Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL)

Warehouse lists are used to more efficiently allocate an order when you ship from more than one warehouse.

Each list contains the warehouse codes of the warehouses the system will use to fulfill an order, and the sequence in which the warehouse will be considered. A warehouse list is usually created for each region to which you ship.

Important: To use warehouse lists to consolidate reserve warehouses for an order you must select the Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16) system control value.

If you ship from three warehouses, you might use the following shipping strategy to fulfill orders:


Whs 1

Whs 2

Whs 3

East Coast

New York



Mid West


New York

Los Angeles

West Coast

Los Angeles



For orders being shipped to the East Coast, the New York warehouse would be the first warehouse on the list. For orders being shipped to West Coast, the Los Angeles warehouse would be the first warehouse on the list.

Note: The Warehouse list is assigned in the SCF table. The system uses the country code/SCF combination to determine which warehouse list to use. If a postal code is not defined for the order ship to address on the order, the system uses the warehouse list defined for the country code/# combination. See Create SCF Screen.

Warehouse List Logic: Warehouse lists are used to arrive at warehouse ranking, and warehouse ranking determines which warehouse an item will be reserved (and shipped) from. If two warehouses have equal rank, then the first warehouse on the list is used to reserve the item.

When you enter an order line for an item, the system checks all the warehouses on the warehouse list. Each warehouse that can fulfill the order is given 1 ranking point; no ranking points are given for the ability to partially fulfill an order line. Ranking points for each warehouse accumulate as you add order lines to the order.

Warehouse rank does not apply to order lines for inventory which is completely unavailable in all warehouses, however. If an order line is completely unavailable in all warehouses, the system backorders it in the first warehouse on the warehouse list, regardless of warehouse rank.

Example 1:

Line 1: For an order being shipped to the east coast, you enter item AB1111. The item is available in both the New York warehouse and the Chicago warehouse, so both warehouses would receive 1 ranking point. Because both warehouses have the same rank, item AB1111 would be reserved in the New York warehouse, because it is the first warehouse on the list:

First order line: item AB1111

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York






Line 2: The next item you add to the order is AB2222. The item is available only in the Chicago warehouse, so only the Chicago warehouse would receive a second ranking point. The time would be reserved from the Chicago warehouse.

Second order line: AB2222

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York




1 + 1 = 2


Line 3: The third item you add to the order is AB3333. The item is available in both the New York and the Chicago warehouses, so both warehouses receive an additional ranking point. The item is reserved from the Chicago warehouse (even though the New York warehouse is the first on the list) because the Chicago warehouse has a higher rank.

Third order line: AB3333

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York

1 + 1 = 2



2 + 1 = 3


For the complete order in Example 1, the first order line would be reserved in the New York warehouse, and the second and third order lines would be reserved in the Chicago warehouse.

Example 2:

For the same order, if you entered the lines in a different sequence, the results would differ.

Line 1: If the first item you add to the order is AB2222, it will be reserved in the Chicago warehouse, because it is available only in the Chicago warehouse.

First order line: AB2222

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York






Line 2: The next item you add to the order is AB1111. The item is available in both the Chicago and New York warehouses, so each warehouse would receive an additional ranking point. The line would be reserved from the Chicago warehouse.

Second order line: AB1111

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York




1 + 1 = 2


Line 3: The third item you add to the order is AB3333. The item is available in both the New York and the Chicago warehouses, so both warehouses receive an additional ranking point. The item is reserved from the Chicago warehouse because the Chicago warehouse has a higher rank.

Third order line: AB3333

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York

1 + 1 = 2



2 + 1 = 3


Line 4: The fourth item you add to the order is AB4444. The item is completely unavailable in both the New York and the Chicago warehouses, so the system ignores warehouse rank and backorders the item in the New York warehouse, because the New York warehouse is the first warehouse on the list.

Fourth order line: AB4444 (Completely unavailable)

Warehouse List


Reserve Warehouse?

New York

1 + 1 = 2

YES, because when an item is completely unavailable, the system does not consider rank, but backorders the item in the first warehouse on the list.


2 + 1 = 3


For the complete order in Example 2, the first three order lines would be reserved in the Chicago warehouse. The fourth line would be backordered in the New York warehouse.

In this chapter:

- Warehouse Lists and Single Order Lines

- Warehouse List Overrides

- Work with Warehouse Lists Screen

- Edit Warehouse List Details Screen

Change Warehouse List Screen

Warehouse Lists and Single Order Lines

Warehouse lists also affect single order lines for which you do not have enough inventory in any single warehouse on the warehouse list or, if you are not using Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16), you do not have enough inventory in the item’s primary warehouse to fulfill the order line. If an order line cannot be entirely reserved in one warehouse, no ranking points are given to any warehouses on the warehouse list. The table describes the effect of warehouse lists on single lines:

Ship complete from 1 whs?

Warehouse list defined?

The system will:



• first attempt to reserve the entire line from one warehouse on the list, using warehouse rank logic.

• if no warehouse on the list can fulfill the entire line, reserve as much of the order line as possible from the warehouse with the greatest inventory, then follow warehouse ranking logic to fulfill the remainder of the order line



• attempt to reserve the entire order line from the item’s primary warehouse as defined in the Item table.

• if the entire order line cannot be fulfilled from this warehouse, the system will reserve as much of the order line as possible and backorder the remaining quantity in the item’s primary warehouse.



• first attempt to reserve the entire line from the item’s primary warehouse as defined in the Item table. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

• if the entire order line cannot be reserved in the item’s primary warehouse, reserve as much inventory as possible from the item’s primary warehouse, then follow warehouse ranking logic to fulfill the remainder of the order line



• first attempt to reserve the entire line from the item’s primary warehouse as defined in the Item table. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

• if the entire order line cannot be reserved in the item’s primary warehouse, reserve as much inventory as possible from the item’s primary warehouse, then backorder the remaining inventory in the item’s primary warehouse.

Warehouse List Overrides

The system assigns warehouses using the following hierarchy:

A warehouse code for an individual order line: If you enter a warehouse code for an individual order line using the Add Line option, the system will use this warehouse to reserve the order line. This warehouse assignment will override all other reserve warehouse logic.

A warehouse code entered on the order header: If you enter a warehouse code in the Warehouse field on the Work with Order screen, the system will use this warehouse to reserve all lines on the order. This warehouse assignment will override all other warehouse assignments except a warehouse code entered for an individual order line.

Warehouse list: If you have not entered a warehouse code for an individual order line, or a warehouse code on the order header, and the Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16) system control value is selected, the system uses the country code/SCF combination in the SCF table to determine which warehouse list to use. If a postal code is not defined for the order ship to address on the order, the system uses the warehouse list defined for the country code/# combination. See Create SCF Screen.

The item’s primary warehouse: If no reserve warehouse can be assigned based on individual order lines, a warehouse code entered on the order header, or a warehouse list, the system will reserve the item in the warehouse from the Item table. See Warehouse Lists and Single Order Lines.

Work with Warehouse Lists Screen

Purpose: This screen is used to change, delete, display, or create information about the warehouse sequence to use to allocate an order when you ship from more than one warehouse.

How to display this screen: Select Warehouse List at the Work with Warehouses Screen. You can also display this screen by entering WWHL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or by selecting Work with Warehouse Lists from a menu.




A code that identifies the warehouse list.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The name of the warehouse list.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new warehouse list

Select Create to advance to the Edit Warehouse List Details Screen.

Change the warehouse list description

Select Change for a warehouse list to advance to the Change Warehouse List Screen.

Delete warehouse list information

Select Delete for a warehouse list to delete it.

Edit warehouse list details

Select Work with List a warehouse list to advance to the Display Warehouse List Screen.

Display warehouse list information

Select Display for a warehouse list to advance to the Display Warehouse List Screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See the Edit Warehouse List Details Screen for field descriptions.

Edit Warehouse List Details Screen

To create: At the Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL), select Create to add a new warehouse list, or select Work with List for a warehouse list to add, change, or delete warehouses from the list, change the warehouse sequence, or delete the entire list.



Warehouse list

A user-defined code that identifies the warehouse list. A unique warehouse list is usually defined for each region to which you ship. The Warehouse list code is assigned to each SCF using the Work with SCF function. See Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The description of the warehouse list.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The sequence number assigned to the warehouse, in ascending order from 1 to 999. Orders are allocated from the warehouse assigned to position 1 first. Orders that cannot be fulfilled from the first warehouse will be allocated from the warehouse in position 2 next, and so on.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The code of the warehouse assigned to the position. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The name of the warehouse assigned to the position is indicated when you select OK.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Add a warehouse to the list: Enter the Position number and Warehouse code for the warehouse you want to add to the list. The warehouse description is indicated if a valid warehouse code is entered.

The following message indicates if an invalid warehouse code is entered:

Warehouse does not exist.


Note: You should assign position numbers in increments of 10 so that you can easily insert warehouses if necessary, without renumbering each position. For example, if you want to add Warehouse 004 to the list below, and you want to use Warehouse 004 before Warehouse 003, you can assign position 5 to Warehouse 004. The list will be sequenced in the proper order when you select Exit.







Add 05


Resequence the list: Select Resequence to resequence the position numbers assigned to the warehouses in the list. New position numbers are assigned to the warehouses in the list in sequential order beginning with the first warehouse (e.g., the first warehouse in the list is assigned position 01, the next warehouse in the list is assigned to position 02, and so on).

If you delete a single warehouse (see below) and then select Resequence, the system renumbers the Position. The table below illustrates how the system resequences a warehouse list.

Before selecting Resequence

After selecting Resequence





















Delete position 3 (warehouse 993)

Instructions: To edit a warehouse list.

1. Complete the necessary fields.

2. Select Resequence, if desired, to resequence the list if the entries are not in ascending order by position number.

3. Select Delete for any position entry you wish to delete.

4. Select Delete entire list to delete the entire list.

Change Warehouse List Screen

To change: Select Change for a warehouse list at the Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL) to advance to the Change Warehouse List screen. At this screen you can change only the warehouse list description. See the Edit Warehouse List Details Screen for field descriptions.

Use this screen to change the list description. Use Edit Warehouse List Details Screen to change the warehouse sequence or the warehouses included in the list.

WWHS OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN