Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA)

Purpose: The Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option processes returns in three stages:

• Creating the return authorization record

• Receiving the returned merchandise

• Crediting the return

The stages in the return authorization process are explicit; in this way, the return authorization menu option provides you with greater efficiency and control.

You might prefer to use the Work with Return Authorization menu option to process returns if you need different staff members in different locations to perform updates separately, or to enable staff to process returns without giving them authority to the additional functionality in order maintenance.

Secured features: A separate secured feature controls the ability to perform each step of the return process. For example, an operator might have authority to create and receive a return, but not to perform the credit.

Enter Return Authorization (A28)

Receive Return Authorization (A29)

Credit Return Authorization (A34)

Standard or streamlined return processing: The Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value controls whether you must perform the create, receipt, and credit as separate steps, or whether the return is automatically processed as far as your authority extends.

Return authorization download triggers: If the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected, the system creates a return authorization download (RAD) trigger when you create, change, or delete a return authorization line in the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option, based on the trigger rules defined for the Return Authorization Download (RETURN_OUT) integration layer job. The RETURN_OUT integration layer job monitors for return authorization download triggers and generates a Return Authorization Outbound XML Message (CWReturnRAOut) to send the return authorization information to a remote system. See Outbound Return API for an overview.

Retail pickup or delivery orders: You can process a return against a retail pickup or delivery order; however, shipping the order deactivates the Order Broker Payment Type (K98) applied to these orders, so you would then need to enter a new payment method in order to process the related refund.

Note: You cannot process an exchange against a retail pickup or delivery order.

The system does not send a status update to the Order Broker when you process a return against a retail pickup or delivery order.

See Retail Pickup or Delivery Orders for an overview.

Store pickup orders: You cannot process a return against a store pickup order. See Store Pickup Orders for an overview.

Pick slip preparation: When you select an order for return authorization, the system removes any pick slip preparation from the order. When you accept or reject the return authorization, the system determines if the order qualifies for pick slip preparation and reapplies it to the order. If you add an exchange item to the order, the system performs pick slip preparation for the exchange item when you receive the return authorization. See Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation.

Credit card net exchange billing: If the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value is selected and the order contains a credit card pay type, the system may hold the credit invoice for the return to net it against the debit invoice for the associated exchange in order to reduce the number of transactions that occur for an exchange; see Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.

In this chapter: This topic presents a conceptual overview of the return authorization process, briefly discussing each stage and its effect on system tables:

Understanding the Return Authorization Process

Standard Return Authorization Process

Streamlined Return Authorization Process

Posting Returns Outside of Work with Return Authorizations

Understanding the Return Authorization Process

Three stages: Before reviewing your different options in processing returns through the return authorization options, it is important to understand the three stages of a return. These three stages occur "behind the scenes" when you process a return through order maintenance; however, the return authorization options allow you to separate and control them.

Stage I: Creating the return: The first step in processing a return is to create the return authorization record. This occurs whenever you process a return through either Work with Return Authorizations or order maintenance; however, in order maintenance, it occurs automatically “behind the scenes.” At this point, the system also writes a message to order history.

Return or exchange: The return authorization can be either a straight return (specify a return reason code), or an exchange (specify an exchange reason code).

Exchange item information: When you process an exchange you need to supply information about the exchange item. The Require Exchange Item at Time of Receipt (F42) system control value controls the point when you must supply this information (that is, at the time of creating or receiving the return).

Multiple returns against an order line: You can process multiple returns or exchanges against the same order line. For example, if a customer returns one unit because it is defective and wishes to exchange another unit for a different color, you can create two separate return authorizations for the item using a return reason code and an exchange reason code. Similarly, if the customer is returning two units for two different reasons, you can create two separate return authorizations for the item using the different return reason codes.

Returning the entire order: You can also create a return authorization against all shipped, unreturned items on the order at once.

Stage 2: Receiving returned merchandise: The second step in processing the return is to receive the returned item into your warehouse. At this point, the receipt is processed through the ORDR_ASYNC job, which updates:

• inventory for the item, including increasing on-hand in the item location and item warehouse, and adding an inventory transaction history record

• the order, including the order detail and order line history

• in the case of an exchange, adds the exchange item to the order

• in the case of a misshipped item, adds the returned item to the order

• the return authorization header and detail

Adding an exchange item to the order: When you process an exchange, adding the exchange item reopens the order if it was closed. Adding a new line causes the order to move through the normal processing routines, which may cause the order to go on hold if, for example, the exchange item has a higher price and the customer paid by check. See Releasing Held Orders.

Stage 3: Processing the credit: The third and final step in processing the return is to credit the customer for the return. At this point, the credit is processed through the ORDR_ASYNC and BILL_ASYNC jobs, which update:

• the order, including order history, and creating the credit invoice and refund, if appropriate

• the return reason or exchange reason history for the offer

• the return authorization header and detail record.

Note: Refunds can be either positive (you owe the customer money) or negative (the customer owes you money).

Standard Return Authorization Process

Summary: If the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is unselected, the return authorization process after you select an order consists of:

1. creating one or more return authorizations

2. receiving the return(s) as a separate step

3. crediting the return(s) as a separate step

You can perform all three steps through the Work with Return Authorization menu option. You can also perform the receipt and credit separately, using the Receiving Returns (WRAR) and Crediting Returns (WRAC) menu options respectively.

For more information:

Selecting Orders for Return (WRTA)

Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process

Receiving Returns (WRAR)

Crediting Returns (WRAC)

Streamlined Return Authorization Process

Summary: If the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is selected, the return authorization process after you select an order consists of selecting one or more items to return or exchange. At this time, the return is processed as far as your authority extends. For example, if you have create and receive but not credit authority, the return is automatically created and received at this time.

Once a return authorization has been created, or created and received, by one operator, another operator with greater authority must complete the return authorization processing.

For more information:

Selecting Orders for Return (WRTA)

Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process

Working with Return Authorizations: Streamlined Process

Receiving Returns (WRAR)

Crediting Returns (WRAC)

Posting Returns Outside of Work with Return Authorizations

You can post returns outside of the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option using the following methods.

Posting Returns in Order Entry

Posting Returns using the Order API

Posting Returns in Order Maintenance

Posting Returns using the Inbound Return API

Posting Returns in Order Entry

You can post a return in order entry by entering an order line with a negative quantity for the number of units of the item being returned.

When you post a return in order entry, the system performs the following updates:

RA Header table

Creates a record in the RA Header table unless the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is selected and the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is unselected.

RA Detail table

Creates a record for each negative order line on the order in the RA Detail table if the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected.


Displays the posted return in the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option only if the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is unselected and the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected. The return is entered, received, and credited.

RAD Trigger

Creates a return authorization download (RAD) trigger for each order line returned if the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected.

For more information: See Posting a Return or Exchange Through Order Entry for an overview and instructions.

Posting Returns using the Order API

You can post a return through the Order API by entering an order line with a negative quantity for the number of units of the item being returned.

When you post a return through the Order API, the system performs the following updates:

RA Header table

Creates a record in the RA Header table unless the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is selected and the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is unselected.

RA Detail table

Creates a record for each negative order line on the order in the RA Detail table if the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected.


Displays the posted return in the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option only if the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is unselected and the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected. The return is entered, received, and credited.

RAD Trigger

Creates a return authorization download (RAD) trigger for each order line returned if the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected.

For more information: See Processing a Return in the Generic Order Interface (Order API) for an overview and instructions.

Posting Returns in Order Maintenance

You can post a return in order maintenance by selecting Return for an order line (to return an individual item) or by selecting Return Order for the order (to return the entire order).

When you post a return in order maintenance, the system performs the following updates:

RA Header table

Creates a record in the RA Header table for the posted return. The RA is entered, received, and credited.

RA Detail table

Creates a record for each order line returned in the RA Detail table. The RA detail is returned and credited.


Displays the RA and RA lines in the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option. The RA is entered, received, and credited.

If the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value is selected, the RA displays only if there are remaining lines on the order that are eligible for return. In addition, you cannot view the RA lines.

RAD Trigger

Creates a return authorization download (RAD) trigger for each order line returned if the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value is selected.

In addition, you can also post a return in order maintenance by entering an order line for a negative quantity for the number of units being returned; see Posting Returns in Order Entry for more information on the updates that occur for a negative order line.

For more information: See Returning and Exchanging Items in Order Maintenance for an overview and instructions.

Posting Returns using the Inbound Return API

You can use the Inbound Return API to create and process a return against an order detail line, based on a Return Request Message (CWReturnIn) received from an external system.

Note: If you post a return for an order in which the pay types were deactivated by the SECRISK purge program, the Inbound response returns an error message: No Active Paytypes. See Credit Card Retention Days (K65) for background.

When you post a return through the inbound Return API, the system performs the following updates:

RA Header table

Creates a record in the RA Header table for the posted return.

RA Detail table

Creates a record for each order line returned in the RA Detail table.


Displays the posted return in the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option. The return is entered, received, and credited.

RAD Trigger

Does not create a return authorization download (RAD) trigger, regardless of the setting of the Create Return Download Triggers (K28) system control value.

For more information: See Inbound Return API for an overview and instructions.

CS09_01 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN