actual current value for the threshold, such as the actual number of units on backorder.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Actual value

The actual dollar amount for the threshold, such as the dollar value of units on backorder.

Note: The system rounds the actual dollar amount down to the nearest whole dollar.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The message to include in the Threshold Monitor Breach Email to indicate the action to take if the threshold is breached; for example, if the OH (Orders on Hold) threshold is breached, the action may be GENERATE THE HELD ORDERS REPORT.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a threshold

Select Create to advance to the Create Threshold Values Screen.

Change a threshold

Select Change next to a value to advance to the Change Threshold Values screen. At this screen you can change all fields except the Last update date and time, Threshold code, Actual unit value, Actual dollar value, and Last sent date and time. See Create Threshold Values Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a threshold

Select Delete next to a value to delete it.

Display a threshold

Select Display next to a value to advance to the Display Threshold Values screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Threshold Values Screen for field descriptions.

Show all thresholds or only breached thresholds

Select Show All/Breached. The system toggles between displaying all thresholds or only those thresholds that have been breached. When is a threshold considered breached? The system considers a threshold breached if you have specified a Comparison setting for the threshold and either of the actual values is beyond the threshold, even if the threshold is zero.

To avoid having a threshold flagged as breached, set the Comparison to unselected (blank).

Create Threshold Values Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a threshold.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Thresholds Screen.




The code and description that represents a threshold.

See System Delivered Thresholds for a list of system-delivered thresholds.

Threshold code: Alphanumeric 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Threshold description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Last update

The date and time when the threshold was last updated.

Date: Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Time: Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.


Defines how the system determines whether the threshold is breached.

Valid values:

Greater than = The threshold is breached when the actual system value exceeds the threshold value.

Less than = The threshold is breached when the actual system value is less than the threshold value.

Note: Leave this field blank (unselected) if you do not want the system to check whether the threshold is breached.



The number that represents the threshold value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

$ Value

The dollar amount the represents the threshold value.

Note: You can only enter a whole dollar amount.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Actual value

The actual number for this threshold, updated by the system.

Example: The actual number of units on backorder.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

$ actual value

The actual dollar amount for this threshold, updated by the system.

Example: The dollar value of units on backorder.

Note: The system rounds the actual dollar amount down to the nearest whole dollar.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Email address

The email address where the system delivers the Threshold Monitor Breach Email when the threshold is breached.

Note: You can define just one email address for each threshold. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Email interval

The number of hours the system waits before sending another email for the breached threshold.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Last sent on/at

The last date and time when an email was sent for the threshold.

Date: numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Time: numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.


The message to include in the Threshold Monitor Breach Email, indicating the action to take if the threshold has been breached; for example, if the OH (Orders on Hold) threshold is breached, the action may be GENERATE THE HELD ORDERS REPORT.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.


A code for the application area associated with the threshold.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Group code

A code for the application group associated with the threshold.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

WTHR OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN