Let Down Replenishment (C36)

Purpose: Use this screen to determine whether to use let down replenishment during pick slip generation.

Code field: Enter the code that defines the type of stock replenishment to use during Pick Slip Generation. Valid values are:


Pick slip generation generates a replenishment request and the Replenishment Detail by 'From' Location Report, but the transactions are not processed. Use the Working with Replenishment Control (MSRP) menu option to process the replenishment. When you select to process the replenishment, the system submits the RPLN_UPD job; see Processing the Replenishment Control Request.


Pick slip generation generates the replenishment request and the Replenishment Detail Report by Item, and the RPLN_UPD job processes the inventory transactions and updates the item locations automatically. For replenishments generated using the Work with Replenishment Control menu option a stock replenishment report is printed detailing the inventory transactions that were processed.

If you have pick slip generation execute let down replenishment automatically, the system uses stock from bulk, secondary or secondary/bulk location types, as defined in the Replenish from Location Type (A66) system control value.

*NONE or blank

Let down replenishment is not performed, and an error report prints if there is not enough stock to allocate.

Bypass printing? If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the streamlined pick slip generation process also bypasses let-down replenishment. See that system control value for more information.

For more information: See Let Down Replenishment under Performing Pick Slip Generation.

IN03_04 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN