Generic Integration Values (I13)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the type of information you wish the system to capture for generic download.

Outbound Interface Trigger File Purge Days (I14)

Enter the number of days to retain processed records in the IL Outbound Trigger table before purging them.

An IL outbound trigger is considered processed if the Status field is X.

The Purge IJCT Download periodic function (program name ILR0026) or the Purge option at the Work with Outbound Interface Transactions Screen perform the purge, deleting any records if:

Last processed date is less than the current system date by the number of purge days and Status is X

Example: Today is 2/06 and you have this value set to 1. Any processed record whose Last processed date is earlier than 2/05 or earlier is purged.

If you leave this field set to 0, all processed records are eligible to be purged.

Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15)

Defines whether the system creates item download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you add, change, or delete item/SKU information. The IL Outbound Trigger table acts as a “to do” list for the item/SKU information that requires download.

Select this field to have the system create item download triggers when you add, change, or delete item or SKU information.

Certain actions in Oracle Retail Order Management System trigger the system to create item download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table with a File code of SKU; see Item Outbound Trigger Activities.

Additionally, you can also create item download triggers for each item/SKU in your company using the Generating Outbound Interface Triggers (GOIT) menu option.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to create item download triggers when you add, change, or delete item or SKU information or by using the Generate Outbound Interface Triggers menu option.

For more information: See Generic Item Download API.

Create Generic Vendor Download Trigger Records (I16)

Defines whether the system creates vendor download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you add, change, or delete vendor information. The IL Outbound Trigger table acts as a “to do” list for the vendor information that requires download.

Select this field to have the system create vendor download triggers when you add, change, or delete vendor information.

Certain actions in Oracle Retail Order Management System trigger the system to create vendor download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table with a File code of VND; see Vendor Outbound Trigger Activities.

Additionally, you can also create vendor download triggers for each vendor in your company using the Generating Outbound Interface Triggers (GOIT) menu option.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to create vendor download triggers when you add, change, or delete vendor information or by using the Generate Outbound Interface Triggers menu option.

For more information: See Generic Vendor Download API.

Create Generic Invoice Download Trigger Records (I17)

Defines whether the system creates invoice download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you create or update an invoice. The IL Outbound Trigger table acts as a “to do” list for the invoice information that requires download.

Select this field to have the system create invoice download triggers when you create or update an invoice.

Certain actions in Oracle Retail Order Management System triggers the system to create invoice download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table with a File code of IHD.

Additionally, you can also create invoice download triggers for each invoice in your company using the Generating Outbound Interface Triggers (GOIT) menu option.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to create invoice download triggers when you create or update an invoice or use the Generate Outbound Interface Triggers menu option.

For more information: See Generic Invoice Download API.

Create Generic Pick Download Triggers (I31)

Indicates whether to create trigger records for the Generic Pick Out API (file type = PCH) when you generate pick slips.

Select this field to generate pick out trigger records when you generate pick slips; see Pick Out Processing for a list of functions that generate a PCH trigger record.

The system also generates printed pick slips unless the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) is also selected and you are using Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS).

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to generate pick out trigger records.

See the Generic Pick Out API for background.

Use WMS Integration (K25)

Defines whether the system uses an external warehouse management system and whether PO_OUT XML messages are sent for all purchase orders if Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26) is selected.

Select this field to use an external warehouse management system with Oracle Retail Order Management System, to send a PO_OUT XML message for all purchase orders, and to Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26).

The following table indicates when purchase order download trigger records are created,

Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26)

Use WMS Integration(K25)

EDI PO Flag for Vendor





No Purchase Order Download Trigger records are created.




Purchase Order Download Trigger records are created for EDI Vendors only.



Selected or


Purchase Order Download Trigger records are created for all purchase orders.

Note: When a Purchase Order Download trigger is created for an EDI vendor, the EDI Date in the Purchase Order Header table is updated with the date when the download trigger was created for both add and change transactions.

If the Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26) is unselected, no purchase order download triggers are created.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to integrate an external warehouse management system with Oracle Retail Order Management System, generate PO_OUT XML messages, or create purchase order download trigger records.

For more information: See Generic Outbound Purchase Order API for more information on which activities generate trigger records.

Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26)

Select this field to have the system create a purchase order download (POH) trigger in Working with Outbound Interface Transactions (WOIT) when you print a purchase order, based on the trigger rules defined for the PO Download (PO_OUT) integration layer job. The PO_OUT job monitors for purchase order out download triggers and generates a PO Download XML Message (CWPurchaseOrderOut) to send the purchase order information to a remote system as long as Use WMS Integration (K25) is selected.

Note: An add or change trigger is not generated unless the purchase order is printed. See Purchase Order Download Trigger Activities.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to create purchase order download trigger records.

For more information: See Generic Outbound Purchase Order API for more information on which activities generate trigger records.

Create Generic PO Download Trigger for PO Receipt (K27)

Defines whether the system creates a purchase order download (POH) trigger in Working with Outbound Interface Transactions (WOIT) for a purchase order receipt transaction.

The following identifies when purchase order receipt transactions generate generic purchase order download triggers and when they do not generate generic purchase order download triggers. The valid values are:

NEVER or blank. Purchase order download triggers are not created for Purchase Order Receipt transactions and never generate a change Purchase Order Download trigger.

ALWAYS. Purchase order download triggers are created for all Purchase Order Receipt transactions. This means that any and all purchase order receipts generate a change Purchase Order Download trigger.

CLOSED. Purchase order download triggers are generated only when the purchase order is changed to a closed status as a result of a purchase order receipt. A receipt closes a purchase order either because you received the ordered quantity, or because the Under Receipt % (A62) was met.

Note: If the Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26) system control value and the Use WMS Integration (K25) system control value are unselected, purchase order receipts do not generate triggers.

For more information: See Generic Outbound Purchase Order API for more information on which activities generate trigger records.

Create Return Download Triggers (K28)

Select this field to have the system create a return authorization download (RAD) trigger in Working with Outbound Interface Transactions (WOIT) when you create, change, or delete a return, based on the trigger rules defined for the Return Authorization Download (RETURN_OUT) integration layer job. The RETURN_OUT integration layer job monitors for return authorization download triggers and generates a Return Authorization Outbound XML Message (CWReturnRAOut) to send the return authorization information to a remote system.

Unselect this field if you do not want the system to create a return authorization download (RAD) trigger when you create, change, or delete a return.

For more information: See:

Outbound Return API for an overview and the setup required to send return authorization information to a remote system.

Return Authorization Outbound Trigger Activities for more information on which activities create a return authorization download (RAD) trigger.

Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA) for an overview on the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option.

Posting Returns Outside of Work with Return Authorizations for a summary of the other ways you can post a return outside of the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option.

Create Generic Inventory Download Triggers (I32)

The IL Outbound Trigger table acts as a “to do” list for the inventory information that requires download.

Select this field to have the system create inventory download triggers when you perform any action that causes an item’s available quantity to exceed or fall below its availability threshold. For example, receiving a purchase order, making an inventory adjustment, or reserving inventory by entering an order detail line are examples of activities that affect an item’s available quantity. The system creates inventory download triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table with a File code of ITW.

See the Quantity Available Threshold for Inventory Downloads (G36) system control value for more information on how the system determines an item’s availability threshold.

Additionally, you can also create inventory download triggers for each item/SKU in your company using the Generating Outbound Interface Triggers (GOIT) menu option. This option checks the setting of the Include Non-Allocatable Warehouses (I34) system control value to determine whether to create a trigger if an item is stored only in a non-allocatable warehouse.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to create inventory download triggers when you perform actions that affect an item’s availability, or by using the Generate Outbound Interface Triggers menu option.

For more information: See Generic Inventory Download API for an overview.

Create Generic Customer Download Triggers (L12)

Indicates whether to create trigger records for the Generic Customer Download API (file type = CST) when you create, update, or delete a customer.

Select this field to generate customer download trigger records when you create, update, or delete a customer.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to generate customer download trigger records.

See the Generic Customer Download API for background.

Include PO Updates (J93)

Select this field to have the OTHR_ASYNC process create inventory download trigger records whenever you create or update a purchase order that includes an item/SKU whose available quantity is zero or less.


• This system control value applies only if the Create Generic Inventory Download Triggers (I32) system control value is selected, and the new or updated purchase order is not a drop ship purchase order.

• The system generates a trigger record whenever you maintain a purchase order that includes the item/SKU whose available quantity is zero or less, regardless of the changes you make to the purchase order, as long as the purchase order is not in cancelled status. Any change to the purchase order generates a trigger record.

• Stop and restart the background jobs after changing this system control value in order for your change to take effect.

Leave this field blank if you do not want the system to create inventory download triggers when you create or update purchase orders.

For more information: See Generic Inventory Download API, especially Creating Inventory Download Triggers through Purchase Order Creation or Maintenance, for an overview and more information.

Include Non-Allocatable Warehouses (I34)

Indicates whether to include warehouses whose Allocatable flag is unselected when generating trigger records for the generic inventory integration. See Generic Inventory Download API for more information.

This system control value also controls whether the CAINV periodic function includes quantities in non-allocatable in the available quantity sent to ChannelAdvisor. See Sending Current Inventory Information to ChannelAdvisor for a discussion of this periodic function, and see ChannelAdvisor Integration Overview for background on integrating with ChannelAdvisor.

Note: Stop and restart the background jobs after changing this system control value in order for your change to take effect.

Download Threshold Quantity (G36)

This is the Quantity Available Threshold for Inventory Downloads (G36) system control value; see that system control value for more information.

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