Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system can reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you wish to reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse.

Non-Allocatable Warehouse Reservation Processing During Order Entry

When you enter an order and the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected, the system determines if the Retail warehouse field for the order type on the order contains a warehouse.

If the Retail warehouse field for the order type on the order is blank, the system reserves inventory against an allocatable warehouse that has stock available, using regular reservation rules. However, the order entry operator can still manually enter a non-allocatable warehouse code for the order or an order line on the order.

If the Retail warehouse field for the order type on the order contains a non-allocatable warehouse, the system:

1. Populates the Warehouse field on the Order Ship To record with the warehouse code specified for the order type on the order. The non-allocatable warehouse displays in the Warehouse field on the order header.

2. Defaults the warehouse specified for the order type on the order to the order detail lines on the order. The non-allocatable warehouse displays in the Warehouse field for the order detail line on the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).

3. Reserves inventory against the warehouse defined for the order type on the order, regardless of the warehouse’s allocatable flag. If the system cannot reserve inventory against the warehouse defined for the order type on the order, the system backorders the inventory against the non-allocatable warehouse, or submits the line to the Order Broker for fulfillment if eligible (see Brokered Backorders for background).

4. In addition, if the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value is selected, the system disregards soldout control rules for inventory reserved against a non-allocatable warehouse.

Order Header Warehouse Default Hierarchy

The system uses the following hierarchy to default a warehouse to the order header.


Default the Reserve warehouse defined for the shipping address on the order if it qualifies for van delivery.

• This is the Reserve warehouse defined for the permanent ship to customer on the order.

• If a permanent ship to customer does not exist on the order, this is the Reserve warehouse defined for the recipient sold to customer on the order.

• If a recipient sold to customer does not exist on the order, this is the Reserve warehouse defined for the sold to customer on the order.

See Van Delivery Processing for an overview and Determining if an Order Qualifies for Van Delivery for more information on when an order qualifies for van delivery.


If the shipping address on the order does not qualify for van delivery and the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected, default the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the order type on the order.

Note: If you change the order type on the order, the system defaults the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the new order type. If a non-allocatable warehouse is not defined for the new order type, the system removes the warehouse from the order header.


If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is unselected or a non-allocatable warehouse is not defined for the order type on the order, leave the Warehouse field on the order header blank.

Note: If you change the order type on the order, the system defaults the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the new order type. If a non-allocatable warehouse is not defined for the new order type, the system retains the warehouse default that currently exists on the order header.

Reevaluating the warehouse to default to the order header: The system determines whether to default the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the order type on the order when you initially advance to the Order Header screen. If you change the customer information on the order, the system does not reevaluate the order type on the order to determine if the non-allocatable warehouse should default to the Warehouse field on the order header.

Example: You enter an order whose order type contains a non-allocatable warehouse, but that also qualifies for van delivery. Because the order qualifies for van delivery, the system defaults the Reserve warehouse defined for the customer to the Warehouse field on the Order Header. You then add a ship to customer to the order that does not qualify for van delivery. In this situation, the system updates the Warehouse field on the Order Header to blank and does not default the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the order type on the order to the Warehouse field on the Order Header.

If you change the order type on the order header: If you change the order type on the Work with Order Screen in order entry or order maintenance, the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header with the warehouse defined in the Retail warehouse field for the new order type on the order. If a warehouse is not defined for the new order type, the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header to blank.

When the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header because you changed the order type on the order header, the system performs the following updates:

• Removes any existing inventory reservations for the order lines on the order.

• If a new warehouse code is defined on the order header, attempts to reserve the items on the order in the new warehouse specified. If the item is not available in the warehouse specified, the system assigns this warehouse as the backorder warehouse for the unreserved quantity of the item on the order line.

• If a warehouse code is not defined on the order header, follows regular reservation processing to determine where to reserve the items on the order.

• If the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value is selected, evaluates the warehouse assigned to the order line, if any.

- If the warehouse assigned to the order line is a non-allocatable warehouse, the system reserves the item against the non-allocatable warehouse, regardless of the soldout control code defined for an item. If the item cannot be reserved, the system backorders the item in the non-allocatable warehouse.

- If the warehouse assigned to the order line is an allocatable warehouse, or the Warehouse field for the order line is blank, the system follows regular soldout control rules to determine whether to sell out the item. See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for more information on how the system determines when to sell out an item.

If you change the order type on the order recap: If you change the order type on the Work with Order/Recap Screen in order entry or order maintenance, the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header with the warehouse defined in the Retail warehouse field for the new order type on the order. If a warehouse is not defined for the new order type, the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header to blank.

When the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header because you changed the order type on the Order Recap, for any new lines on the order, the system attempts to reserve the items in the new warehouse specified. If the item is not available in the warehouse specified, the system assigns this warehouse as the backorder warehouse for the unreserved quantity of the item on the order line. The system does not update the warehouse for any existing lines on the order.

Reviewing items on the order: When you change the warehouse defined on the order header, you should review the items on the order, and if any of the lines are on backorder or are not valid for the warehouse specified, determine if the warehouse on the line needs to be updated in order to fulfill the item.

Available quantity: If you define a non-allocatable warehouse for an order, the Available quantity that displays for an item is the quantity available in the item’s main, allocatable warehouse, not the non-allocatable warehouse.

Expected delivery date: The Expected delivery date that displays for an item on an order does not include any purchase orders for a non-allocatable warehouse.

Non-Allocatable Warehouse Reservation Processing on Web Orders

If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is selected and the order does not qualify for van delivery (see Determining if an Order Qualifies for Van Delivery), the system updates the Warehouse field on the order header with the non-allocatable warehouse defined for the order type on the web order and reserves inventory against the warehouse defined for the order type on a web order. However:

• If a warehouse override is defined for the web order (in the ship_to_warehouse attribute), the system applies the override warehouse to the web order instead of the warehouse defined for the order type on the order.

• If a warehouse override is defined for an order line on the web order (in the line_warehouse attribute), the system applies the override warehouse to the order line instead of the warehouse defined for the order type on the order.

Non-Allocatable Warehouse Reservation Setup

In order to reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse, you must perform initial setup.

Select the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value.

• Create an order type that has a non-allocatable warehouse defined. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY).

• Create a pickable location for the non-allocatable warehouse (the Pickable field for the location must be selected or else you receive an item stock allocation error during pick slip generation).

• Create item warehouse records for the non-allocatable warehouse. See Assigning Items to Warehouses.

Select the Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (C54) system control value in order to generate pick slips against a non-allocatable warehouse.

• Optionally, select the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value in order to disregard soldout control rules for inventory reserved against a non-allocatable warehouse.

Leave this field unselected if you do not wish to reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse.

IN03_02 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN